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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. This was Pre-Patch. Haven't seen this bug since (although it was not uncommon before) "Observer Can't Leave Active Vessel" is still a problem, however.
  2. The Conversation above happened in another thread, and I will leave @darthgently's name out of this so as to protect the innocent... but the rumor is that because TR-4 wheels are electric... LOTS of TR-4 wheels = MOAR POWAH. We find out:
  3. Will they go uphill then? Makes no sense. Gonna have to try it!
  4. Note: Pretentious Kerman's Unnecessary Flight Report NEVER popped up!
  5. I've got a rover on Eve with those. Won't go uphill for ANYTHING.
  6. Did they used to in KSP? I remember using struts past Decouplers - but never past Docking Ports. There may have been a reason - but it's been years.
  7. Got a Rover on Eve. It's in a 'bowl' of hills. Can't climb even half way out. I know Eve has considerable gravity... but how will resource management - or even basic exploration work if we can't drive around? Could be I'm doing it wrong... but is there any way to get a rover moving other than with sideways Rocket POWAH?
  8. How will Resource Management work when Rovers cannot go uphill? I've got a Rover, landed on Eve. It's got RovMax TR4 wheels on it, and a full charge. Can't even manage small hills. Can you explain whether there is a solution (presently) for this or whether there is a way to increase power to the drivetrain of Rover wheels planned for a future update?
  9. Landed on Eve. Craft is floating. Can't switch to the probe in orbit. Very odd. Also - Chutes don't disappear once landed; they collapse to the surface but don't go away.
  10. Yeah - well I'm nerd enough to give it a try. Love me some spreadsheets! (Also - I don't have a job that makes me use spreadsheets... So any time I'm in Excel it's because I am goofing off!)
  11. Yeah - but I got mad and shut down. I'll reload a save and see if I can recreate it. I swear I hate Flight Report
  12. I have a weird suspicion that this may be an actual Feature - but waiting for Science or something. I write this because on 3 of my 4 trips to Duna, the planet's image has been replace with a vaguely differentiated orange blob, instead of the highly detailed image I'm used to seeing. It is entirely possible that this 'orange blob' is either some kind of graphical bug - or an actual asset that is getting incorrectly called in Sandbox. Only way to tell would be to dive into the files -but I'm not that kind of guy. Wouldn't even begin to know where to start looking.
  13. Welcome to PC gaming. Please regard the Minimum System Requirements for the current state of EA.
  14. Got into Eve's orbit. Did not realize that in KSP2 you can see through the clouds - but you can. What I thought was a crack shining through the clouds turns out to be differential reflections at the 'coastlines' - or whatever. I had hoped to dip below the clouds - but aerobraking made my craft disappear. Thanks Pretentious Kerman
  15. I managed to get my craft into an elongated orbit around Eve. Set my PE at 82,000m thinking that it was both deep enough to aerobrake but high enough to survive. This thought brought to you by the idea that heating wasn't in the game. This thought was wrong. In Map, watching the AP drop nicely - Pretentious Kerman popped up and my ship, rather than breaking up in some kind of interesting Kerbal fashion merely disappeared. Fun?
  16. There is an ocean below the KSC. You can access it by making a small lander with a medium ladder and climbing down through the tarmac...and just let go. Link to report
  17. @Dakota will you record the questions and answers then publish here?
  18. This - and the progression system is going to contribute. Unless all you do is play Sandbox, you are likely to have to use rockets similar to what we have now and then unlock the new stuff as you explore outward
  19. This is going to need more testing. Was in the middle of trying to circularize my LKO, had a sustainer burning and the Burn Timer showed I would need to do a stage change in the burn. Forgot what engine I had on there - so while it was burning and I was watching the timer, I RtClicked on the engine. Game did a major stutter. Massive lag which seemed to slow performance of the whole system. Closed out and looking at my vessel in Flight View showed me burning away from the planet (should have been relatively parallel to the surface). I just let the whole thing run out - and when the timer said to quit burning, I quit. Switch to Map... and the orbit - which had started out with an AP of 100 now had an AP of 80km and a PE of 65. (Like, how does an AP burn drop both AP and PE? ... Something wasn't right). But the game was still working. So I cleared the node - went to PE and raised AP back to 100 and repeated the process at AP to raise my new 80km PE up to 100. Time Warp to Burn. Getting close - the timer/warp is limited to 3x for some reason, and thinking all was well and the game had just hiccupped... Ship disappears; with my least favorite 'feature' taking up half the screen telling me it was destroyed. Moral? Don't hit PM while burning in Map View. At least until they fixit.
  20. Folks like you make me laugh. It's like you're sitting in a broken down car shouting that no one should drive on the freeway because it has potholes. Fix your own problems.
  21. What circumstances are you finding it doesn't work (watching the ship)? I've tested it pure w/r/t Mun and it was fine. For Duna I kept switching back and forth. I will say I do have some concern with precision when there is a noticeable delay between Flight and Map -but it hasn't been terrible. Contrast to the preceding 3 weeks where watching the timer got very odd, seemingly random results. Further the bar and number countdown never seemed to agree with each other. That's gone with the patch, as far as I can see - but Mun/Duna is as far as I have tested.
  22. If I can make a suggestion - take this story over to [H]ardOCP. Hard Forum Link I'm guessing you have a problem that isn't directly being caused by the GPU temp. There are a lot of folks there who really enjoy getting into the weeds of stuff like this. All I can say is my rig is sitting in a closed, old Corsair Graphite series 600T (white) which isn't especially clean (although I do blow it out every few months). I've got a front panel fan, back panel fan and the top vents open. Glass is closed. No overheating problems at all. I ran a stock craft about a week ago and recorded various things including a launch to orbit and IIRC 73 degrees was the high end of Temps for the run. Also - why are you getting snarky with the people trying to help you?
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