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Everything posted by DStaal

  1. The emergency shelter is for roleplay - or if you have USI-LS installed, in which case it adds some nice habitation. But you don't need a LS mod in general - the mod just has the shelter (and a few other parts) that support it.
  2. I'll admit I'm mostly making trailers that mass less than 1 ton and 'docking' via KIS.
  3. On a minor issue while you're working on the rest: Would it be possible to rotate the trailer hitch so that 'front' for it is the same as the 'front' for the command cab and the AuxEn? (I’m going flatbed-crazy at the moment, but the logical way to build them for me is to build them attached to my current Buffalo, and then detach. Which works, but the resulting flatbed has 'forward' (on the nav ball and controls) being what I'd think of as 'up'. So basically every time I switch to one I need to re-set 'control from here'.)
  4. The more rovers the merrier. (And the Packrat doesn't work well with KIS containers - they are slightly to big and heavy. They can be made to work, but it's a bit awkward. The Packrat is really best using just it's own parts. So if you want to do something better, go for it.)
  5. It makes perfect sense to throw away everything that you don't have a use for in your game. I'd argue that Dirt can cover that - if the resource you're trying to refine to isn't on the planet you're mining (eg: It's got an atmosphere or is to far from the sun) than you can't refine it out of Dirt. None of this is to say you can't implement your own resource chain, in your own mod of course. (And not to say that you can't have a more specific resource chain than Dirt is - just saying that Dirt does seem to cover most of this use case.) I do get your point on KSP's poor handling of extremely low resource amounts. But I'm not convinced mandating a resource chain is the best solution for all parties.
  6. BTW: RoverDude, what do you think of these EL recipes for bombs? Would you like a PR with them? (I've been meaning to test if I could set it to require more than 100% mass of EnrichedUranium - reactor grade vs. weapons grade being the thinking, but I haven't gotten around to it and don't really care, as it would probably be confusing.) EL_ResourceRecipe:NEEDS[Launchpad] { name = NPU-250 Resources { EnrichedUranium = 0.7 MaterialKits = 0.2 SpecializedParts = 0.1 } } EL_ResourceRecipe:NEEDS[Launchpad] { name = NPU-500 Resources { EnrichedUranium = 0.7 MaterialKits = 0.2 SpecializedParts = 0.1 } } EL_ResourceRecipe:NEEDS[Launchpad] { name = NPU-1000 Resources { EnrichedUranium = 0.7 MaterialKits = 0.2 SpecializedParts = 0.1 } } EL_ResourceRecipe:NEEDS[Launchpad] { name = NPU-2500 Resources { EnrichedUranium = 0.7 MaterialKits = 0.2 SpecializedParts = 0.1 } } EL_ResourceRecipe:NEEDS[Launchpad] { name = AblativeOil Resources { MaterialKits = 1 } }
  7. My suspicion is that it's the result of an imperfect understanding of the CSS box model by someone - I've seen similar behavior when someone codes in CSS thinking 'width' means the total width of a box. It doesn't: It means the width of the content of the box, with things like the border and margin being on the outside of the box. (So a box with a width of 100% with a margin of 10% takes up 120% of the width of the page.)
  8. Thanks, and I like the idea of being able to target other ships (though I'll have to figure out a way to get close to them - I regularly point AutoRove at positions within 40m of other vessels...). I could just drive, but driving within physics range of bases tends to get *really* wonky for me... But that actually wasn't what I asked. Here's a more descriptive (if a bit of a worst-case) example: Let's say I have a ring of bases around a central point, with one opening wide enough for a couple of rovers. The central area is a hundred or so meters across. If I started a rover in that central area, could BonVoyage pilot it out? If I closed that opening, would BonVoyage realize that it no longer could pilot it out? (AutoRove ignored the issue. Which is a solution and approach if you want it.)
  9. More importantly, I'd argue that the CRP already has such a first-stage resource: Dirt. That's exactly it's use case in UKS - to be a meta-resource that you refine into other resources, depending on what's locally available. (I'm not sure off the top of my head if it'll refine into non-UKS resources - but if it doesn't, I think that's a good feature request for UKS.) Note that the way it's defined in UKS, you still need to have the individual resources present on the planet, so rest of the discussion isn't really relevant. And even with such a meta-resource, it's entirely logical to have dedicated drilling platforms for high-value resources. (Which would then vent off the low-value resources they aren't looking for.) And it's up to the player to decide what's a high-value resource in this situation.
  10. As far as I know they're just standard wheels, nothing to special about them. Now, if I were to use some Kerbal Foundries wheels, then I'd expect trouble. (Though if you could get those working as well, it would be great. Of course, KF itself doesn't work at the moment...) One quick thought: Does your path-finding algorithm take into account other ships? If it's background-only it may not need to, technically, but it might be something to think about. (A common use case for AutoRove for me at the moment is to build/land a science base on a planet, then send out a rover to the various biomes, run the experiments, and bring them back to the base to be processed.)
  11. There are included docking ports you can use if you don't want to use KAS-style flex tubes.
  12. I don't have it in every command module - just relevant ones. The Malmute command cab, the Karibou command cab, the Buffalo command cab, the Puma command cab...
  13. Thanks. I use AutoRove all the time, and will be looking at this. I will admit I don't tend to think of the body AutoRove uses - I MM patch it's module into my rover cabs, and use that. (And I use WayPoint Manager for targeting, so point-and-click doesn't bug me. In fact, I prefer the exactness of being able to enter a number instead of the clumsy point-and-click in map view some mods use...) I'm definitely planning on trying out this mod, when I get a chance.
  14. Anyone else having display issues recently? It looks like the mod pages are set to be slightly wider than the browser window, and the 'info list' which used to wrap now is a straight list with lots and lots of extra whitespace. (Oh, and the buttons for download and follow have moved right - which means the follow button now wraps to the left.)
  15. Anyone compare/contrast to AutoRove? (Besides having a current update. )
  16. SWAP IS NOT RAM. In modern systems it is a really good substitute, but heavy swap usage will always be noticeable and annoying. To the point of being game-stopping, in some cases. RAM is several orders of magnitude faster than swap (and I mean that literally - SSDs in RAID-0 using dedicated controllers are ten times slower than RAM. Everything else is hundreds or thousands of times slower), and will be for the near future at least - if it ever becomes near the same speed, it's likely computer architectures will change to eliminate the difference between long-term storage and short-term storage, and just keep everything in persistent storage. Saying 'oh, just make it 64-bit and let the OS sort it out' is the type of thinking that made Arkham Knight's PC release a disaster. Yes, you can map huge amounts of space, but using it intelligently is still important. DTL helped KSP use that space intelligently, by only pulling in what was needed into that space. The OS's swap algorithms can be very good, but they don't have the info to work with that DTL does on what KSP is going to need at any one time. If you don't like or need the mod, fine. There's no need for you to even open this thread. Please don't disparage someone just for wanting what can be a useful tool.
  17. Does the part you're right-clicking have crew? (You transfer crew from a crewed part to someplace, not to an uncrewed part.)
  18. Where did you download it from? Spacedock has been a bit weird lately - and I've had a partial download from them in the last couple of days. (Which then wouldn't uncompress.) It took me a few tries to get a good download.
  19. Similar behavior here - the last couple of days there have been intermittent errors, usually 503. A reload will typically solve them, but not always immediately. I'm East Coast USA, DC area. spacedock.info resolves to:
  20. I was troubleshooting an issue, and found this line in GameData/CxAerospace/Station Parts/MM_configs/CXA_RemoteTech.cfg: Could that be changed to :NEEDS[RemoteTech] please? (':FOR' applies unconditionally, and acts as a trigger condition. ':NEEDS' applies conditionally.)
  21. The stock mechanic here has been discussed a few times - What it apparently does is once the ship is loaded it works out how long it's been since the last time the ship was loaded, breaks that into 6-hour chunks, and runs those chunks once every few frames until the ship is back to caught up. All this is stock, and USI-LS just piggybacks off of it.
  22. Jeb just got a look at this part. He's now holding auditions for help in 'live-testing the first Mythbusters myth'. So far, no takers.
  23. Take a look at MOLE for experiments and parts - it gives a lot of 'stuff around Kerbin' that you can do, all based on NASA programs/ideas. (Skylab!)
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