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Everything posted by sciencepanda

  1. If you're redoing the solar arrays, I'd recommend a look at the solar arrays in this mod: The arrays seem to have 2 axis of rotation, just like the ISS arrays. Worth a look.
  2. To be honest, i haven't used Kart's ASDS, so I'm not completely sure exactly what the differences are. There are a few texture and model differences, but I'm not sure about specifics. Actually, the differences between JRTI and OCISLY are more than just textures, it's actually modeling too. I already have the model made, but I'm waiting on textures. I'm not too good with textures, so my friend ym101 usually does the textures for me. So it's in the works. Unfortunately I can't give an estimate on release, because I'm not the one working on it.
  3. I'm not sure how to do that. I could try, but it may have to wait another week. I've just got a few classes left before I graduate. Then I've got about a month and a half that I can spend modding before I leave for college We'll see how many mods I can create/update/redo in that time.
  4. Honestly, I have little experience with textures so I have no idea what's the best way to export it. I can try My textures are pretty basic. I have a friend who usually does textures for me but I didn't want to bother him for a project like this, he's busy workin with textures for a different project. If you want, feel free to work up some sort of texture in Photoshop and send it to me over DM. If I like it I'll apply it in the next release and make sure to give you credit for the textures.
  5. Cool, thanks. Great idea, I hadn't thought of that.
  6. Well the tower is made from multiple different parts, slowing you to construct the tower in whatever configuration you want. You could include the crane, or not. I am thinking of adding different umbilicals in the future. Right now the umbilicals are like what are used on Falcon or Atlas, which appear to be flexible pipes that fall away at launch. I'm thinking of adding umbilicals like the swing arms of Saturn or Delta. I may add even more in the future. However, all this will have to wait a bit. I'm pretty busy with school the next few weeks, so any updates will have to wait until after that.
  7. Yeah. I usually only use sandbox mode, so I rarely pay attention to the cost of parts. What do you think would be a reasonable price for the parts? Okay, I like your ideas, a few things first.: 1) The Crane is meant to resemble the crane on top of the Apollo Launch Umbilical Tower, which would be retracted before launch. For that reason, the crane is not set up to be retracted by staging, but instead manually by right clicking on it and selecting "Crane Safe". Sorry for the confusion. 2) I think that would be awesome, but I'm not sure I know how I would add that. I'm good with modeling and animation, not so much with textures or particle effects. 3) Yeah, I can add the stock fuels pretty easily. I actually meant to do that but forgot. As far as LH2 and LOX, I might be able to do that. I might have to add a module manager config for that. I would also need to know what mod it is you're using, that way I can make sure the resource name is correct, and to make sure there aren't any other conflicts with the mod. Anyway, Thanks for your support.
  8. Yeah, that should be easy. I can have that done soon, but I think it would be wise to focus on school instead. Few weeks till my summer starts. Making this mod gave me a good break over the holiday weekend. Although, I'm curious. What mod adds 1.85m parts? Thanks. most of the parts were inspired by the Apollo Launch Umbilical Tower. However, I did try to change a few things to make it my own. What do you mean by umbilical? I've already added them. Walkways will be a bit more difficult.
  9. Okay, should be fixed. I changed the file name from 24051352-Shiny-metal-surface-texture-with-stippling-forming-a-random-pattern-and-sparkle-due-to-light-reflect-Stock-Photo.mbm to metal.mbm Let me know if there are any other problems. I kind rushed this out the door, so I'm willing to guess there's at least one bug I haven't fount.
  10. I can see how that would be a problem. Easy Fix. I'll update it with a fix shortly.
  11. This mod adds a series of parts to build a custom launch pad and launch tower to fit any stock rocket. Download Parts can be downloaded from here: SpaceDock Read this: The tower parts cannot be the first part. This will cause glitches, including errors in the animation, and will prevent the tower from decoupling. It is important to build the Launch Pad after building the rocket. License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
  12. I did add attachment points, I don't know why they wouldn't be showing up. I'll look into it.
  13. I'll do that now. Edit: its up. http://spacedock.info/mod/627/BEAM?ga=%3CGame+3102+%27Kerbal+Space+Program%27%3E
  14. If you're interested, I have some pre-existing models of V2 I made a few months ago. Although, I made them in solidworks, and converting to blender is a bit of a pain.
  15. I've thought about it. If Triston can figure out a ragdoll plugin for them, I'd be happy to model them and add them to the mod. But again, still busy with robo, so modding will have to wait.
  16. It'll have to wait until after I finish with my robotics season, but after that I can work on the models for Niagara. Someone else will have to do the particle effects.
  17. Through robotics I could one day work for SpaceX... So yeah, robotics is a big priority.
  18. I'll work on implementing umbilicals after robotics, when I have time. unfortunately school and robotics must come before modding.
  19. Exactly. I have though about doing that, I just haven't had the time. The next few months are "Robotics Season". For the next six weeks, I'm building a robot. Anyone who has experience in FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) will know what I am talking about.
  20. Okay.... I'm having a weird glitch with my landing gear. The gear deploys and retracts fine when not in contact with anything. But when it hits a surface when extended, it gets stuck. The gear does not respond to the G key, and "raise/lower" no longer is an option in the action menu... Time warp seems to reset it, but the moment the legs hit a surface, it gets stuck again. Here's a picture of my unity setup: http://i.imgur.com/nW08pLr.png This is my code for the landing gear module in the cfg: MODULE { name = ModuleLandingLeg animationName = Gear wheelColliderName = wheel orientFoottoGround = false landingFootName = Rear_Gear_-_Falcon_Rear_Foot-1 alignFootUp = false impactTolerance = 150 } Any help would be appreciated
  21. A few things I probably should have addressed in the Op.... Floating in the air: I meant to do that, it kinda provides a more stable launch pad. The tower falling down: It's meant to retract to the ground upon liftoff: however, if you place the tower as your first part, it will glitch and cause the tower to jump to the end of the "launch" animation upon completion of the "retract animation"... So, you should place the launch tower last. I'll update the OP to make sure that is mentioned.
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