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Everything posted by evileye.x

  1. You can do a lot of tuning if you wish to. This is how my game looks, for example https://photos.app.goo.gl/9cev5q1kAGajRppr8 Yes, it does
  2. My guess those part are missing assigned category in config. (Cannot check it right now...) Possible solution - MM patch to add category to those parts.
  3. I'm not quite sure about Kerbalism go-to-EVA mechanics. Can someone share knowledge on that? 1) I mean if you go to EVA from habitat, this habitat loses pressurization and needs pressure controller with resource nitrogen to pressure it up again? 2) Does it lose oxygen in process or not? 3) Also, does amount of loses depends on habitat you're EVAing from volume or it's just fixed amount per EVA? 4) Also, if you are EVA from unpressurized pod, you don't lose anything? 5) Seems like Kerbal on EVA doesn't have food or water with him. Does it mean Kerbal on EVA on Kerbin can live forever?
  4. It is not. KSP AVC has quite nice specific KSP version or specific mod override warnings capabilities. However, I don't think it is worth to update my modded game to 1.11 Because you know, there should always be KSP 1.x.1
  5. I build my first jet plane in my second JNSQ playthrough. Valentina took that bird to visit Pyramids taking off Darude space center On approach... Valentina took too sharp turn, lost airspeed and stalled the plane. She managed to pull up right before ground contact, it saved her life ... For now. Because both engines were lost, she had only 2 days worth of food (Kerbalism) and water to wait for the rescue. (NIBMY mod, recovery possible only 10 km within base). Any landing you walk away from.... She is still happy to be alive. Meanwhile, Bob and Bill are discussing rescue options. Bob suggested to use his science utility vehicle, but Bill has a lot of concerns, how to modify this truck so it can handle water (Pyramids are on island about 65 km from Darude). He is not sure that it is possible in 2 days left without proper engineering and testing. They have prototype of EarlyBird jet here on Darude base, so Bill is thinking he can slap second cockpit and some additional wing to improve stall speed on it in 2 days (Kerbal Construction Time mod). But... Jeb had "some incident" with Goo Canister (Bureaucracy mod) and forced to take 28 day training, so he is not available for a flight. SAS without a pilot is a technology yet to be researched (Kiwi tech tree mod), so chances for success a pretty damn slim. And if Bill fails, Valentina has no backup... Flying like never before (and in fact, it is his first flight ) Bill has successful touchdown just couple of hours before Val ran out of water. Joined team taxies the plane to Pyramids 2 km away to fulfill the mission. Bill still doesn't believe he pulled it off with those hands.
  6. Thank you for the advice, I checked the mod. It is great, it pickups all KK groundstations. But... It does add additional modules, a bit of complexity and has zero interaction with KK config. Also, even author admits that mod makes quite an impact on performance. My mod structure is quite complicated and as it is for now. But I took a note for sure...
  7. It's not related to helmet. Your kerbal is not landed while on ladder. You need to be on the firm ground.
  8. So, I've made some more investigations on DSN Groundstations (Comm Net stations, if you wish...) added by Kerbal Konstructs. And I was kinda disappointed with the fact that despite different configs in JNSQ for huge dishes or transmitter masts they all have the same range - which is DSN tracking station level range. It looks like @TrackingShort = parameter in config doesn't do anything. @Ger_space, can you kindly answer, does it work as intended? I suspect it is maybe not possible to have ground stations with different ranges in the game... upd: I'm not a programmer, but looking at source, added groundstations should respect configs...
  9. Hello everyone! First of all, I'm aware that @Ger_space is quite far away from KSP modding for now. Still want to thank you for handling and improving this amazing and quite complicated mod. I started (again) a new JNSQ (with in built Kerbal Konstructs configs, using Omega Stockalike Structures) career. Kerbal Konstructs version is KSP is 1.10.1. I use latest KCT, if it matters. There is a lot of confusion around when it comes to how make additional commnet ground station to work, so I wanted to post a clear instruction on that: There's 4 options in difficulty setting related to commnet 1) Basic -> Enable Comm Network [obviously needs to be on] 2) Advanced -> Enable Extra Groundstations [needs to be on, otherwise both stock and KK groundstations won't work] 3) Kerbal Konstructs -> Enable CommNet GroundStations [needs to be on, otherwise KK groundstation won't work] Those are obvious options, aren't they? What is not so obvious: 4) Kerbal Konstructs ->Leave stock commnet also needs to be on. If it off, KK ground stations don't give connection until you close and then reopen ground station facility. And then again connection will be lost on save/reload or scene change. Fun thing, that this option doesn't seem to suppress stock groundstations at all. That's what I figured out. Also it is worth to note I made some testing on vessel storage facility: 1) Initially closed in JNSQ config 2) I open it in flight scene landed nearby. 3) If I quicksave or game autosaves, it is immediately become closed again. So base facility status saving is definitely borked, I can provide logs if someone willing to trace the bug. Yet I have not tested opening/closing bases. In conclusion, this is a really great mod, however career related logic is not currently working flawlessly. But still, this mod is amazing.
  10. Looks like it have to have access by link enabled for each pic. Fixed, should be displayed properly in the post https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/197734-191-1101-kiwi-tech-tree-overhaul-120-28-november-2020/&do=findComment&comment=3892364
  11. Hey, @linuxgurugamer, thank you for your reply. And thank you for all huge mod maintenance and development work you are doing for community! Did a quick test, NIMBY + KCT works fine. Not tested "mobile beacon" yet though. Have not yet tested with KK, but guess it'll be fine (KK adds some sort of recovery bases returning 100% funds around those and have vehicle storage facilities) Grounded is a mod needed to have nice modular stock-a-like cars and trucks without making them look like moon rovers . And those vehicles are adorable ) Also it is located very early in tech tree, which makes perfect sense - we had cars long before planes and rockets ) In general, yes... But I try to create diverse KSP career experience and those mods make global overhaul of "program" aspect. Recovery rule set discussed here is to create engineering challenges for new craft types.
  12. Thanks for letting me know... I need to host it somewhere instead of google photo, I guess...
  13. Ven's Stock Revamp has some inflatable modules, but I don't know how it works with Kerbalism.
  14. Recently I came up with an idea to play a career where you can recover only with this mod NIMBY v1.1.1 (2018-03-20) [KSP 1.4.1] So it is restricts recovery to areas designated to specified in cfg (by deafault, 100km around KSC, Dessert, Woomerang and Island Airfield) - I want to restrict it to 10 km radius. Also there's opportunity to have mobile recovery vessels: - Added Mobile Beacons. Requires Module Manager, a command module, a science lab, an antenna, and an Engineer Kerbal on the vessel. I'm aware that it will be not quite "space program", but boat, hydroplane, truck program. Core mods: Kiwi tech tree; JNSQ with KK and Omega stockalike structures; KCT ;Bureaucracy; Kerbalism; Exploration Plus contract pack (but I'm thinking about swapping it to Career Evolution contract pack instead) Many mods to improve on "realistic" approach - Engine Ignitor, custom RW patch (removal from all parts except dedicated RW wheels, reduction torque, increase consumption and price greatly), persistent rotation, custom patch to reduce engines crash tolerance, Kerbal Krash System to have leakages, etc. Main idea is to use Grounded mod for vehicles, Breaking ground for manipulators and I guess KAS for cranes. May be KIS to disassembly in field and recover parts as cargo. Also JNSQ with inbuilt multiple bases. For start of a career you only need to pickup kerbals (they can grab science from parts) and science samples to start science rolling. But I'm not sure that NIMBY: 1) works at all in current version. 2) works nice with KCT 3) works nice with KK Maybe anybody had some experience and would share?
  15. I can check with KK - it has vehicle storage function. You store the vessel and then launch from storage. I'll let you know results Not sure about Walkabout - not using it in my current playthrough...
  16. This will make Bureaucracy incompatible with any mod that have own launch routine such as KCT, KK, Walkabout. However Crew R&R is compatible with KCT at least - that's for sure. May be change their profession to "former astronaut" ("honorary astronaut" ?) and treat as tourists? - not sure if it feasible, but MKS somehow has custom traits (Never actually played that)] Hell, KSC may actually pay them life time pension (unless you take them to unfortunate ride )
  17. I was not perfectly honest , because from name you can clearly see it is at least 5th iteration (or 7th?...) This was my first. Ended up like this: Valentina had even less luck with this untamed beast of a plane:
  18. Hi, @hemeac! I started a new JNSQ career with your tech tree and I really appreciate job you have done. Yet I have researched only one node (lol) - but already have some ideas. What's was always missing from KSP career mode - sensible progression with options still available to player. And that's why I really like your approach. To have some background, my core gameplay mods for this one are: Kiwi tech tree; JNSQ with KK and Omega stockalike structures; KCT ;Bureaucracy; Kerbalism; Exploration Plus contract pack (but I'm thinking about swapping it to Career Evolution contract pack instead) Many mods to improve on "realistic" approach - Engine Ignitor, custom RW patch (removal from all parts except dedicated RW wheels, reduction torque, increase consumption and price greatly), persistent rotation, custom patch to reduce engines crash tolerance, Kerbal Krash System to have leakages, etc. Several thoughts I came up with while starting playthrough. 1) Game lacks basic type launch clamps - it's so silly when your sounding rocket just sits on the bottom on the launchpad. SXT has excellent part for that - fits perfect in start tech tree node. 2) I don't really like stock fairings. No limits, weird shapes, etc. I used to use Procedural Fairings, but didn't really like lack of size limitation with them. Also sometimes they require a lot of fiddling in the VAB. Then I came up with using Simple Adjustable Fairings. Those using gorgeous KW models in base mod. Also BDB has gorgeous fairing for SAF (and I ripped some of them from mod to use in my playthrough to have shape variety. unfortunately whole BDB is waaay to much for me - amazing historical parts). Worth to mention @Beale started to work on SAF fairings too, hopefully eventually he will continue Anyways, I came up with config for SAF - you may want to add it in your project: @PART[SimpleAdjustableFairing_KWRocketry_Size0]:NEEDS[SimpleAdjustableFairings] { @TechRequired=start } @PART[SimpleAdjustableFairing_KWRocketry_Size0Expanded]:NEEDS[SimpleAdjustableFairings] { @TechRequired=basicRocketry } @PART[SimpleAdjustableFairing_KWRocketry_Size1]:NEEDS[SimpleAdjustableFairings] { @TechRequired=basicConstruction } @PART[SimpleAdjustableFairing_KWRocketry_Size1_5|SimpleAdjustableFairing_KWRocketry_Size1Expanded]:NEEDS[SimpleAdjustableFairings] { @TechRequired=generalConstruction } @PART[SimpleAdjustableFairing_KWRocketry_Size2|SimpleAdjustableFairing_KWRocketry_Size1_5Expanded]:NEEDS[SimpleAdjustableFairings] { @TechRequired=advConstruction } @PART[SimpleAdjustableFairing_KWRocketry_Size3|SimpleAdjustableFairing_KWRocketry_Size2Expanded]:NEEDS[SimpleAdjustableFairings] { @TechRequired=specializedConstruction } @PART[SimpleAdjustableFairing_KWRocketry_Size4|SimpleAdjustableFairing_KWRocketry_Size3Expanded]:NEEDS[SimpleAdjustableFairings] { @TechRequired=composites } @PART[SimpleAdjustableFairing_KWRocketry_Size4Expanded]:NEEDS[SimpleAdjustableFairings] { @TechRequired=metaMaterials } To conclude - Simple Adjustable Fairings are awesome. Everybody should try them. 3) The game also lacks a basic probe for sounding rockets - stayputnik don't really fits with 0,625 profile. It's barely fits expanded Able fairing (as in image above). To fix that I also used part from SXT (Dontstaysputnik). It's already different from staysputnik - smaller, have inbuilt decoupler, have little bit more electrical charge, less science data capacity. To make distinction even more clear I removed SAS from it - makes it suitable only for spin stabilized rockets, parachute dropped science probes, telemetry science handling in manned flight, etc. If not to use SXT, one might copy and resize stayputnik with MM patch, I suppose. P.S. Also, for sadistic purposes basic jet engine can be moved from start to basic aviation node, to force hard settings players to build propeller plane first. If you build single motor plane, roll force on take off makes it quite interesting challenge. And twin motor is kinda hard to control without action groups. However it only matters on 50% science (as I play), kerbalism (cannot get instant science from basic sounding rockets) and zero KSC biomes (JNSQ). During first month I barely got some budget for next month (Bureaucracy), researched Grounded tech node and built 1 basic science truck. But all this makes even starting game an engineering challenge. Very refreshing experience without going full RO - RP
  19. Started new career with Kiwi tech tree and built my first (ever!) BG propeller plane with parts from start node only.
  20. Hello everyone! Especially @magico13 and @linuxgurugamer ! KCT is essential career gameplay mod for me for a long time, it's really great improvement for "Space Program" part in KSP. Recently I started to play (again) with JNSQ. And JNSQ has great inbuilt Kerbal Konstructs config, utilizing Omega's Stockalike Structures. Altogether it makes quite unique Kerbin experience. I know that KCT has KK integration, however it's not quite perfect and sometimes awkward. Let me elaborate on it furthermore below: KK (JNSQ config in particular) has several launchpads, runways, helipads, water launches (docks, boat sheds?...), but also VABs, SPHs, even CommNet masts, antennas, fuel storages, vehicle storage hangers. Would be extremely cool (and, I suppose, extremely complicated to implement?...) to have more advanced integration between KCT and KK. What we have now: 1) KK integrates multiple launch sites from Making History (launch site selector in VAB). Pressing them in the VAB bypasses KCT build order completely, so I disabled this option in game settings - not a big deal really, but still worth to note it. 2) With disabled MH launch site selector: pressing launch button from VAB/SPH KCT adds craft to VAB or SPH build queue - those are physically located at KSC, obviously. If you've purchased (let's call it -) "virtual production line" you can have several craft built in the same VAB / SPH simultaneously. 3) When you craft is ready and in KCT list, you can choose launch site by pressing the button to the left of list and then craft will be launched / rolled to selected site. Which means KCT teleports craft to KK building all over the globe. Also, KCT have "virtual launchpads" (that can be purchased) selector below craft list, but unfortunately it cannot select KK runways / launchpads. What we actually will be happy to have. 1) Instead of "virtual production lines" KCT handles VABs and SPHs from opened KK bases. One VAB or SPH can produce 1 craft at time, but you can have several all over the world. When you press "build" KCT asks where you want it to be built at. 2) When the craft is ready, it's not in the common list, but tied to actual location and can be rolled out only to launchpads / runways / helipads / boat sheds (can be several of those) that belong to particular KK base. When you press "launch", KCT asks which launchpad (for VAB built crafts) or which runway/helipad/boatshed/rover parking lot 3) When recovered to SPH / rolled back to VAB, craft gets tied to VAB/SPH within base. 4) If no craft modification needed, simple vehicle storage or refuel can be handled by KK itself - it has hangars and fuel depots. Or even better, refueling from proper KK fuel depot also integrated in KCT (refueling not instant, etc.) Launch from proper KK vehicle storage also integrated in KCT for runway/helipad/boatshed/rover parking lot selection when craft removed from storage. Please note, I'm talking about Omega's Stockalike Structures specifically, because it utilizes stock textures (low memory impact) and modelled building are extremely stockalike (means highest, B9 (!) quality.) Few screenshots to illustrate and inspire: Just think about all the gameplay fun - making decisions, what you actually what to build where, in what locations to put upgrade points, may be even what kerbals operate what bases, where to land and recover your crafts, etc. All of it utilizing multiple base infrastructure, built using @Omega482 beautiful works. Thank you for your attention!
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