This is where you could use EPL (Extraplanetary Launchpads) to make and launch a craft and then use a rover to drag it to the right spot and dock it too the main base.
Or a really cool thing which not everyone knows about, is that you could make it in the OSE Workshop and then put multiple kerbals next to the container in which the part is stored and when you take it out and place the part, all the kerbals will be working together to carry it because it is too big for one kerbal.
Check out KIS which gives Kerbals an inventory so they can carry parts around and attach them in EVA (It also adds new storage container parts for you too store parts in)...
...Then there is KAS which adds some cool parts like ropes, grappling hooks, anchors and EVA attachable fuel lines and struts...
...There is also OSE Workshop which allows you to build parts in a workshop using resources you have mined and puts them in a KIS container...
...And last but not least Extraplanetary Launchpads which allows you to build and launch a craft from some new launchpad parts from the resources you have mined.
Hope this helps!
I'm not sure if you can remove it ( @SpannerMonkey(smce) would probably know)
If you can't, you could always stick a building on top of the R&D which would hide it from the player.
(hopefully you can though)
You can copy paste it from another site.
Upload to say Imgur and then copy it...
...and then click paste to put it in your post.
If that still doesn't work for you you can just give us the Imgur link.
Well I'm sure KerbinSide has a map that you could use to check if the spot is available...
I managed to find this one but I think its out of date.
KSP on a PS4 is different to the main game and you can not have mods on the PS4 version.
And it is very tricky making a mod without being able to test it what-so-ever (I had to to it once (don't ask it's complicated))
I have found a PS4 for $390 AUD here in australia which for (roughly) the same money you could make a computer which would have sufficient power to run KSP with the mods you want and will easily outperform the PS4 (and my current computer (sadly)) (or if you want to spend a little more for even more performance power consider the GTX 1060).
Well I would suggest downloading Blender (a great free 3d modeling software) and watching a lot of tutorials until you have the hang of it.
You will find a lot of tutorials on the thread I mentioned before...
Hope this helps.
Didn't realise you were the same person who made the greenscreen mod (I was about to message you about updating it but I see you already have)...
Do you mind releasing this camera plugin? I am going to get After Effects soon and I wouldn't mind doing this myself but on a larger scale (as in a full scale rocket taking of from my backyard).
Ohh a get it now (it was just an expression when I said give me a call).
My first bit of advice would be to write down all your ideas put and put them in a list with your favorites at the top and your least favorite at the bottom.
Then I would chose where on Kerbin you want it to be (When doing this have Kerbinside installed so you don't accidently put it where some other building already is, as some people will want to play with both mods installed) and start making a rough model. Once you have the rough model in game and working replace it with a nicer model and give it to a tester to test. Now do the same on the next thing on the list.
(remember that fixing bugs is more important then releasing new stuff)
Once you have about 5 you can release it to the public (now that a lot more people are trying your mod be aware that they may find bugs that you tester couldn't).
I really recommend having a nice front page on the forums with lots of information and pictures.
A good idea for this sort of mod might be to put some sort of story behind each building...
I really recommend using Github as it will allow other people to help (if you let them) and is an easy way to keep track of issues/bugs.
This is only my opinion on how I would do it... I have never made a Kerbal Konstructs mod before.
(I hope you still find this useful in some way)
As far as my modding skills go I can only call myself a KSP Hacker, but I can always help with testing, making videos and/or editing photos.
If you have any questions ask and I'll see what I can do as I do know quite a bit about how KSP work
Oh and this may help...
This is EPIC!!!
Why has no one else commented!!!
Seriously great job here you should go on Fanworks Friday (I think it counts as fan art).
By the way what was this done with??? Blender???
I have no idea how you're going to do that...
Sounds like a good plan.
Just give me a call if you need/want some help and/or advice and I'll see what I can do.
I like that idea...
Maybe add a rocket sled, a tunnel to fly through with sensors inside it, an underwater research facility and my favorite a mystery goo farm/factory!!!
Due to the amount of boat mods popping up I think some ocean based locations would be great...
Maybe a coral reef under the water, some ship wrecks to discover and some ports to dock at...
Just some random ideas....
I personally love Kerbal Konstructs mods so I'm going to be happy with any new mod in this genre,
Good Luck and have fun...
I'd be surprised if this hasn't already been brought to your attention somewhere in this thread,
But if not and for all the new people...
Check out this playlist!!!
Its amazing and really helpful for making really realistic worlds
-Cheers Ben