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BT Industries

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Everything posted by BT Industries

  1. Hmm... that's weird, oh well good luck (try on a computer when you get a chance it's quite straightforward there)
  2. 8/10 +5 for uniqueness +3 cause I'm feeling generous and there is really nothing wrong with it
  3. Great ideas, I hadn't thought of the crane or the ROV. Its is going great, Thank for the support.
  4. I like that idea. What license would the animations come under though?
  5. Maritime science experiments, I like this idea very much. If you have any ideas on the sorts of experiments you would like post them here or send a PM. (Just wanted to say that I will be focusing on updating and other features first, so don't get to excited)
  6. Staging!!! that would be amazing Did you write this kOS script yourself? I can't wait to try out a helicopter battle using KAX
  7. I do not have a throttle like that but I was thinking of getting one and wanted to know if I could actually use both throttles.
  8. Oh no that would be way too unrealistic. I was thinking of a system where you literally have to make armor on the boat (out of Metal and Ablator) and this takes a long time to make and is dangerous as it produces lots of heat (forge) which is not I good thing to have while you're under fire. A SCIENCE boat!!! Why didn't I think of this!!!
  9. Try ATM and/or DTL Both really help boost performance. If you're still having problems try opening KSP in OpenGL mode (note OpenGL will not work on Mac because Mac already opens KSP in OpenGL)
  10. Yes you should be able to refuel it if you have a tank full of Armor somewhere on your boat. Some people would say this is unrealistic but i think of it more as repairing. In the middle of a battle it is hard to return fire and recognize which parts have been hit and start transferring straight away. I think this would add some interesting tactical decision making. I'll start up a poll on this topic to see what the community has to say.
  11. Good job, it sounds amazing.
  12. How about trying this with the wing commander? That should be interesting.
  13. Agreed This would be so easy to do and would be a nice touch.
  14. I wish you could set a engine to Main or VTOL setting and then the AI will recognise the engines as two different types and will use the VTOL ones for takeoff, slow and/or stationary flight. Maybe @BahamutoD will add this later on Fingers crossed.
  15. At the moment we are putting a team together. I have started working on updating the mod. Releases will be done on a boat by boat basis starting with the pleasure craft. Dont expect an official release before 1.1 though. And just chucking it out there... Due to the large amount of people wanting to use this for military boats Ineed to ask you guys how would you like to have armor work for these parts, I was thinking of a heatshield like part which use a new resource called Armor. This was discussed and is easy to do but, is not exactly realistic. What do you guys think? is this a good trade of? or should a more realistic way be created? (In other words write a armor plugin and I have no idea on how to even approach this)
  16. Love this mod!!! One question though... Can you slave engines to your thrust lever from your joystick setup for those of us who have throttles like this... So we can actually use both thrust levers in KSP?
  17. Maritime Pack is still being updated and will be out sometime after 1.1 comes out. Link to the dev thread in my signature.
  18. Wow this looks amazing, this is going to be soooo much fun! Questions... Does this interact with Keepfit and does it count the simulations done with the KRASH simulation mod? Both of these would be awesome features as you could have Kerbals get sick when they lose health and other things like that.
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