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BT Industries

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Everything posted by BT Industries

  1. Well as you know in USI-LS Kerbals need supplies and go on strike if they have none but in Kerbalism Kerbals require Food and Oxygen as well as EC to keep the life support working even when on even when on EVA. Turns out it is really easy to turn of the food requirement in Kerbalism so that it doesn't clash with USI-LS ShotgunNinja explains how it works very well so I'll quote him... "Kerbalism can run arbitrary 'rules' that deal with life support and the environment. These rules are grouped in 'profiles' and you can find some in the profiles/ directory, including the default one. Profiles are also used to enable and disable some of the mechanics. If Kerbalism run without a profile it will degenerate into a background resource simulation with a decent EC monitor/planner ui. The signal mechanic is disabled automatically if you have RemoteTech or AntennaRange installed, and the malfunction mechanic do the same if you have DangIt. Finally, check out the file settings.cfg to tweak the environment simulation parameters." So without futher ado here is my custom profile... Just replace this with the default one, which can be found at GameData/Kerbalism/Profiles Just remember you will still have too worry about the extra features Kerbalism adds... Climate Control, Oxygen EVA-LS, Quality of Life, Malfunctions, Signals, Radiation, Space Weather. Feel free to modify at will and have fun with your new realistic KSP save with a bit of kerbalism from USI-LS (sorry for bad pun) If you want to remove other Kerbalism feature just delete the bit in the profile about it. Hope I have been of help Cheers Ben
  2. I like to mix USI-LS with Kerbalism. This way my kerbals die if they run out of oxygen and only go on strike if they run out of food. I'll post the Kerbalism profile I use to make the two compatible if someones interested.
  3. Hmmm... How about a really shortl but thick KAS rope to connect the carriages, so its essentially a flexible docking port.
  4. Yep... That is the beauty of KSP the only limit is you imagination (and yours/others modding skills(and your computer)) Thanks again for these amazing parts!!! Is there anything against launching from a moving vessel???
  5. Okay thanks... I presume I would also need to add a crewable part if I want to hire Kerbals, but does it have to be a Landercan like in your stations???
  6. What are the requirements for a base??? I've been thinking of making a custom save-file and was wondering what the requirements are for the bases to be recognized by your mod and to be fully functional.
  7. Try the flexible docking ports it's a much smaller mod than KAS
  8. My friend and I were going too play pilot and mission control using Telemachus when I thought of this... What if there was an option that if you had no signal in-game (With Remote-Tech of course) it would turn of your internet connection in real life. This would mean that my friend's view of the telementay data would drop out and so would the voice chat, but when I regain signal in-game my internet connection goes back online and my friend can see/hear every thing again. For voice comms, you'd need a voice chat application that would respect a status setting of connected or not. (Ooh, and it would be great if the voice comms would also add a simulated lag delay) Imagine the tutorial your watching on YouTube dropping out when you lose signal in-game. I think this would bring KSP role-playing to the next level in regards to realism. What do you guys think? Is it possible to make such a plugin? Someone up for the challenge?
  9. Does any one have a profile for USI-LS??? As I really like playing with this mod, but prefer the life support system that USI-LS uses. It would be amazing if it could be half-half as I like the Oxygen and the scrubber side which USI-LS doesn't have. Great Mod BTW @ShotgunNinja, love the work your doing. This makes my "Hard Mode" install much more fun.
  10. Well Telemachus has has no idea if you have a remote tech signal or not. Where as if it was inbuilt as an option in remote tech it would work with everything. Imagine the tutorial your watching on YouTube dropping out when you lose signal in-game. That's a brilliant idea (Fingers crossed) I'm hopeing not Maybe someone could make this into a separate mod, I'll start a thread later.
  11. My friend and I were going too play pilot and mission control using Telemachus when I thought of this... What if there was an option that if you had no signal in-game it would turn of your internet connection in real life. This would mean that my friend's view of the telementay data would drop out and so would the voice chat, but when I regain signal in-game my internet connection goes back online and my friend can see/hear every thing again. I think this would bring KSP role-playing to the next level in regards to realism. What do you guys think???
  12. Wow @Fengist in a couple of weeks you have done what I always wanted!!! I say the mod goes back to you no questions asked as you are much more skilled ( I am merely a .CFG Hacker) All I wanted was to have a playable version and now that your back I don't need to continue working on this. The community came up with many great ideas on my thread which you are way more qualified to implement. Thanks again @Fengist Anyone looking for this mod should now head over too... I'll get a moderator to close this tomorrow.
  13. Wow in a couple of weeks you have done what I always wanted!!! I say the mod goes back to you no questions asked as you are much more skilled ( I am merely a .CFG Hacker) All I wanted was to have a playable version and now that your back I don't need to continue working on this. The community came up with many great ideas on my thread which you are way more qualified to implement. Thanks again @Fengist
  14. Personally I like to arm my ship using the BDA mod a do clean up mission, For those that are still in the dark this involves going around blowing up unwanted junk.
  15. Love your username, do you actually work in particle physics?

    1. Mr. Quark

      Mr. Quark

      Thanks! But no, I actually just like Quarks and I liked the username. A prototype was Mr. Atom :P

  16. This...Is... Amazing... Found this while catching up in all the things I missed while moving house (and no I still don't have a reliable source of WiFi) Here are a few ideas of mine... (Feel free to flush them down the drain if you don't like them) 1: It might be possible to somehow use the QuikGoToo plugin to send you straight to the tracking station when you open the savegame 2: Somehow use this so the player can have a fleet of ships (Warning it is out of date) 3: Custom music??? (Also out of date0 4: AI space crafts powered by Mecheb!!! You could capture cargo ships and then sell their cargo and if BDA is installed they could fight back!!! (Warning also out of date) Hope these somehow help... Shame that most of them are out of date but maybe a look at the source code could help you in someway. Cheers Ben EDIT: Oh and here is a cool thing you can do... make a folder inside the mod folder called Experience and add a text file with this in it... This will make a new kerbal type by the name of Slave along with your standard Pilot, Scientist and Engineer.
  17. Seriously, my subconscious has been waiting for something like this for a loooong time. They look amazing! Any chance of a download? T
  18. Agreed. and by the way... There is my simple guide on how to get any thing to fly. 1: Add more boosters . 2: If it still does not fly, add more struts and control surfaces. Hope this gets you of the runaway! Oh and amazing idea with that cardboard box raft!!! That needs to be done.
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