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Everything posted by EVA_Reentry

  1. I found him! Your grandfather, S/Sgt Lee G. Castille, #14058957, was a member of the crew of B-24D-10-CO Liberator Serial Number 41-23875, 5th Air Force, 90th Bomb Group, 400th Bomb Squadron, when it crashed.

    "On December 26, 1942 took off from Iron Range Airfield (Lockhart River) from Gordons runway at approximately 10:00pm. During take off, this B-24 clipped the trees causing it to crash into the side of the runway narrowly missing one of the anti-aircraft gun emplacements manned by "E" Battery of the 197th Coastal Artillery (AA) Regiment. On impact, the entire crew with the exception of Yeilding was killed in impact and the bomb load aboard exploded causing a large fire."

    For more info:


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. EVA_Reentry



      Glad I could help! If there's anything else you'd like to know, just ask.

    3. Castille7


      Sure thing, thank you! :)

    4. EVA_Reentry
  2. You sure it wasn't a B-25? B-52s were definitely not in service in WWII. No disrespect towards your uncle, of course.
  3. hey, what mod supplied the cockpit in the pics you posted on airplane plus?

    also, can you send the .craft for them?

    1. qromodynmc


      can you post photo of craft you mention? i posted lot of stuff on that thread

    2. EVA_Reentry


      nvm, they were the new parts from 20.0

  4. Again, I was unaware that you had a forum account. I was simply telling Raptor9 about the popularity of his graphics and building style. As @eloquentJane put it, it's not easy to have clean, stock, and simple LVs without some repetition of a particular aesthetic. As to my comment about the Griffin/ACES, that was, in retrospect, rude and unnecessary, and I regret it. And I did encourage you on KerbalX, because the only reason I wrote what I wrote earlier is because I greatly enjoy Raptor9's aesthetic. I hope you can accept my apology. Additionally, I hope you can understand the lateness of this reply, because for the past two days I have been stuck in Montreal without internet. I just got home. Good luck with your developmental craft. Try making some payloads!
  5. You are aware, of course, aware that currently, KSP has been updated to: 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.2.0 1.2.1 and that, while not everyone plays 1.2.1, certainly no one, or at least almost no one, plays 1.0.5, right?
  6. Oh, I agree, of course, but blatant copies are irritating. And, in all honesty, I really like @chlbutterworth's ATV-- it fits in well with your lifters in terms of stats and style.
  7. ...as long as you're okay with it. Blatantly copying someone really irks me. So does taking a high quality craft, adding a few tiny bits here and there. and calling it your own. Oh well.
  8. seriously. "SM-Series"? C'mon, now... Also: https://kerbalx.com/chlbutterworth/CF-2A I hate that-even the naming system is the same! EDIT: Didn't you make this? https://kerbalx.com/chlbutterworth/Griffin-A0 (I wouldn't have posted the above f I had realized he/she had a forum account. Just making a few observations)
  9. Have you seen KerbalX lately? Looks like your graphics are inspiring lots of people... (They also seem to be heavily inspired by your style, series, subassemblies, plans, and names... but that's none of my business)
  10. Hi! It says: 'Application Error' Is this Chrome again? Anyone else have this issue? Running Win10 Chrome
  11. (I was counting the numbers as a whole- 935,1858,11,18-I guess we're in diff. TZs) Banned for assuming I observe
  12. Banned for not having a number of the fibonacci sequence anywhere in your post
  13. I believe you mean General Dynamics... Nice plane, though
  14. I rather like the Dragon V2 used in the hover test, the DC-X Clipper, and the old Titans with the massive SRBs
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