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Everything posted by DStaal

  1. Technically, 'normal' rocket engines decompose in chemical reactions... (Or oxidize, I guess would be the better term.) But yeah, I guessing the monoprop wouldn't be very useful it wasn't producing enough heat to form plasma, so they should be showing flames. (Red nozzle is debatable - typically if metal is glowing red, it's also melting, which wouldn't be a good thing. But dull red is right on the border, and that's probably where you'd engineer your engines to be. Thinner/less cooling and they'd melt, thicker/more cooling and there's excess mass.)
  2. There are some. Off the top of my head is the Mark IV Spaceplane System: https://spacedock.info/mod/809/Mark IV Spaceplane System But don't let that stop you. If you aren't exactly duplicating these parts, there typically always room for more options.
  3. I haven't see this recently, but there were problems like this for a while. First off, make sure you have the most recent version of the mod. Secondly, can you try putting the Heat Probe on top of a KIS ground-attachment base? (Back when I was having similar problems, it was typically due to interactions between the colliders of the part, the plug, and the ground.)
  4. '@tags' is 'edit tags' - the PackRat parts don't *have* a tags field, so they can't be edited. Try '%tags' or just 'tags'. That said, tags are tricky to edit with Module Manager, because it's a list and the most common commands just replace the entire list. To do it right without messing anything else up, you really need to work with indexes or more convoluted methods. Best to write a PR and add them to the main file.
  5. In some ways however, that's actually KSP's strength: You can define what you want your space program to be. Do you want to carefully colonize every planet and moon? KSP will let you do that. Do you want to explore as fast as possible? KSP will let you do that. Do you want to make sure you have full communications networks everywhere you go? KSP will let you do that. Do you want to just send a tiny probe to the far corners of the solar system on it's own? KSP will let you do that. Do you want to just make physics-defying monstrosities? KSP can do that too. If KSP had a real plot to it, players would tend to think in terms of that plot, and what they need to do to forward that. As it is, we've got realistic life support systems and extensive colonization mods - and then we've got warp engines and infinite-fuel drives. You get a universe. What you do with it is up to you.
  6. You might want to talk to Angel-125 and see if you could work something out - that pic looks like it could be nearly an in-game photo using his DSEV parts. (Only they're more detailed...)
  7. I suspect it would, apart from the fact that it's localized. (You'd have to grab the appropriate older version of B9 as well, of course.)
  8. May I suggest you create a GitHub issue for it? RoverDude tends to track those better than requests in the forums.
  9. And in fact, Filter Extensions already has the ability to show all the parts of any specific mod, using auto-created folder-based tabs. You'll have to find the tab for whichever mod you're looking at, but it does what @NomenNescio is asking for: Showing all the parts for a mod in one pane.
  10. Thanks. I never quite got it work as well in Trajectories - the simple 'turn on and see path' of this mod is great, and somehow nothing else does that as well.
  11. As a thought - what happens if the box *doesn't* re-arm itself? I assume it's going to stop a bit above the ground and then fall the rest of the way, but is that a bad thing? I mean, if that final fall is within tolerance of your landing legs (or your ship itself - or you can afford some ablative landing gear), you should be fine...
  12. I've found an upside-down 'D' cell battery works perfectly, both in weight and key travel. On a flat, or nearly-so, keyboard it even will be stable without any other devices.
  13. Buffalo also has some electric props, as does Freight Transport Technologies. I haven't tried any of them further afield than Kerbin, but they should at least give you options. (The Buffalo ones also come with a neat little VTOL manager, as they're designed for tiltrotor...)
  14. I have one other suggestion for something to try... After making any changes to Airline Kuisine that might be a fix, re-build (at least partially) your plane in the SPH. Sometimes I've seen models/etc persist in saved ships until there was some reason for KSP to make a change in them. (Note that Module Manager patches being applied can be on both sides of that equation - but generally figure a patch will be *applied* to any parts in existence - including those in a 'blueprint' - but won't be *removed* unless something happens.)
  15. REKT is a pure parts mod, no code, and those typically work well with lots of versions of KSP. I haven't tested it with 1.3.1 myself (I've yet to get *any* modded install of that version to run...) but I would fully expect it to work. For managing several missions - may I suggest Kerbal Alarm Clock? No idea on subsonic aviation however - I can't fly a plane worth anything in KSP. I stick to rovers and rockets.
  16. Pretty much just VTOL, I believe. It only really cares about engines... Though I could see it being useful for a multi-engine craft who's trying to balance itself as the engines cut out. It might be able to help there.
  17. Grapplers/claws can be only active when 'armed'. Or Infernal Robotics can do it. But not in the base game, as far as I know. (Note the only extending part in the base game is the shielded clamp-o-tron - which also has no attachment node on the end, just the docking node.)
  18. I believe that's a mostly-unavoidable limitation in KSP. The attachment node can't move when the part extends, so you'd have to define it either with the part retracted or with the part extended and have the attached part either clip or hang in mid-air. I'm not sure if there are any good workarounds.
  19. Near Future mods don't cheese the game. They have some nice efficient engines in there, but they all have downsides as well. (Two main classes being either atomic engines in the Atomics pack, which require extensive cooling and management, and the various ion engines in the Propulsion pack, which require huge amounts of EC - some in the range of hundreds per second. And thrust isn't great on them either.) Nothing's free, they just give you different ways to tackle the trade off. ESLD beacons could be cheesing the game, but the setup requirements (you need line-of-sight between beacons, avoiding close proximity to gravity wells...) and costs are quite high, so it's arguable. You might look at REKT and USI's Exploration Pack for those nodes. I can't remember exactly which are in there, but I think they have some. Might also want to take a look at MOLE. I'm trying to stay away from recommending the more complex game-overhaul mods like MKS or Pathfinder. They definitely don't cheese the game - if anything they can make it harder - but they tend to be more comprehensive and add requirements, which starts to limit options again. Deepfreeze is probably the simplest way to handle life support for long missions - but really, I think it's cheesing that requirement mostly. If you want that challenge, go for it and you can use Deepfreeze to take off the learning curve though. (And I'm not going to argue, as I use it myself...) But really, the whole point of an LS mod is having to manage it's requirements on long missions. If that's not something you find fun, leave it out.
  20. For options and fun, I think I'd start throwing in things like Kerbal Planetary Base Systems, the Near Future mods (actually, all of Nertea's mods...), Feline Utility Rover, and probably something like ESLD or a warp mod. Maybe OPT Spaceplanes as well, if you like planes. Between those, you'll have some good parts for surface bases, rovers, space stations, long-range ships, spaceplanes, etc. Should give you a few options. I'd also recommend having at least one of EL and/or Ground Construction, then you can build off-world as well.
  21. Well, there are certainly mods that can instantly transport your vessel from place to place. I'd think a StarGate might be easier, but given some ingenuity I suspect it'd be possible to write such a mod.
  22. Amazingly enough, this isn't one that LGG has taken over. That's Historian Expanded:
  23. Honestly, I do fine with KSP-AVC. Though I wish Spacedock would start sending out emails again.
  24. Counterpoints: It can be useful to carry/ship mulch from place to place on occasion. As an example in my current save is that I have a crew transport ship that moves Kerbals between stations in Kerbin SOI. (Including Mun, Minmus, etc.) It has mulch storage to offload mulch at the stations - which have greenhouses. It can then load up supplies for the next trip, and I only have to occasionally ship up fertilizer, instead of having to ship supplies much more often. Losing mulch is losing a vital component of the LS supply chain. Also, greenhouses often have a small portion of storage, but you need 6 hours worth - for all your Kerbals on your station - to prevent losses due to KSP's catch-up mechanic. That's even if you have enough processing to recycle all your mulch immediately. Personally, I'd probably add one container: a 'Life Support Resources' container, which is Supplies/Mulch/Fertilizer. But I can see options for various other ways of doing things. Regardless, Mulch is an important (and valuable, though not in direct credits) resource under USI-LS, and you need to be able to do something with it.
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