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Everything posted by JoeSchmuckatelli

  1. I have to agree with you - and found myself quipping about the graphics yesterday (nearly posted a gripe about the shadows of buildings not tracking Kerbol). Sadly I think this is an artifact of us only having video to look at. Once we get the game - we can start complaining about something meaningful! (oh joy say the Moderators!)
  2. They are terrible people, it's true. But we love them anyway. Still... It's important to remember why the berserkers were created in the first place... Boredom and complacency It was all about the game!
  3. I was watching... it was dark and the sky; the stars were clearly 'moving' as Kerbin rotated. Clouds made the stars twinkle. Waiting, hoping for sunrise. Clicked over to here to read the thread. The music changed. Sun was up and the image/direction of the camera in the KSC was (maybe) different? No sunrise for me; but KSC looks good! Liking the shadows and clouds... and trees. And... yeah; all of it! Now I'm thinking about 'Rovering' all over KSC as soon as my download ends on Feb 24! I did catch a sunset. Fade to dark was quick; I do believe (/hope for in-game) that that is a feature of KSC's equatorial location. Now I'm wondering whether 'northern' (or 'southern') sunsets will be longer?
  4. If an alien observer had their (analog to current human tech) telescopes pointed at us, but the plane of the ecliptic carried the planets below their line of sight (meaning no transits), would they ebe able to identify the gas giants or terrestrial planets?
  5. Put this in the interesting, inefficient and likely useless column. https://studyfinds.org/redirect-lightning-super-laser/ Unless they manage to hook up a molten salt battery or something else to store the power... I just cannot see the utility offsetting the costs.
  6. By the way - if an alien civilization ever gets our Aricebo message... They will never find us. According to the message we are in a system with 9 planets. Since we downgraded Pluto - anyone looking here will only count 8 and pass us by! (originally posted in the wrong thread)
  7. By the way - if an alien civilization ever gets our Aricebo message... They will never find us. According to the message we are in a system with 9 planets. Since we downgraded Pluto - anyone looking here will only count 8 and pass us by!
  8. Haven't seen it posted - but has anyone tried breaking the other arches? KSP doesn't have destructable environments per se (I know buildings at KSC can be). Has anyone tried smacking any of the other arches with a ship? (I kinda doubt they'd be able to break anything - but I haven't seen anyone say they've tried it). Edit - oh, wait, nevermind. I remember seeing the Changelog post for KSP: they only changed the one arch.
  9. My first apartment I had several roommates who I basically hated. Left town for a month, only to return and discover they'd all moved out. Leaving me to do the cleanup to get my deposit back. Someone had left a watermelon in the fridge. It leaked. The resultant foot-and-a half puddle of sludge on the bottom of the fridge formed a something I had never heard of before. Biofilm. Let's just say it was 'interesting' to clean up.
  10. I should correct this: I used to play Squad. For anyone who's played it... it's jokingly referred to as 'Walking Simulator'. This, because, if you don't catch a ride the distance between capture points can make for some very long walks in the woods. Watching my son play last night - this happened to him. He survived a helicopter being shot down and had to walk to the nearest fight. Walk - because the stamina mechanic won't let you run the whole way. I thought to myself -what other game would people want to play where a significant part of the time spent playing is just traveling to a destination. Duh. KSP/2. Travel Sim. (Thank god for Warp!)
  11. One thing Nate said was that you 'won't run out of (whatever takes the place of money)'. Like vis Colonies - if you want to build one then forget about it... it will still survive, it won't be as efficient. I suspect the Anomalies will be part of an optional story - and they may provide science... but from the statement above, I seriously doubt any science from arches or monoliths or other stuff would be a 'required to advance' thing. I've visited a grand total of ONE arch. It was a PITA: landed in a 'nearby' crater on fumes, dropped off a rover. Drove slowly there. RCS'd to the top. Planted a flag. Had to send a rescue mission for my Kerbal. Landed in a completely different crater. Upon return, the rover was floating in space and could not be moved, the Kerbal had to walk / RCS to the ship and then lift to orbit, whereupon I discovered I only had enough fuel to circularize... not return. (I'm bad at Kerbal) So - given there are a LOT more people like me playing the game than like the Grand Tour guys... I doubt having to visit every stinking anomaly will be part of the game.
  12. There are several posts about what we'd like to see. Nothing official. I'll try to find the speculation series if you're interested. Here's one: Here's another: Both have links to other posts folks have made about things they think are good ideas and ways to make Science in KSP2 interesting and fun. Again - no information or responses from the team with specifics - other than occasional mention in the early videos where they say it will be different.
  13. (New thought) We could be seeing two 'aricebo' messages - one from the Kerbals says we come from the third planet, launched a rocket and the Space Kraken destroyed it. The reply says (or starts to say) we got your message above. We are a distance away (I forget off hand - 23 somethings?). Our planet has 4 moons {or our star 4 planets) - it went dark (or boom) - stay away.
  14. That actually plays well with the Karicebo image, now that I think about it. If we look at the image of Jool, we see the five moons represented - and they're orbiting, indicated by the ring. We all know that they're in different orbits - but the space is limited - so it shows a single ring with five moons. Artistic license. So if we then refer to the Karicebo image where we guessed a star with 4 planets or a planet with 4 moons - the same artistic license eliminates trying to find a planet / star with unlikely satellites at the same orbital distance. We simply find a body with 4 satellites in 'normal' orbits. The line from the planet (going with that) leads to a symbol (above the large figure) that could mean death or destruction - and thus, the large alien holding up a hand may be a warning. 'Stop, don't come here. Death'
  15. Went and saw a Beethoven concert - the conductor decided to keep Ludwig's original timing notes in place. The strings were a sweaty mess by the end of it. Fantastic!
  16. That was some first class ranting. I'm not kidding; very well done. Not even going to quibble with you. I'm still in awe of your artistry! (You're absolutely correct, tho. No one measures 17 inches; we just 'know' it's about that so we go with it.. and 40,000 ft. is just a number that's largely meaningless off paper when your feet are planted on the earth.)
  17. An inch is about the length of a man's forefinger (from the bend to the tip). A foot is (guess). But also 12 'finger digit lengths' - which means its easy to divide by 3 or 4; quarters are common! A yard is 3 feet. A mile is a thousand paces (every time the left foot hits in an average-sized man's stride, that's a 'pace') Centimeter? totally arbitrary.
  18. JWST keeps revealing weirder and weirder stuff about the universe. One galaxy is apparently traveling so fast relative to the others that it is generating a massive shock wave. ALMA and JWST Reveal Galactic Shock is Shaping Stephan’s Quintet in Mysterious Ways - National Radio Astronomy Observatory (nrao.edu) Lighter fare article about the paper above: Webb Telescope Finds Massive Shock Wave Wreaking Havoc Among 5 Galaxies (msn.com)
  19. These first observational results from an Earth-size, rocky planet open the door to many future possibilities for studying rocky planet atmospheres with Webb, The team observed LHS 475b as it transited twice in front of its host star, a red dwarf that the planet orbits every two days. The first transit occurred on Aug. 31, 2022, and the second one happened four days later, on Sept. 4. Lustig-Yaeger's team recorded that 0.1% of the star's light was being blocked by the planet over the course of its 40-minute transits. From that, the team calculated that the planet is almost the same size as Earth, with roughly 99% of its diameter. https://www.space.com/james-webb-space-telescope-first-rocket-exoplanet
  20. Probably something like many tropes - 'ancient and mysteriously disappeared'. (Although - Kraken isn't a designer 'feature', it's a community nickname for a bug. Yes we all jokingly added the Kraken to the lore - so there is a bit of a problem in having 'Kraken people', because you then have to explain why the Kraken was destroying ships in a way that doesn't start a war. I say this with all sincerity and love for the Kerbals - if some aliens were regularly destroying crafts, no matter how cute and peaceful you might imagine them they'd either go full defensive or offensive when experiencing an existential alien threat... With only a few saying 'maybe we can talk'. So if official lore adopts and 'explains' the Kraken... They're gonna need a reason to keep (us) from searching for the Kraken people to destroy them in retaliation for years of destruction. Only trope that works is 'leftover autonomous defense system of mysteriously disappeared ancient aliens'.
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