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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. ...and in the time it took to write this, the Kraken visited and dissected my ship. LOL. (Wondering if the Kraken might be a mem-leak. I'd had the game on for a while) FWIW - The "Paul Harvey" version of the above story is below. Jump to Post
  2. The artwork and music are consistently working together to take my breath away. I know I've carped my share about the current state of the game... but to give credit where due; this game is beautiful - and the sound design works so well with the visuals. It's times like this that the efforts of the team are so clear to see. And to see that their collective vision is grand. I managed my first capture at Mun today. Just watched the whole orbit. Sunrise to sunset. Seeing the details in the craters... everything. Listening to the music making the whole thing feel new and amazing. It was a neat feeling. I so want this team to succeed.
  3. Nerdy Mike told us today that info about the patch should be out soon (days).
  4. Settings were selected for Medium with 4xAA enabled. Oddly it reverts to off the first time you try to confirm (are you really sure? ) but stays on 4xAA the second time you select and confirm... At least for the session. Restart and you can see it's off b/c the intro screen craft is choppy / no AA.
  5. True. But when a country goes to great lengths to corner the supply of rare materials for strategic reasons... it makes sense to see if you can do without.
  6. So reading into this... Musk is pushing back on China. They've been trying to treat him like they do other business leaders (shut up, play ball) and he's like; okay, you're just another engineering problem to solve.
  7. That did the trick: Tesla Comments Spur Plunge in China Rare-Earth Miner Shares - Bloomberg
  8. I have a low threshold for tolerance of YouTube - consequently I tend to go find industry articles where possible. SEA (Southeast Asia) clickbait is 'newsy sounding' articles by questionable sources
  9. Nerdy Mike says there will be info on the patch coming in the next few days.
  10. Making slow cooked chicken burritos. Well, making the burritos after I slow cook the chicken.
  11. I'm not seeing any reports of this on what I'd consider reliable sources. Got a link to something that doesn't reek of SEA clickbait?
  12. I really do think they did a good job of advertising and explaining the EA feature-set and roadmap. I just don't see that they've got the vehicle on the road yet. (Urkel asking "Did I do that" comes to mind).
  13. I thought about playing, checked the forums for information on the patch - saw there remains none - and decided to do something else.
  14. I just wish the wheels did not bounce me quite so high.
  15. That is kind of the big problem, isn't it? We were told the game would get to us early, in an EA state. So on the one hand, yay, we get it early. On the other hand, EA communicates a certain level of playability that was not provided. Instead this is in a painfully Alpha - Beta hybrid with some EA features tacked on. Buggy as hell at the basics = Alpha Lots of stuff that does work - but not always = Beta Considerable amount of content and things in the game that could be worth paying for = EA The problem is that the price and what you get for the price is not met. (Price alone has its own expectations). So, had the game come out in a Beta - EA hybrid, I think we'd be way more forgiving. But the glaringly obvious bugs, the simple things that should work and don't are a major problem. The thing I am anxious about is the reputational harm that they are either ignoring or handwaiving. Perhaps they are confident that the next build we get access to will allay most of our concerns - which if it does, good on them! - but if it doesn't... I don't see return on investment being enough for the investors to keep throwing money at the project. The thing is - with the reputation it has right now (not just bugs, but hardware required due to optimization issues) - it may take 2-3 big patches before people start being willing to give it a second try. I'll be here, sure, but I've already paid. The question is how many other people are going to be willing to open their wallets given 'the word on the street?' (and if they are... when?)
  16. I'm not a regular user - just started using the NVidia software to upload bug reports. Mild curiosity over whether I will retain the ability if I switch. Research suggests that the XTX is the performance (vomit) price winner at the moment. Just can't bring myself to look at 4080. Fundamentally, I'd like to skip this whole generation - but if the 4k performance remains sub-20 FPS? Ick.
  17. I'm interested in this as well. The game needs some kind of progression system to be more than a sandbox - which, while appealing to some, isn't really a 'game'.
  18. Thanks! FWIW - your answers are always worth reading! Appreciate the time you put into this!
  19. Yeah. See - if we go back in time to Feb 23, that would be what we would hope for. A solid EA release with a clear roadmap that acts like a slow burn of positive experience and reviews with an ever increasing player base. KSP has a very loyal fan base and the numbers to have made 2 a true success with a whole new generation of gamers ready to see what all the hype is about. And there is the problem. The team ran a successful development and hype campaign over the past few years that faceplanted. Publicly. High cost paid for Alpha is not a good look. They can recover - but it needs to be sooner than 'getting back on track with the roadmap' - because right now they are not even on the road.
  20. I get that you are leaning forward into the positivity... But if they don't get the core features of the game performant and bug free soon, the reputation damage will be permanent. By my estimate they have to drop a very big, very sweeping update 'when they are ready' that changes the conversation completely - with the second being a major refinement that convinces us that the rest of the roadmap is attainable. In other words - if KSP2 isn't in a true EA state (not the present Public Alpha) by the time the second patch drops... No one will buy it in the numbers to support future development. There is a very real risk of KSP2 becoming an effectively permanent EA Sandbox / cautionary tale.
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