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Everything posted by evileye.x

  1. In my case, deleting MM dll solves the issue, so I don't know... Can somebody with MM installed check right clicking MK2 lander can in VAB. Or try to build something inside service module (there's difference in right click menu on service modules with and without MM - guess SQUAD changed those in 1.6) Or it's just me? Fresh validated copy from steam doesn't help
  2. Yes, I did exactly that. Conclusion - MM 3.1.2 not quite compatible with KSP 1.6 yet. (if you need mk2 lander or any of service modules.)
  3. But why I need to re-validate steam files? I always install mods to fresh copy of steam folders, but never in steam folders itself. Deleting MM dll in Gamedata solves the issue, for sure - I guess that steam does after verification. O'k I'll try anyway, as well as MM 3.1.0 and let you know. Nope. As expected, neither re-validation nor downgrade to 3.1.0 helps to solve the issue. output_log.txt : https://www.dropbox.com/s/nbgdzmsevf4k069/output_log.txt?dl=0
  4. I have MM installed only and have the same issue, also service bays are messed up
  5. Apparently, Module Manager 3.1.2 alone messes up MK2 lander right click menu, as well as service modules (cannot remove shrouds anymore to put stuff in). Here is the thread : So I guess better wait for update?...
  6. Last time I checked, Kerbin Side did not worked quite well with re-scaled Kerbin. You know, bases broke apart by pieces, etc... I guess this one have the same behavior?
  7. Contractual obligations on support is a quite moot point, because let's be honest - mod authors iron out particular bugs faster with a help of community members. And often mods releases are higher quality than the SQUAD's updates. So, in my opinion, developers better be focused on making base game a better platform for modding. There are things that cannot be modded in. Making history gave us steerable parachute and another suit model, which is great. And ... that's it I guess?.. Asking devs to throw in some plane parts ... I guess it's a waste of time for those who asking in a first place. I have quite opposite problem - there are to many high quality plane parts mods... SXT, Airplanes Plus, KAX, KRX, B9, OPT, MK4, QuizTech Aero Pack - really hard to choose. What SQUAD can offer in this department? I dunno. Really better ask for editor improvements, new exploration mechanics/things to do in career and "under the hood" stuff / bugfixes. Again, it's just me...
  8. I dunno, but why do you need such DLC when you already have Airplanes Plus, Kerbin Side and GAP ?
  9. Reentry/aero effect is not fixed. I mean Will it ever be fixed (reverted to pre 1.4 state)? Or "it's not a bug"?
  10. In Making History expansion, lol. Just look at LEM. Seriously, I would love to have stock "headlight style" reentry pod. Who does not? Yes, Tantares is GREAT. Again :). Amazing quality work. But less stock-a-like in my opinion. Yes, it is bit "over-engineered" for low earth orbit ferry.
  11. No stock souyz this time, guys. Best stockalike souyz in HGR mod. All your souyz thirst needs, including LES.
  12. I bought it for less then 9$. (have to thank Gabe's love for mother Russia, I guess?) Original game AFAIR was bought for so or even less. Even if it was without mission builder (not really interested in current implementation), still would buy. There are some interesting parts in it (however no souyz??? daym!) - service modules are quite new concept (there are some in mods, but nothing like that), engine plates/interstages but still, all parts in general - not Ven's Revamp level. Not Near Future level, not even close to B9. Even worse, not Roverdude original mods level - sounds crazy, I know. Parts are not balanced like at all for career - because it is not for career. And trust offsets / nodes misalignment / mismatches - heh ... Community already started to release fixes I guess... Suits are awesome. Maybe modders can now change it (I mean models?). Stock textures/mesh switching - cool (can it change heat tolerance and mass as well? doubt it, but who knows?), however interface for that - strange at least... Stock mechanic for new launch sites - cool. Kerbal Konstructs kinda cooler, too bad it can't be used in rescaled games. My guess - there will be baikonur DLC, and more . May be... Said that, good old KSP still deserves some love and money, so - buy it. Don't act like a greedy kids. Just buy it, no matter what. Now back to my 1.3 career, because ages will pass till I have my 120+ mods compatible. Will buy more DLCs for sure, please keep 'em coming.
  13. My guess - you have launchpad level 1 or 2? Launchpad 1 or 2 causes huge perfomance hit in my game (I'm talking about KSP 1.3), even when it is not in view at all... Upgrading it to level 3 gives huge FPS boost. Please check it may be the case for you as well
  14. It's just me or new reentry effect sucks? 1)It makes vessel somehow transparent 2)it suddenly disappears/appears when zoom out/in 3)if setting of reentry effects below max, does not appear at all... I guess new particle system in Unity broke it somehow? Or it is an "optimisation" done Also SRB effects are so much worse than old stock one (don't even ask about Real Plumes)
  15. It's because stock Kerbin is so tiny. There's no way to balance things right. F1 engine for example is quite underpowered (weaker than mainsail) as it is, but still too much for default system scaling.
  16. They considered as modern spacecraft (LOL). If you think about it, it is actually the only manned craft actively used. Except Shenzhou, which is a copy of soyuz. Jokes aside, souyz is missing. It's a bit sad. but HGR is still valid I guess
  17. Honestly speaking, it does not make sense - to play KSP without orbital information display... (and dV information as well...) So, pick up KER or
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