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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. At least it ain't a FoxConn facility! https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/apple-china-covid-iphone-rcna55922 That's why I love Apple: they represent the best in humanity. Ethics and Compliance - Policies - Apple
  2. We should be able to give 2 points for a Buckaroo Banzai reference!
  3. You would have to excessively overbuild your craft to sustain the pounding of the waves. Look at those crazy Soviet flying boat designs; unless the ocean was perfectly flat... they were not great. Take your design and merge it with the Rocket Sub and maybe you wont break it up the first time you use it.
  4. Fuel + O2 does burn in space. But I doubt you'd get much efficacy from it. Not too many weeds up there. If you're looking at a military application; I suspect there's much more efficient tools for those jobs. This may interest you: Watch NASA Set a Fire in Space ... on Purpose | WIRED
  5. Um... Ever been on a boat? The Sea is a Harsh Mistress.
  6. Is performing the service contracted for in a timely manner an option?
  7. Love that - would make the educational (and discovery) parts of the game phenomenal. (We know they're not, purposefully, making an educational game. But KSP turned out to be such - and thus its legacy as an educational game should carry forward into KSP2. Even if doing so requires a DLC - they really should do Science up right.)
  8. Loeb would not rule that out, outright - he's smart enough to be ambiguous when raising money (regardless of the provenance). The quote is that the meteor was so much brighter than anything else ever seen that they anticipate it being far denser in metals than usual. See also above - they're saying it is brighter and denser, and not ruling out 'made' rather than formed (wink wink). Always a possibility - they did mention in one place using a magnetic sled - and the hope is that because they anticipate density, the pieces may remain localized. However - we are talking about years since the event. So... Fair bet they won't find the needle
  9. Fun - with Science! A physics trick led to this incredible NASCAR finish - Big Think The fact that he came out of this with some semblance of control is amazing!
  10. That last question comes from a dredged up memory that most games used to be written for 1 or two cores at most - likely because of Console limitations. I really have no idea how programming has adapted to the new hardware
  11. That's interesting - and makes sense. Guessing that even large processes like that, which might have bound on a single core of yesteryear - even if still residing on a single core of today - would be less likely to be similarly bound? Why only multiplayer? I would think that if the player had a satellite swarm and various things active in Kerbin and moons region when the player is at Jool that some process has to maintain what is going on (ISRU, science, etc). Would they be likely to offload such processes to a separate core - or does that create a program complexity that outweighs the simplicity of running the whole KSP2 app on a single core?
  12. I got my teenagers off their devices, took them out back and built a concrete step to replace a rotten wooden legacy step. All I did was the framing and finishing. Good times
  13. I kind of suspected that; thanks for the clarification! Neutron (IIRC the name correctly) is the larger next-rocket they're working on, and it should be a propulsive lander?
  14. Someone remind me again why they're trying this rather than a propulsive landing ala SX & BO? I mean, at this point it's been proven that human's have the ability to do this... you'd think imitation would be that most sincere form of flattery and profit making.
  15. 10 solar mass BH 1500 ly close. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/closest-known-black-hole-to-earth
  16. That peer to peer 'private server' scenario seems the most likely solution. But the MP enthusiasm has covered the gamut from MMORPG to MMOSim to peer to peer coop. Because it's all speculation and wishful thinking at the moment those of us who have reservations about the efficacy of the possible solutions suggested have to respond to the wide variety of possible solutions. For obvious reasons we just cannot help but annoy the variety MP enthusiasts who all love their own prospective solution and hoped for implementation. Every quibble is met with a pronouncement about why our reservation is not a game breaker. I appreciate your response - specifically because it does talk about the current best MP mod implementation. It shows that when players want to cooperate with each other enough they can accommodate one another.
  17. https://www.space.com/china-long-march-5b-rocket-falls-into-pacific-ocean "U.S. Space Command confirmed the uneventful reentry on Friday (Nov. 4)"
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