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Everything posted by DStaal

  1. Yep. The Mk-III, IIRC. Hexagonal 3.5m profile. Eventually GC might have that again, but yeah, EL on it's own is likely what you're looking for there. Note that MKS does include a cfg file that's likely to stay updated which integrates EL into the MKS production chain - so using the two together does mean a slightly more realistic/complex experience than just using EL alone.
  2. It should also be noted that the EL parts match a form factor and style of a line of parts that has *already* been removed from MKS.
  3. You can change the required tech if you must - but be aware that they will be removed entirely at some future point. They're currently there just so that legacy ships don't get deleted on load.
  4. NFE includes a patch to make USI reactors use NFE-style mechanics, if both are installed. Probably where the confusion is coming from.
  5. There are a couple of advantages to GC. First off, it's easier to set up, as basically any part with crew capacity will work as a low-quality workshop - and all you need is single workshop. (High quality workshops will greatly speed things up, of course...) I'll have to double check tech tree placement, but I think GC is a bit earlier, at least in CTT. Also, GC has several things that fit the MKS philosophy better: You can have multiple different ships working on the same DIY kit (works with the distributed bases MKS encourages) and it can fill the newly constructed ship with resources and crew directly - while the equivalent survey builds from EL require you to do that manually. (And occasionally on the run, if you just built a rover on a small slope...) It's a NFE feature. USI's reactors on their own will auto-scale down to whatever your actual use is.
  6. I noticed that the REKT pods were never being available for me to rescue Kerbals from, and with a bit of hunting found that the patch for the Rescue Pod validator/fix was never applying, since the NEEDS statement was wrong. PR submitted to fix: https://github.com/steedcrugeon/REKT/pull/12
  7. Minor issue with this patch, for anyone thinking of using a variant for their own mods: The name of this mod is 'KSPRescuePodFix' - so the above NEEDS statement is incorrect. Corrected first line: @RESCUE_POD_TYPES:NEEDS[KSPRescuePodFix]
  8. Mostly that they're cheaper. So if you don't need all the skills - like they're going to be running a food production plant in a base, and you don't plan on changing that assignment anytime soon - you can save some cash and not hire the guy who can do everything just to run the food plant.
  9. Works fine for me. (And plenty others.) We'll need more info to help: Version of MKS, logs, picture of GameData, etc.
  10. To answer my own question: The list of professions is hardcoded here, along with their skills. I'm not entirely sure if 'Kolonists.cfg' even does anything at this point, based on that code. Sounds like a feature request: To support extra professions as defined in .cfg files, like in stock. Edit: Feature request submitted.
  11. Nope, you aren't missing anything. It got refactored out a while back. Alternate Resource Panel has a 'local site' mode which can cover a bit, worth taking a look.
  12. Is there any way to hire other defined professions? I have a couple from other places that I would like to use (and am trying to define a few more), but the new hiring screen doesn't seem to allow anything but the stock three and the MKS professions.
  13. The Mk2 docking port doesn't have CLS support. PR submitted.
  14. @jd284 has it - there is a more powerful production patch to Supplies that uses water, but you don't need it to start. Notthebobo provided a link to some comparisons this morning - Cultivation is better than Agroponics, if you have water. But you can run Agroponics without.
  15. Is it not? I assumed based on the second sentence in the first post it did.
  16. I've put larger than 15t into place using KIS... (Especially with the Konstruction parts helping.) Bigger issue on those large parts is that you run into distance limitations: You need to be within a certain distance of the *center* of the parts to attach them, and on 3m parts you start having issues getting close enough to the center. The local gravity thing is actually something that works at first glance and doesn't on closer inspection in real life: The *mass* of the part hasn't changed, and you still need to maneuver it. You can lift a *bit* more in lower gravity, but not all that much because you still have to push around the same mass. Yep. Note that the different parts have different weight limits and ranges - you may want to take a look at each's advantages and disadvantages. (The forklift for instance can lift really heavy weights - but has to be close to the part.) There's a forklift in *MKS*. (Well, Konstruction, which got rolled into MKS.) Which supports KIS...
  17. On that note - the forklift, crane, magnetic grappler, etc also count as Kerbals who can help 'lift' with KIS. They can lift quite a bit more than 1 ton each.
  18. Quick question: Have you ground-truthed your resources yet? You should do it at least once in every biome that you're thinking of building in - orbital surveys will get you general averages, but without ground-truthing they can be off by a fair amount. (Some resources will be spotty, for instance - some points in the biome will be high concentrations, while others may be low or even without them.) Just double-checking - it's an easy mistake to make early on.
  19. I'd go with the location near the center to start with: Gypsum is needed for Fertilizer, which is your essential LS resource, and Dirt can be processed into everything. (Though at lower rates than dedicated drills.) If you had water as well outside the crater I'd consider that - but as a starter base Dirt and Gypsum are a great combo. Eventually you're going to want drills in other locations as well, since you're going to need most/all of the resources. Availability of open building space is often a top concern for me for a first base - then you can add on either via direct attachment or local logistics. You're likely going to be pulling most of your resources via Planetary Logistics in the end anyway - build your base with that assumption. I actually had meant to hit the 'quote' clicker... But decided it was a good question anyway.
  20. Nice. I might actually start using the warp-to-morning button again.
  21. On a question - from this, it sounds like Blizzy toolbar *can* still be used, but I can't find a way to switch from using the stock toolbar to using Blizzy's. Is it still intended to be possible?
  22. Steam actually doesn't put up great-quality pics, so it's a bit hard to see the details here. Is there something on the roof of your rover? It looks like there might be - and that could be your problem, if it's wedged in.
  23. Ok, so it sounds like you've actually decoupled and are just stuck - got any pics? I'm guessing you've got a rover that's slightly to big somehow, or you're not lined up to exit. (Hard to tell, since you haven't told us anything about the rover.)
  24. How did you attach it? Ideally you attached it with a decoupler or docking port, so you detach it by releasing them. If not... Well, you might see if you can detach it via KIS.
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