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Everything posted by DStaal

  1. It can be somewhat non-deterministic which definition gets used - and if they aren't exactly the same that means you won't be sure what the stats on the resource can be. It's not to much of a problem for the player, but the headache of trying to keep things in sync and determining when things are out of sync (not to mention balancing all your parts that use the resource) is exactly why the CRP was created in the first place: To have a single, central set of definitions for major resources.
  2. I'd go with :NEEDS[!KolonyTools] myself. And if CommunityResourcePack isn't installed there's no resource definition for EnrichedUranium, so no one else is going to be expecting to be able to use it anyway. I'd stick with making it from Uraninite, and just not try to have copies of the CRP resources someplace else.
  3. That would be very annoying. I’m rarely in the tracking station.
  4. 13-14 hours of storage, go on business for a year to other missions, and after this come back to check the miner. Yes, that will be effective.
  5. What I've been doing is making sure I don't move any vehicles that are within physics range of an active rover. If I were to be in the same position again, I would try switching back to the KSC, waiting a few minutes for the rover to leave the area, and then coming back to move the lander. (Either that or launch the lander, and then come back and set the rover into motion.) That rover has then made four or five stops using autodrive, and another rover has made three, all manned, without issue.
  6. Not possible. You need to check occasionally. If you have at least 13 hours of storage (6 hours full, 6 hours empty, and a bit of margin) you can be gone for arbitrarily long periods of time - when you go back to check, the entire time you're gone will be processed. If you have less than that, you'll lose some if you're gone for more than 6 hours.
  7. I've had occasional glitches in the Matrix like this. My last one was when I set the rover to autodrive, and then switched to a nearby lander and took off. When I came back, the rover had changed it's destination, and it was now crewed by the crew of the lander. (Who were also still in the lander...)
  8. Near Future Electrical has one as well, I believe. But yeah, it's not common.
  9. Might be that you aren't generating *enough* EC - if you have some that I can't see, it'd extend the time it's taking to run out, but you still run out.
  10. How's your EC situation? Beyond that, a pic of the ship in flight with the life support window open would likely be helpful.
  11. Ok, I stumbled upon a decent placement for the middle-sized docking port. (I put the snap indicators for the mid-sized on the docking ring itself... Three, top, right, and left.) PR updated.
  12. If you like KPBS, it has VTOL engines and you could make a lander with it directly, if you wanted. Other options that immediately spring to mind: The Karibou (now rolled into MKS) has some very good parts for this. Although it's a bit short on airlocks - but has some very good attachment points for MKS airlocks. Also, the Buffalo or Bison from WBI have VTOL engines and landing legs, and could be used for this.
  13. My (joking) point was that building a ship with two full sets of life support parts and resources is definitely more challenge than just building it with one - even if that challenge is just in doubling the part count and mass of your LS support infrastructure, and not in any actual mechanics of being added. There's no particular sane, logical, or realistic reason to do so - but if you want to bloat your partcount as a personal challenge, go ahead.
  14. He just said *more* challenge. Not *different* challenge.
  15. KJR has it baked in. Or at least something very similar. Admittedly though if all you want is this function, a stand-alone mod might be useful.
  16. Do you have a survey station nearby? That's where your build controller for them is. (How close it needs to be will depend on what level of pilot you have in it...)
  17. Pic of your GameData? Also, by 'can't use', what do you mean: Nothing's showing up? Loading errors? What?
  18. BTW: There's a typo in the CLS patch, that prevents the short passenger cabin from being passable. (It's currently 'WBI_shortPassengerCab', it needs to be 'WBI_ShortPassengerCab'.)
  19. They play just fine together. The two sets of ports won't weld to each other - but they won't dock to each other either, so no problem.
  20. BTW: I have working patches for angle-snap, I'm just debating on light placement - particularly on the 'normal' sized construction port. I don't want to change any of the lights they carry over from the normal docking ports, but I'm not sure where a good additional light placement would be. If anyone has ideas (even just a description) I'm open. I'm debating whether 'inside' the docking port is a good idea: you don't really care about this once they're docked, but you do want to be able to spot it easily while docking. (Additionally, if the snap-light could give some idea of which side is 'up' that would also be useful.)
  21. MKS has a couple of dedicated station parts, and most of the rest are dual-use. Pathfinder itself doesn't have any station parts, but DSEV and MOLE are part of the same set of mods and have decent station parts. For ground bases I'd also look at Planetary Base Systems - it's got some very nice parts, with configs for most major LS systems. (Including TAC and USI-LS.)
  22. Honestly, even in the worst case scenario at the moment all that would happen would be that there wouldn't be any parts that can do both GC and EL, so you'd need to send up separate construction vehicles.
  23. On the other hand - if it isn't, mention it here and one of us who does work with the two together will probably be willing to take a look at it. (I believe the patch works fine at the moment - though I haven't tested under 1.3 yet.)
  24. Unfortunately hasn't been updated to 1.3. A shame - I like it much better than [x]Science.
  25. Not a config option that I know of, but I believe this should stop you from getting Karborundum from the VAB: @RESOURCE_DEFINITION[Karborundum] { @isTweakable = false }
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