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Everything posted by Pingonaut

  1. It is. Besides, why would it be different? I got it from the same download.
  2. In BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures I've got more than four textures there. I took that as being in the zip folder, where there are only four. EDIT: Getting "Unknown file format A8L8, skipping conversion."
  3. Having issues installing this mod. I only installed steps 1-3 and it crashes on startup. It doesn't seem to be a memory issue, though. Missing code or something? I get a crash error. Before installing the mod I save a copy of my GameData folder without it, and restoring that works just fine.
  4. I originally posted this in the "Modded Installs" section, but since the issue persisted after removing the mods and refreshing some of the stock folders I wanted to post it here. I just cannot figure out what's going on here. After this issue appeared I removed all of my mods installed, deleted the Squad and KSP_Data folder for Steam to re-acquire them, and the issue consists. I guess I'll have to completely delete my KSP folder and re-install from scratch, but I'm really afraid of re-adding mods. I don't know which mod caused the issue. Mods used when I noticed the issue: -Kerbal Construction Time -Final Frontier -Waypoint Manager -Kerbal Alarm Clock -Ubra Life Support mod -Kerbal Joint Reinforcment -Navball Docking Alignment Indicator -Crowd Sourced Science Logs -Landing Height None of these mods should make any changes to this texture. If anyone knows where the data for this texture is located, please let me know. I really don't know what to do.
  5. Of course there's interest! You're a very skilled texture-creator, and your packs are great!
  6. I just cannot figure out what's going on here. After this issue appeared I removed all of my mods installed, deleted the Squad and KSP_Data folder for Steam to re-acquire them, and the issue consists. I guess I'll have to completely delete my KSP folder and re-install from scratch, but I'm really afraid of re-adding mods. I don't know which mod caused the issue. Mods used when I noticed the issue: -Kerbal Construction Time -Final Frontier -Waypoint Manager -Kerbal Alarm Clock -Ubra Life Support mod -Kerbal Joint Reinforcment -Navball Docking Alignment Indicator -Crowd Sourced Science Logs -Landing Height None of these mods should make any changes to this texture. If anyone knows where the data for this texture is located, please let me know. I really don't know what to do.
  7. Very cool! I'd forgotten how different the first stages looked from the current game when it comes to terrain details. I started in .13 and the terrain and planet textures were so bright. Thanks for the nostalgia post!
  8. I'm not interested in mod management. I'm interested in keeping track of what mods I'm using. I use upwards of 50 mods and it really gets messy.
  9. I've actually been using it as a general guide for a very, very long time, but what kind of document do you save that in? The formats pretty different from what I do.
  10. If you have to ask you probably aren't a heavy modder of your game. -Keep me from deleting folders that multiple mods need -Keep track of when I install mods so if I start crashing I can backtrack -Know the names and when I install mods for updates -Know what parts or configs of mods I use -Many more reasons
  11. I'm one who has an abundance of mods (upwards of 50, at least) and I've begun to keep track of them in a document. I keep the mod name, folders it comes with, mod creator, install date, priority, etc. My question to anyone who'll listen is this: How do you keep track of your mods? If you keep some kind of list or document: how do you organize them? What order do you install mods (ex: visual first, utility, then parts). Just looking for ideas to help me get more organized, outside of CKAN.
  12. That's a great idea! Next time I do one I'll be sure to do that.
  13. Is this mod incompatible with EVE and/or Interstellar Visual Pack? I had issues with my game after installing EVE, and someone mentioned it.
  14. Outer Planets Mod is a good one. Check the incompatibilities and fixes for said incompatibilities, though. I've heard it is completely incompatible with Environmental Visual Enhancements, though.
  15. Integrating this mod with Kerbin-Side Support would add a lot to it.
  16. Same with me. It's the first time I've messed with that, and I wasn't amazed with how it turned out. Thanks for the comments, everyone!
  17. I've recently been messing around with old-style, minimalist propaganda posters. I figured I'd try doing one for Kerbal Space Program. We need more test dummies!
  18. Not gonna participate in the poll. There needs to be an "in-between" option.
  19. Edit: In addition, when I begin a career mode save I start with tier 3 buildings. What the heck? The little measurement texture is missing in build mode. I posted my mod list in the spoiler below. Really I simply want to know where this texture is located and how to restore it (without using Steam's "check integrity of game cache" thing). // Include the name of the mod and all things the mod adds to GameData, even if mods repeat folders. // Example: // Mod Name // - Mod Folder // - Plugins or other base mods it came with Active Texture Management - ActiveTextureManagement Texture Replacer - TextureReplacer HyperEdit // For use during testing - Kerbaltek Trajectories - Trajectories - ModuleManager.25.6.dll // Plugin Toolbar - 000_Toolbar Lack's Stock Extension - Mini-Goo, Air Brakes, Mk3 Ramp, Mk3 'MRBL-8' Cockpit - SXT - Firespitter // Air Brakes Only 6S Service Compartment Tubes - Firespitter - NorthkeSerCom Mark IV Spaceplane Sytem - MarkIVSystem - NearFutureProps Surface Lights - SurfaceLights Stockalike Station Parts Expansion - JSI - NeatFutureProps - StationPartsExpansion Raster Prop Monitor - JSI - ModuleManager // Plugin Station Science - StationScience Croud Sourced Science - CrowdSourcedScience - ModuleManager // Plugin, not included but required Navball Docking Alignment Indicator - NavBallDockingAligmentIndicator Kerbal Attachment System -KAS- - KAS - ModuleManager Universal Storage - CommunityResourcePack - Regolith - UniversalStorage - Module Manager // Plugin TAC Life Support - ThunderAerospace - Module Manager // Plugin, not included but required TAC Life Support Retextures - ThunderAerospace Stockalike parts for useful esthetics - TurboNisu FASA Launch Clamps - FASA RealChutes - RealChute - ModuleManager // Plugin Module Rocket Systems // ONLY SELECT PARTS - ModRocketSys RLA Stock-alike - RLA_Stockalike Habitat Pack - Firespitter - HabitatPack Kerbal Flight Data - KerbalFlightData Mk. 1-1 Two-man Pod - Yarbrough08 Landing Height - Diazo Kerbal Aircraft Expansion - Firespitter - KAX - ModuleManager // Plugin SwitchVessel - SwitchVessel DMagic Orbital Science - DMagic Orbital Science Probe Control Room - ProbeControlRoom Complete Octagonal Rocketry Expansion - CORE Tweakable Everything - ToadicusTools - TweakableEverything - ModuleManager // Plugin Modular Kolonization System -KSO- - 000_USITools - CommunityResourcePack - Firespitter - Regolith - UmbraSpaceIndustries - ModuleManager // Plugin Warp Drive - Regolith - UmbraSpaceIndustries Procedural Fairings - ProceduralFairings Free EVA - FreeEVA Mk1 Inline Cockpit - SH_mods - ModuleManager // Plugin Chatterer - Chatterer Ferram Aerospace Research -FAR- - FerramAerospaceResearch - ModuleManager // Plugin Deadly Reentry - DeadlyReentry OLDD's Adaptable, Deployable Entry Placement Technology -ADEPT- - OLDD Oblivion Aerospace Pack // Heatshields - OblivionAerospace Remote Tech - RemoteTech - ModuleManager // Plugin SCANsat - SCANsat Ven's Stock Revamp - VenStockRevamp - ModuleManager // Plugin TweakScale - TweakScale - ModuleManager TechManager - TechManager Community Tech Tree - CommunityTechTree Collision FX - CollisionFX - ModuleManager Planet Shine - PlanetShine Distant Object Enhancement - DistantObject Final Frountier - 000_Toolbar - Nereid Outer Planets Mod - CustomAsteroids - DDSLoader - KittopiaSpace - Kopernicus - Nereid - OPM - PlanetShine - RealSolarSystem KerbinSide - KerbinSide - medsouz Environmental Visual Enhancements - BoulderCo - EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
  20. I believe it is based on the command pod's flag, if it is in fact the case of the kerbals taking the flag of their last ship.
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