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Everything posted by Concodroid

  1. For me, it was 1.2.2. The first one I played was 1.0.4, but 1.2.2 had all the mods I wanted, and all of my sandbox craft, AND I didn't bother downloading any others. I played 1.3 a little, and completely skipped 1.4.x, 1.5.x, and jumped to 1.6.3. And then to 1.7.3.
  2. If they don't allow it to be installed without admin as a .zip. Then again, I'm sure I'll still buy it, no matter what.
  3. Why not just put him in a tiny, tiny cargo-hold that's made of folding down "deployed" flaps?
  4. Pewdiepie played KSP once. He loved it apparently, it's in a video. But I don't see 9 year olds review bombing this. And if pewds played KSP 2 that would be awesome, and Devs get more funding. Remember, he doesn't follow trends. He started the minecraft resurgence you see now. More people get interested in this stuff.
  5. Yep, this thread is off topic lol Honestly, OP's not gonna change. No amount of thoughtful discussion (and life tips for cash-strapped teenagers) is gonna change their mind. Admin, lock this if they don't respond in the next day? I completely forgot how to ask an admin to lock this tbh it's been too long
  6. Did you install any mods? I have a 1050 and I run at max all the time. I have essentially the same computer as you, but with a ryzen 1500x. Run a Userbenchmark - it might just be a faulty gpu/cpu/ram slot. If you used the installer (for ksp) , don't, I don't use it. I extract the .zip. It's probably no longer a problem with your gpu, it's a problem with the game files itself. And don't give up on the game, it's awesome. P.S. take a screenshot of inside the game folder. I need to make sure all the files are in there.
  7. Try just reinstalling the game. If you've done that, go to Nvidia Control Panel, and then choose "manage 3d settings". Go to program-specific, add KSP.
  8. They need a complete rewrite. Squad's still gonna sell and support KSP 1. And while it might sound like that it's best for the game because people will buy the "shiny new game", making it possible for the devs to keep selling it and developing it. Squad isn't making KSP 2, so they''re focused on KSP 1. And Squad isn't a games company, it's a marketing one. They can still make KSP 1 even if they don't sell it due to DLC's. KSP 1's not getting forgotten. To get to a solution please make a list of everything you don't like about ksp 2.
  9. The problem is this is a really old game. It was built on DirectX9 - something discontinued 12 years ago. The game's buggy at best, and it was based on one guy's passion project. This is the best way forward. We can have optimization, so 50+part ships are actually feasible. KSP's still gonna be supported, and KSP 2's made by a different publisher. In short, think of it as rewriting a book, but on better paper, with more words, with a much easier-to-use and bolder pen. The paper's the DirectX12, the words are the new features, and the pen's the graphics and stability of the game. People will still buy the old book if the rewritten one is bad, and they'll still revisit the game - this is the best thing that could've happened. KSP can't be "overhauled" to look like KSP 2. It's really, really hard. And this game will die if it doesn't look or perform as well as it could.
  10. Whoa, this was an old topic. 'old' as in a couple of months.
  11. I'm not going to continue to reply, but I have 2 points- 1- Scott does more than just play games, B/C he talks about stuff like the Event Horizon and EM drives. 2 - Scott uploads more videos, so he would naturally have more subs. Point number 1- Space 'nerds' would sub to him B/C they know that he knows what he's talking about. He also plays numerous other games, so he will have subs from their communities too. Point number 2- Scott has uploaded 1,647 relatively humorous videos, and that looks humongous compared to Danny's hilariously funny 125. HOWEVER, Scott gets an okay 343 subs per vid, but Danny? Danny gets a whopping 1171 subs per vid. See my points?
  12. But they are DIFFERENT space games, like Elite: Dangerous and Eve online. I watch Scott's KSP videos only, and because I like them, I subscribed. I watch Danny's KSP videos, and since he does mostly KSP vids, I also subscribed. But let's say I find another YouTuber with one or two KSP vids. I'm not going to sub to him, because he won't play KSP again after that. And so we come back to Scott. Scott basically never uploads more than 2 KSP videos back-to-back, because he has a lot of series videos going on about different games, so people will know that they can rely on Scott to deliver what they want, KSP or whatever.
  13. Scott does more than just KSP, however, and (don't tell Danny this, but he talks and shows his face, and that generally gets people more subs) even though Danny does do a little more than just KSP, he always knows he can bounce back on KSP to get him subs. Look at his most viewed videos... After scrolling through 35 videos (all with glorious mass destruction) we reach something about Stanly Parable (what is that?) and then there is another slew of KSP videos after that.
  14. Everyone... you've made your points. Some of you believe that the category of "The Boom Boom award" was the wrong category to put KSP in. Some of you believe that KSP has explosions, and deserves to win. Now, we must look through the eyes of a YouTuber. Who will get the most subs with a person looking for entertainment clicks on their video? Someone like Danny2462 or Nexter's lab. They have "glorious" explosions in every video. They get a lot of views because that's what KSP is at heart- a funny space sim. You make a ship, fly it around the KSC, only to crash it into the VAB and see the VAB come crashing down. It's hilarious. If I could vote, I would vote for it, because that's basically what all of us like to see- most of the time- big explosions. Kerbals jumping out of a massive explosion then glitching out and flying somewhere while spinning like crazy. I'm not saying it's the best category for KSP to be nominated in, but it certainly is one KSP might have a chance to win.
  15. And of course, we have to think of the steam awards we one in the past...
  16. Post your games that you play below, following my example!
  17. I have Integrated graphics, can run KSP fine... good graphics settings, you know... the norm....
  18. Yes. Health Before KF. Although KSP 1.0.5 was the first UPDATE that I downloaded, it still runs slowly on my machine. No graphics card. But anyway, re-downloading 1.0.5 means I can get KF working, BD FPS working... i sense an ALL OUT WAR coming my way!
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