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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. Moved the pop up - and somehow when I let go of the mouse the top of the window fell behind the Name Craft bar. This results in the inability to close or move the window. Biggest problem is that ESC key does not work as a general 'close window' option. This ultimately resulted in a freeze of the whole game.
  2. This was weird. Had a crash related to moving the 'Wing Adjustment' popup. The top of the window went up under the Vehicle Name bar and I could not grab the window to move it, close it or ESC out of it. (We really need ESC to be able to close windows!) Anyway - the game froze after that and I thought I'd closed the crashed game (had to alt tab, then close on toolbar). Restarted the game - only to discover that the 'closed' window had not closed; ended up with two simultaneous instances of KSP2 open at the same time.
  3. Yeah - I'm holding off on declaring the game is worthy of the title of "Early Access" - but the past three weeks have been a painfully public, pay to play Alpha/Beta hybrid, fer shur.
  4. I agree - and I hope my tone did not come off too snarky; wasn't personal! (Nothing exists in a vacuum - and I'm just as frustrated with you by the 'my 1997 Dell Laptop should play KSP2!)
  5. Yes, folks - AP and PE are persistent when you RtClick and look at how GLORIOUSLY SKINNY the MNs are! Stop Burn Timer - Actually shows up BEFORE the burn! Such QOL!
  6. Post Patch Still getting 30 FPS at KSC (the loaded in screen) 60 FPS in the VAB 27 FPS at the Launchpad 14 - 21 during launch. 14 during low level flight - 21 exiting the atmosphere. 52 in Map Mode (when you can do maneuver nodes; still don't know if that's the correct term) 20 in LKO looking at Kerbin directly (planet fills screen) 60 looking at stars Settings remain the same
  7. That's the primary reason I refuse to go on Discord.
  8. FWIW - I do think it is valid to complain that it wasn't released in an acceptable EA state from a studio of this size. I do think it is valid to be concerned at the early lack of a Communications Strategy that acknowledged the rough state of the game The continued paucity of communication with the core community (this one) The continued focus on "all is well, let's do a challenge" and marketing 'funny videos' when the game is actually in a pay-to-Alpha/Beta state All of which results in growing reputational damage to the franchise; which matters to me as a non-investor b/c I honestly want the game to succeed - and absent quantity sales, it won't We should be concerned that there is no real way to submit crash logs / bug reports other than textually or with jpgs. (This indicates that player submitted bug reports are data-free and anecdotal, so not really the kind of thing that happens in a true- Alpha/Beta scenario.) It is fair to complain that so many core features don't work But complaining the patch isn't out yet - mere hours after sunrise on the West Coast is faulty Complaining that you can't afford a new GPU - as if that was the Dev's fault - is stupid ... But people are going to anyway.
  9. Weren't most European taps of the era fed by lead pipes? Very forward thinking and health conscious if you ask me.
  10. I'm not a plurality. (At least not since the lobotomy.) You may safely and without risk of offense, assume my gender from my name!
  11. I got there. Wasn't clean - but by basically ignoring the timer and doing it all manually from Map view* Artwork was worth the effort. *I'm assuming Map view is the icon between Ship View and Tracking Station.
  12. I'm breaking out my Ouija Board to commune with the Patch. Magic 8 Ball say's "Soon"
  13. Flight is fine. Some people really like the improvements. Heating - not for a while. As I said above - unless you enjoy Alpha/Beta play - bug hunting or finding workarounds - don't get it yet. I'm having days where its quite fun and days where I'm totally depressed at the state of the game. Art and music are spot on. But there are a LOT of things that should work... but don't. Tomorrow (Thurs Mar 16) we get a patch. Hoping for improvements - but there is so much left to do, I'd recommend waiting for the second or third if you just want to play.
  14. 3pm Thursday EST = 12 pm PST. Subtract 9 hours and 3am PST is certainly unlikely - but some games do update servers at that time. 9pm PST would be late... But still Thursday EST. Barely. I explain this for the literal minded - but it was in fact a 'quip' which I acknowledge some find difficult to grasp. Here, then, is a definition: quip 1 of 2 noun ˈkwip Synonyms of quip 1 a : a clever usually taunting remark : GIBE b : a witty or funny observation or response usually made on the spur of the moment
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