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BT Industries

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Everything posted by BT Industries

  1. I think you might find this of use... http://spacedock.info/mod/991/EVA Parachutes %26 Ejection Seats
  2. Yes!!! I totally agree this needs to happen!!! I sometimes install BD Armoury just to use the Flir Ball in night vision mode!!!
  3. Ya I totally agree it would be a great help!!! I found out about most shortcuts after finding this thing... I printed it off double sided with flight controls on one side and build controls on the other. It's now laminated on my desk... I love it!!!
  4. I agree! But for now have a look at... Its stock-alike and is pretty much what I would want to be in the stock game.
  5. No your not!! I figure it shouldn't be to hard to add some interesting objects at the ocean floor using Kerbal Konstructs. Say a shipwreck, coral reef and some interesting ruins??? (Kerlantis anyone). BTW you should check out... He is adding new water mechanics to the game (pressure and such). It's still very much WIP. But he mentions adding some new stock-alike water engines as well!!!
  6. This would be amazing!!! Imagine getting in-game because someone bought your new booster design.
  7. This would be amazing!!! Along with actual temperature reading for the thermometer. I'm sure there is a modder capable of doing this...
  8. I'm in!!! Give me a pm when you have somthing to test.
  9. Yay, some proper stock-alike boat parts to go with the new physics!! I love anything which makes kso a better creation simulator and water physics (even after they improved it) is something that has been missing. I'm so hyped for this, wish I knew how to code then I might be of use. EDIT: I suppose my enthusiasm does help you in a way
  10. Yay!!! finally this is being done! Cool!!! Stockalike or not???
  11. Just discovered this!!! Why has noone else commented this is such an awesome idea. Goodluck and hope you don't need it btw by engines do you mean new engines or special new mechanics for stock ones?
  12. I'm in!!! and being able to export it to excel would be neat!
  13. Delay would be nice and an optional cut scene would be cool. While they are at it they could do a cut scene of your rocket being carried to the launch pad instead of the loading screen (also optional with a skip button when it has finished loading)
  14. I always had this idea of being able to mine this rare resource called Kraken Waste which is scattered all around Bop. It can be refined and put in a special engine... The engine is provides insane amounts of thrust but gobbles up the fuel in a matter if seconds. Providing a unique challenge to actually use it for anything other than an escape pod. It would be cool if the engine looked like the bottom end of a squid. Just an idea...
  15. I clicked on here expecting something to do with the H.I.V.E. books Anyone else do this??? Nice challenge btw.
  16. No need to code... ... have a look at the stock RTG .cfg file. The RTG heats up parts around it. I think it would be cool to have to attach radiators to your craft because kraken generator is producing so much heat...
  17. How about heat radiation? That can be very dangerous.
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