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Everything posted by hanhan658

  1. I did just that with the principia mod installed but it didn't work cuz it didn't want to overwrite the default principia orbit configurations what should i do?
  2. I can't seem to find it anywhere in the folder, does it i have to write the config manually? If so, should i write something after the colon in "principia_gravity_model:"? Where do I need to place it, what should I name it, do i have to fill in other things such as gravity parameter and mean radius which is irrelevant for things i want to edit? That page doesn't answer any of those questions at all.
  3. I want to tilt kerbin's orbit and som other bodies' orbits but if i edit kerbin's orbit will it break the game?
  4. Nothing major here, but what bothers me is that scatterer makes the skybox visible only outside of the atmosphere, even at night. Can this be "fixed" by making the atmosphere more transparent to the skybox?
  5. I'm using 1.6.1, which versions of FAR or B9 procedural wings should i use then? I've installed both of those mods clearly stating that the version is compatible with 1.6.1, so i don't see the problem
  6. I don't exactly know why, but no matter what shape i tweak the wings, they seem to only generate minimal thrust, rendering the plane not maneuverable at all, it can for example have an angle of attack of 50 degrees or more at over 200 m/s, but the navball prograde marker only turns at like 2 deg/s. I try to make the exact same plane with the same wing shape, except this time, the wing is made of stock parts, and it works perfectly fine. Anyone who can explain why? I also have FAR btw
  7. But we will have to get his permission before that "someone" takes over, doesn't it? Let's just hope he'll come back asap either way.
  8. Hello? No replies? I'm using BDAc 1.2.1 in KSP 1.4.2. I deleted extension and the nukes still has a blast radius of only 50 m. @harpwner
  9. Is it only me or is it that if I download weapons extension, every nuke in this mod loses its power?
  10. https://imgur.com/DEkucr3 https://imgur.com/zVBbTNB https://imgur.com/91znvTO Yeah, the pictures above basically explains the issue. And by the way, scatterer and sunflare is working fine in the stock system, and no, nothing is installed from CKAN.
  11. I have disabled commnet but it's still persisting. What to do?
  12. I tried to make a comsat network but none of the dishes are working, even if activated. If the rocket gets out of the 15km range, all signal cuts out. Only the short range (communotrons) are working. But these doesn't have a significant range.
  13. This mod has to have the option to take off eva suit in oxygen atmosphere. What's the point of running out of oxygen while eva in an oxygen atmosphere?
  14. I've scrolled through the whole KSP forum and haven't found a single topic mentioning how we can improve the planets without surface. My idea is: assuming a spaceship can tolerate everything including infinite temperature, pressure, g-forces etc. Jool, for example, can look like some sort of an ocean planet, which gas giants actually are in real life (except that the ocean is made of hydrogen); smooth looking from space, maybe a bit hydrogen color ish (whatever the color of hydrogen is). Then the clouds can be added by for example a VE mod of some sort to make it look like a typical good'ol gas giant. If landing a ship on it, the temperature of the "ocean" surface may be 100 - 200 degrees due to hydrogen greenhouse effect, the ship quickly sinks till the density of the ocean is so great the ship stops sinking. In the case of The Sun, same, the photosphere can be an intensely white glowing "ocean" of much lower density, the ship may sink tens to hundreds of thousands of kilometers before stopping (unless you have some real good floating mechanism). Sunspots can be where the ocean is still intensely white glowing, except that it's glowing thousands of times less than the surroundings. An intensely red atmosphere (the chromosphere) can be placed right above the photosphere. Oh nevermind the things above is just as impossible as it could be LOL. (But that's only an idea)
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