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Everything posted by themaster401

  1. New update is coming out v3.15 Tweaked Kerbin's blueness Tweaked Jool's atmosphere New file structure on SpaceDock
  2. This is an issue with TextureReplacer. If you scavenge the last pages of TextureReplacer's forum thread, you can find a 1.3 fix.
  3. Not presently. I acknowledge that a lot of you are drooling at Gargantua, which this mod adds. Well, it seems Artyomka has spun off the Interstellar portion of this mod into the "Kargantua" mod, an updated and absolutely beautiful rendition of Interstellar's worlds. There's also a rendition of Avatar's Polyphemus system.
  4. Ahah, upon seeing this comment I thought it was a rant about the mod. C'mon man, we've all started out at the idiot stage! Anyways, here's a video that basically demonstrates how to install KSP mods.
  5. "AVP-Textures" are only cloud textures, and are designed to be fully compatible with other visual packs. Here, you only want everything in KSPRC except Atmosphere and CityLights, which AVP already provides. Otherwise, there's no such thing as loading too much, unless your RAM is not sufficient.
  6. The mod now has a Github repository and is in the process of being submitted to CKAN.
  7. I think that's just the fact that the game loads the clouds when you look at the planet, which hits the framerate lol
  8. Perhaps also notify of the current scatterer bug of Amazing Flying Terrain Chunks!™ :P
  9. Don't worry, I fully understand what you're trying to say. I'll have to study into the City Lights issue, but the mountains issue is likely because a scattering layer isn't high enough. I'll fix it today.
  10. This is not a problem with the pack, but with TextureReplacer itself. Scavenge the latest few pages of the TextureReplacer mod page and you should find a TR fix for 1.3
  11. Smart idea If I can establish a modular structure with cloud textures and scatterer/distantobjectenhancement/etc. configs as Galileo does with SVE, I could possibly start releasing the mod on CKAN and bring back modularity for those who cannot run full textures.
  12. Heh, sorry about that, this mod has some pretty graphics-intensive huge textures that will likely take up a couple GB of RAM. Perhaps you might be able to get by if you use the lowest settings on this download: https://spacedock.info/mod/1384/Astronomer's Visual Pack/download/3.13E
  13. I'm certain the Kopernicus in the mod is updated with the solar panel fix. Actually uploading a new update right now, download it and see if it's fixed.
  14. Here's a little lesson in EVE. The Lightning texture is used for both the lightning layer and lightning detail (how lightning looks close up). How the flashing effect is achieved, is the detail speed of the lightning is pumped up to bullocks so the lightning does not look like a static image, but rather a quick flashing layer. If you change this detail speed, the occurence of lightning will slow down or speed up
  15. Kopernicus is only for KSPRC. KSPRC looks gorgeous, I highly recommend it, but it's not a necessity for the mod to function
  16. It will, but you must downgrade the ModuleManager to 2.7.6 and Kopernicus to 1.2.2-6.
  17. Hello, you are currently using an outdated version, there is a fix for this in the latest version here. https://spacedock.info/mod/1384/Astronomer's Visual Pack/download/3.13E
  18. It won't work with any visual mods stock because Kargantua comes with it's own set. Solution? Delete the EVE config for the Kerbol system from Kargantua and install your visual mod.
  19. I can see both you and I have been waiting a very long time for a full Interstellar suite of mods
  20. Eve uses just eve1, while Jool uses cirrus, altostratus, jool1, joollayers 1, joollayers 2, and probably a couple more i forgot.
  21. Addition to CKAN will nullify the ability to have most modularity in the pack. If Matchlight does decide to make some sort of setup for CKAN and retain modularity while doing so, he'll have to pick apart the mod and individually upload some assets to CKAN in order to avoid compatibility issues, as well as fully repackage the mod. CKAN may look like a haven from the user-end, but from the modder-end, it is living hell.
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