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Everything posted by dave1904

  1. You know anything about multithreading? I always wanted to know if you could easily program KSP to have 1 craft use multible threads if it would actually be faster than a single core even if its maxed out. I read somewere a few years back that it can be slower because you're sharing memory or whatever. Cannot remember the details.
  2. There is no limit on parts ingame so craft size is not an argument for or against how CPU or GPU intensive the game is. Simple Fact is that even in the stock game I will always be able to max out a 10700K or a Ryzen 5000 before the 3080. So yes the game is CPU bound more than GPU. I do not get the sarcasm here because on the one hand you say its not CPU bound but on the other you say its a badly optimized physics engine that cannot run 500 parts. I've heard this but have not been able to test this in practice. Have you ever noticed any differences? By that logic if I undock a craft with 500 parts in 2 250part craft I should see a performance gain?
  3. I said barley. I don't know what KSP2 requires but expect it to be more than your specs. No they don't. My 10700k bottlenecks my 3080 once I reach certain craft size. I will admit that I run 100 mods and have not bothered doing proper tests.
  4. You like the game and I don't. It's that simple but I don't get why you keep defending the studio flaw. Cyberpunk doesn't know what it wants to be. I think the leadership is at fault.
  5. For the most part of its content? Nobody considers NPCs to be part of GTAs content. I think you miss my point. I am not talking about random events. I am talking about how all NPCs in the world interact with each other and the player. Nobody plays GTAs minigames. They are fun for a while but after 1 or 2 hours they get boring. I had hundreds of hours in GTA online before it turned into garbage but we never played minigames. Most of the time we were killing eachother, playing missions and making money to buy cosmetic items, cars and houses. You cannot tune your car in cyberpunk, cannot cut your hair and you cannot get a tattoo. You would think they are highly desirable things in a game in the cyberpunk genre especially since its an RPG. I agree that GTA is not the goal for city interaction. That doesn't mean there should be no interaction at all. Call of Duty can offer players things Arma doesn't. I will probably complete the story in cyberpunk but other than the story it has nothing. You basically do the same things over and over again and its not even fun because the animations are the same and there is nothing new to see. I did not expect anything from cyberpunk. I did not even follow it. It doesn't matter if 1 guy makes the game or 1000. A boring game is a boring game. KSP was made by a few amateurs. They still managed to make a fun game. KSP would feel dead without kerbals. They add that certain something. That 1 small detail added so much to this game. One might even go as far as saying KSP would have never been successful without those little green men. Los santos and night city are similar in size. Besides that map size has never made or broke a game. Yeah GTA is an old game but apparently is doesn't show since its far better than Cyberpunk in many ways. Edit: I would also like to add that cyberpunk had a larger buget than GTA so them being a smaller studio goes out the window.
  6. OS: Windows 7 64-bit Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.0 Ghz Memory: 4GB RAM Graphics: DX10 (SM 4.0) 512MB VRAM Storage: 3 GB HD space You barley meet the minimum requirements for KSP1. Save the money and buy components when its released. There is no point in upgrading for a game 1 year in advance.
  7. What makes the city the most credible city you have ever seen? Both games are incredibly similar. Both are openworld and GTA is as much as a sandbox game as cyberpunk. I wouldn't even call GTA a sandbox. One game just has a world and NPCs that interacts with the player and one game doesn't. Its that simple. I do not care if they are a smaller developer team. They could afford to have one of the largest marketing campaigns I have ever seen in gaming so they are not some indie dev struggling to get food on the table.
  8. I was referring to the open world feeling alive or not. GTAVs story is not great and I probably prefer cyberpunks.
  9. To be fair cyberpunks issues go far beyond gliches. Even if it worked perfectly people would be hating on it. Fun games get away with bugs. Cyberpunk is a boring game. The world looks nice on a 3080 but GTAVs world feels better on a PS3. If it were only glitches I wouldnt care but some of cyberpunks issues are fundamental game design issues that cannot be simply patched. I would rather KSP2 be released buggy but fixable than ksp2 being released with no issues but having bad game design.
  10. Your parents do not need to be alive to have said something. Thats besides the point anyway because you heard it from someone that had no idea what they were talking about.
  11. I have read this 3 times and have no idea what this says. I'm honestly confused right now.
  12. I would honestly like a rival space agency so we have a difficulty to be fair. One issue I always had with ksp was that there was not time pressure. Using real life nations and names are something that should be left out of KSP however. Not even anything that comes close to it. We have it in game atm to a slight extent but If there were nations I would want them totally kerbalised.
  13. Experience aside KSP would have never had procedural parts as a stock feature because that is not what KSP is.
  14. Atleast twice as many stars as KSP1 but not as many as Elite Dangerous.
  15. What amuses me the most is now that amd has caught up with intel the prices are going up to. Seems like I wasn't wasting 200 euros more for a 20-30% single core performance advantage at the time. I have to admit however that I should have waited for rocket like. I got a 10700k and am hoping the 11700k is also 1200. Running a 3080 on it and pci 3 is no problem at all so I might consider selling my cpu and buying a rocket lake if the ipc is a good bit better. Not sure. I still do not trust amd.
  16. For games in general you want to buy CPUs with higher IPC. If you want to buy hardware for KSP2 you wait until ksp 2 releases. In one years time Intel will have a reponse to zen3. Rocket lake is rumored to have a bit more umpf than comet lake. Anyway even as someone that has being playing on intel systems because of the IPC for years now I am glad AMD caught up. The core marketing from AMD was useless for us gamers. We need an IPC war.
  17. Now that I have a 3080 strix I wouldnt mind :p Sorry had to tell someone. Got it 2 weeks ago. I won a "lottery" apparently.
  18. Ive 4000 hours in this game. You should give it a go but I do not play it anymore because I do not agree with certain design choices the developers have made. I am extremely competitive when it comes to mmos. It used to be more skill based and less about inventory farming and p2w mechanics. Anyway you should give it a go if youre bored. I used to be one of the best players in that game. Commanded nations and everything. Has a low playerbase now and it can be toxic. I was one of the more toxic players to be fair but thats what makes content in these games. The more youre hated the more fights you get.
  19. Im not going to go looking for things Ive read years ago but I can explain it to you. Watch a few trailers from the 80s and 90s and watch a trailer from 2000s onwards. People are unwilling to spend money on movie tickets with nothing more than teaser trailers anymore. There is a good reason so many movie trailers have spoilers. TV shows already have an audience and the fast and furious is also the 6th film in the series. People know what they are getting. Noone cared about protecting star wars plot. That was not the case for empire anymore. Once you have the IP then your good to go. On the otherhand you can do what the modern star wars films have done and not give people a reason to watch the last jedi because there was not plot to be spoiled anyway. That is why it failed. People had nothing to look forward to.
  20. Even in movies its statistically proven that trailers with spoilers sell better than trailers without. People do not like going to the movies to waste money and time. Games on the other hand can do well because you can market gameplay. In the case of sequels your goal is to market new gameplay mechanics. In KSPs case this would be the new planets, engines etc. In that case you cannot market without "spoiling"
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