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Deimos Rast

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Everything posted by Deimos Rast

  1. since people seem interested (and I've always liked this mod), I can give this mod a thorough going over tomorrow and bring it fully up to date.
  2. The latest update seems to have solved the staging issues, well done. Is there a way I can keep it from ever staging my fairings? I'm currently trying a negative pressure value in hopes that'll work.
  3. I hear you. Nothing major jumps out at me now, but I'm tempted to figure out a way to mathematically balance the tank mass and/cost (a la SMURF). I don't doubt that you crunched the numbers, but I feel like some type of MM patch that automagically calculates things wouldn't be amiss. Out of curiosity, how did you come up with the costs for the fuel tanks and such? I saw some notes in a few configs. A few things I'm looking at, off the top of my head: The battery beats out the stock equivalent Z-4k in the cost department for the same ElectricCharge. The fission reactor is currently an over grown fuel cell (albeit with coreheat). Nertea has some really cool fission reactor stuff in NearFutureElectrical - shouldn't be too hard to make a patch (I'll probably try on my own and if it's decent I'll share it) Would you be opposed to RealPlume for the Behemoth engine? The RealPlume-Stock mod guy (Nhawks17) does pretty damn good work. Don't get me wrong, blasting off with the Behe's currently is pretty sweet - just more eye candy never hurt. I'm eyeing the ELF engine. Considering its' size, I think it should probably cost more ElectricCharge, but I don't have a good number as of yet. Could probably make up the standard CLS, KeepFit, and LifeSupport (at least TACLS) patches as well. Really only applies to the crew module, although the docking ports could use CLS support. All I have at the moment. Off to eat more candy.
  4. @nli2work So I went ahead and updated this - completely, and then some - for 1.2 and everything tested successfully, so I figured I'd share it. As a matter of disclosure: I also gave the parts a balance pass, some more than others. Everyone's favorite, the extendable engine, was hit a bit hard (mainly in the cost area), but nothing out of line with the stock NERV. Indeed, everything was compared to a comparable stock counterpart. I also: converted the ModuleRCS to the new ModuleRCSFX and added RCS soundFX. I tied all lights into the Light action group, added hibernation, kerbnet, data transmitters, everything now has tags and fixed/updated bulkheadprofiles, etc etc. See changelog below (also included in the download) for an exhaustive list of changes made. And I fixed a couple of bugs as well; behind the scenes stuff that I doubt anyone really noticed or even affected anything (differing double entries, that sort of thing), but meh. If people aren't keen on me taking license and balancing all the things ('cuz really, who am I to say what's what?), I'm fine with releasing a second version with just the essentials in it (the new 1.2 goodies, added tags, updated bulkheads, etc). Or you can make the changes yourself - I generally left in the old/original values next to my adjusted values, behind a double slash //. And if you really don't like my engine changes (which honestly aren't that bad), you can just delete "OT_Engines.cfg" entirely. No hard feelings, promise. Happy Halloween. Installation Just extract the folder "TugPatches" into your GameData folder. Requires ModuleManager, as these are just MM patches. Pretty straightforward. Credits Credit for "OrbitalTug" belongs to @nli2work ; credit for "TugPatches" belongs to @Deimos Rast. All bugs contained therein also belong to Deimos Rast. License Not sure this even needs one, and I don't really care, but some people do, so let's go with the OP's license of "CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0". nli2work is, of course, more than welcome to use any and all of these patches or their contents, as he so chooses. Or not. That's cool too. Changelog here Download here EDIT: @LeLeon @Scotius Done.
  5. Yeah, I figured as much - I was sort of giving them the benefit of the doubt. I'm a big fan of RT and used it forever, but when I tried it earlier...no workie workie (100% connectivity all the time). But that's a topic for another thread.
  6. I think that's a fair goal (parity with stock), and probably the safest route (as far as not getting grief from players). It would seem like a "bypass CommNet" isn't necessary after all.
  7. @Bonus Eventus I updated the mod to 1.2 - I specifically did not do any balancing, as you are still active and I thought it would be presumptuous. I did, however, fix a few bugs, in addition to adding in the new 1.2 content (which may also have been presumptuous, but it was there). None of them were terribly big (typos, wrong bulkheadsizes, etc); only one that might qualify of one of interest is the landing gear one. I believe putting ModuleAnimateGeneric first screws up all the subsequent moduleIndex's so I corrected it with a patch (deleted the module and reinserted it at the end). It's literally the one thing I didn't test (as I just discovered it), but it stands to reason, and it can't hurt any. See the changelog below for a exhaustive list of changes. In short: Command Modules got all the new things (both of your's are technically probes, so they both did); RCS module got an upgrade to RCSFX and now has sound (although you may want to change it since MonoProp soundFX for a LFO RCS thruster might be weird); Landing gear now has sound; Lights are all hooked into the action group Light; categories updated; tags updated... and that's the broad brush strokes. And I know you mention (repeatedly) that fuelCrossFeed and stackSymmetry don't mix (and I didn't change anything, don't worry)...but I found that they do mix in stock (e.g. TVR-200L Stack Bi-Adapter). It might be new, having to do with the recent fuel system changes, no idea. Food for thought. Note: there are a number of extraneous "allowSrfAttach, allowCollision" free floating in quite a few configs. See ToDo.txt for a full list for further changes that need to be made (if you so choose). Also: In the download I got off GitHub, there were duplicate directories (a full Parts folder inside another Parts folder). I tested everything, and everything works. For everyone else: these are just a set of patches. You'll need to grab the full download from the OP. Cheers. Credit All credit for KerbodynePlus belongs to @Bonus Eventus. Credit for these patches, if it matters, belongs to @Deimos Rast. They can be considered public domain ('cuz I can't find the KP license at the moment, and I don't care that much). Bonus Eventus is of course free to use these patches or their contents as he so chooses. Or not. That's cool too. Changelog here. Download here.
  8. Aha! I could have sworn it was just me with the solar panels. Nice work. Can't say I like "StateVis" as it seems a bit awkward, but whatever, I'll live. Granted, Toggle doesn't really describe it either, but it's at least one word. Not going to lose sleep over it. Cheers. By the way, was the log in anyway useful? If you haven't had a chance to look at it, that's fine too.
  9. @LeLeon Interesting conclusion. I too use AGExt and have since forever, and it used to work.
  10. Actually, I should warn you, that patch is making MM cranky. I didn't catch it at first, because I'm never by KSP when it's loading, but looking through my log I see the following for each of the parts, so I clearly did something wrong. It's odd though, because it works perfectly in game. I'm pretty sure I know why it is ("FuelTotal = #$../LH2$" is referring to $LH2 which doesn't exist in my patch version). The issue is that the original patch specifically deals with tanks that either already have LH2 in them, (then adds to them the option of adding a dash of Oxidizer) or are LFO tanks (and then they get the works). Your tanks are neither, so I combined aspects of both patches. TLDR: I'm going to try commenting out the FuelTotal line and see if MM will leave me alone. The other option would be to give it the non-boiloff proof cryotank module, which wouldn't be the end of the world, but meh. Oh, and Happy Halloween. [ModuleManager] Cannot find key LH2 in PART [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when inserting new key FuelTotal = #$../LH2$
  11. @cxg2827 So I spent some time looking over your configs (mainly modifying things for personal usage), and a found a couple things missing. Nothing major, but there were a few things that I think are new in 1.2 that weren't there. I made a few patches to add the missing things in. I also looked over the patches included in the mod, and found what I think are a few potential problems/improvements. Additionally, I made a patch that adds a crew report science experiment to your crew modules, since the HitchHiker's has one, but that one might be a matter of preference, so I'll refrain from sharing that one. I actually made considerably more patches than what's presented here, but a lot of it comes down to taste. One thing I noticed is that you're missing a lot of bulkheadProfiles, and that everything has a maxTemp of 800 (even your thermal control system), which seems incredibly low, but I take it that's intentional. Regarding the patches included: The RemoteTech patch; I don't think "ProgressFXModules = 1" will do anything in your case. More importantly, "ModuleAnimateGeneric" no longer controls the antenna deployment - now it's "ModuleDeployableAntenna". I'm unsure if "allowManualControl = false" would still work for it. Looking at the RemoteTech patches...they haven't updated them. The patch will still work as is though, for the most part. The CLS patch could use a :NEEDS[ConnectedLivingSpace] The KeepFit patch could maybe use a :HAS[!MODULE[KeepFitPartModule]]. Honestly though, my issue with this patch is more that everything is COMFY, even the Science Labs and Node1, but whatever. The Snacks patch - I checked, and despite the mod being rebranded to "Snacks Continued", it's still "Snacks" for the :NEEDS[Snacks]. Everything here looked fine. The USI patch looked fine, but I don't at present use USI. TweakScale - seems odd giving the module to everything, but that's personal preference. No TACLS patch? Regarding my patches, the two major things were the Truss Drone Core and the Labs. I also added some stuff to the Solar Panel and Docking Ports, but those aren't as important. Below you'll see an commented out ModuleProbeControlPoint. The Size2 RGU has it, but I was ambivalent about whether to include it. Cheers. //Z1 Truss @PART[CXA_Z1]:NEEDS[CxAerospace] { %vesselType = Probe %CrewCapacity = 0 %explosionPotential = 0 %tags = ISS CxA Z1 Truss cmg command control (core fly gyro kerbnet moment probe react sas satellite space stab steer torque @MODULE[ModuleCommand] { %hasHibernation = True %hibernationMultiplier = 0.00125 } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbNetAccess MinimumFoV = 5 MaximumFoV = 90 AnomalyDetection = 0.3 DISPLAY_MODES { Mode = Biome Mode = Terrain } } MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = INTERNAL packetInterval = 1.0 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 12.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaPower = 5000 optimumRange = 2500 packetFloor = .1 packetCeiling = 5 } //MODULE //{ // name = ModuleProbeControlPoint // minimumCrew = 1 // multiHop = True //} } //Solar Array Wing(SAW) @PART[CXA_SAW]:NEEDS[CxAerospace] { //%fuelCrossFeed = True // False @MODULE[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel] { //raycastTransformName = Suncatcher %secondaryTransformName = Suncatcher %isTracking = True } } //Lab Modules @PART[CXA_ELM_MiniLab|CXA_Kibo_Lab]:NEEDS[CxAerospace] { @MODULE[ModuleScienceConverter] { %dataProcessingMultiplier = 0.5 // Multiplier to data processing rate and therefore science rate //%ToggleActionName = Toggle Research } MODULE { name = ModuleExperienceManagement costPerKerbal = 0 } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbNetAccess MinimumFoV = 17 MaximumFoV = 63 AnomalyDetection = 0 DISPLAY_MODES { Mode = Terrain Mode = Biome } REQUIRED_EFFECTS { Effect = ScienceSkill } } } //Docking Ports @PART[CXA_*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDockingNode]]:NEEDS[CxAerospace] { @MODULE[ModuleDockingNode] { %stagingEnabled = False } }
  12. don't mind me, I'm just here for the panda landa...lander. that glamour shot got me hyped; it better not be all flash and no fury...or low res blurry
  13. what monstrosity is this? Where can I purchase one?! p.s. the top looks like a freaking panda...cannot unsee
  14. I have the same issue. Are you using Contract Configurator? When in doubt, blame that mod I kid. But seriously, I have the same issue as you. I checked the settings file and it's set to "O". I suppose I could check to make sure the dll loaded correctly.
  15. the tug mod is OrbitalTug. The Colony Mod is Kerbal Planetary Base Systems. there are others. anywhere you see transparent glass, probably uses this. I believe RoverDude is transitioning some of his pieces to use this; pretty sure they did at one point in the past (karibou, etc). ASET used it, the Transparent pods mod used it. Stock parts don't.
  16. Doesn't it already have the new antenna? I swear I saw an antenna in the 1.2 version he posted. It should already have a science container as well.
  17. and some stuff to the ion engine, plus some categories here and there. Plus the rcs upgrade. Maybe a new coat of paint and one of those little scented pine trees to hang on the rear view mirror too. Overall, nothing too major. It should not not work currently, but it's not fully 1.2 compliant. The biggest issue would be the probe core lacking the internal transmitters. I know Bonus is busy with Mother(hood) so maybe I'll poke at the configs and see about rolling out a couple patches. Might be a couple days though.
  18. @passinglurker Here is a patch to bring the mod up to 1.2 speed. It's a real mammoth patch, if I do say so. Ready? It does the following: Fixes the typo "fusealage" in the decoupler and separator. Changes decoupler/separator categories to Coupling Adds snazzy white gas burst fx and real sound vent action on decoupling, to both, 'cuz why not (feel free to remove these lines if this is a stylistic decision). Seriously, the mod is fine. I went over all the fuel tanks, no changes required. I don't personally use the engines, but I peeked at a couple of the configs just to say I did, and they looked fine as well (only thing I wouldn't be 100% on is the Gimbal module, but iirc, changes to that were two versions ago, not this version). If you want, I have a second patch that renames the stock liquidfuel and structural fuselages to the same naming conventions that you use, for the sake of consistency. It's just flavor text, but, meh. Cheers. //Mk1 Stack Decoupler Fuselage @PART[decouplerQuarterMk1]:NEEDS[MoarMk1] { @title = Mk1 Stack Decoupler Fuselage @category = Coupling // Structural %fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.1171875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple %sound_vent_large = decouple } //Mk1 Stack Separator Fuselage @PART[separaterQuarterMk1]:NEEDS[MoarMk1] { @title = Mk1 Stack Separator Fuselage @category = Coupling // Structural %fx_gasBurst_white = 0.0, 0.1171875, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, decouple %sound_vent_large = decouple }
  19. 2 extra warp levels. Removal of altitude limits on all worlds. How does this play with TimeControl?
  20. The last question is probably the answer: no. But you do have the precedent of "Bypass RemoteTech" which is why I asked. Finally got a log for you. The EVAing happens right at the end. Paused it immediately when it happened. Enjoy. Stock adds the option to do just that now, which AGExt respects. Just go into Options when you create a new game, maybe in Advanced Options. There should be a "ActionGroups Always Available" toggle.
  21. Good things for you, boys and girls! I managed to fix the RCS thrusters. The Resitojet and Sunrise Ion engine still lack on/off sounds, and are very quiet, but that should be an easy fix. Something for the next round, yeah? Anyway, you can find the GitHub repo here (direct download link below). Currently, it's just the patches, so you need the main download from the OP, then add my folder to your GameData. If people find that too confusing (or too much work), I can rebundle my patches with RLA_Stockalike, so it's all-in-one. I'd just rather not redistribute RLA_Stockalike entirely without talking to hoojiwana first. All credit for RLA_Stockalike belongs to @hoojiwana; credit for RLA_Continued (in patch form) belongs to @Deimos Rast. All bugs also belong to Deimos Rast. And now to write hoojiwana a PM. PM sent. I tested everything multiple times, but let me know if you have any issues. Cheers. License here (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License) - same as RLA_Stockalike, in anticipation of bundling. Changelog here Direct Download here for v0.1 EDIT: I forgot to mention that I borrowed an idea (giving the IKOTET probe rover equivalent Kerbnet access) from @PocketBrotector. I also apparently forgot to include any credits whatsoever.
  22. Kind of yes, kind of no. Like most stock vs modded equivalents, the modded version goes further. It has different parts, measures distances differently (in the configs), has a computer (e,g, MJ lite) that allows you to queue up actions for when you have no connection. When you have RT installed, it has the option to disable CommNet. I'm a huge fan of RemoteTech - however, trying it recently, it was badly broken, but that might have changed. It hasn't made the switch to 1.2 as gracefully as it could have, to be honest. Most will be content with the stock version. Sorry for the off topic. On topic: how did the test go?
  23. the Kraken has indeed been strong of late. Sputtle is just a RADAR scanner probe, so he never really needs to be active, and with no background processing, it effectively doesn't matter that he isn't reaping the sweet sweet ElectricCharge he is so rightfully due. And hey, if he runs out...HyperEdit Truthfully, on my "Give-O-Damn Meter" it barely registers; I only mentioned it in case you were doing some weird solar panel voodoo, and needed to be set straight. BTW: Really digging the carbon fiber look. However, definitely not digging the space in "Coatl Aerospace" as none of my MM patches work (despite trying "?" or "*"). Any ideas, short of renaming the entire folder and doing search and replace on all the model nodes, and then never updating the mod ever again? Cheers.
  24. @akron Dear sir...your solar panels, while killers in the looks department, are...picky. This probe is will soon die, because of you. I want that to rest heavy on you. RIP Sputtle the Staysputnik #468. Notice in the pictures how the panels say "Sun Exposure 0, blocked by Stayputnik" yet have at least 98% clearance. Some estimates put it as high as 98.1%! I am not amused. <----Angry face, is me. http://imgur.com/qCSdgC3 http://imgur.com/YsVbOP8 I have no idea what would cause this behavior, maybe where you put the "thingy that registers where the sun contacts" ?
  25. Well, the parts in question are the "TVR-40S Stack Quad-Adapter" (RLA_med2small_quadadap) and the "TVR-50R Radial Stack Extender" (RLA_small_radext). The thing is, nothing in my update will or PocketBrotector's does touch the internal part names of those items, which is typically what causes part load errors. I have them both still in my game, and everything about them is normal. Only thing I can think of is that you somehow lost the original files for them. Easiest "solution" is try to redownload/reinstall the mod. Otherwise... You could check in: RLA_Stockalike > Parts > Structural > struct_med2small_adapters ....and look for a "quadadap.cfg" RLA_Stockalike > Parts > Structural > struct_various ...and look for a "small_radialext.cfg" If you have the files, then try uploading your log somewhere and I'll take a look. If you don't have the files, then a redownload should fix things. Also, just a thought: did you move the mod around at all? Is it still "RLA_Stockalike"? Both those parts use model nodes, which requires specific file pathing for them to work properly. ----------------- General update: I tested my update, and largely things went well, then I passed out. The problems are/were generally confined to the RCS thrusters, which were converted to the new ModuleRCSFX; they all work, just a matter of the effects lining up properly. The other two issues that I can remember were the arcjet (or maybe the resistojet?) and the ion engine didn't have any sound, or at least it's very soft (I play low volume). I'll poke at the RCS a bit more, then regardless of results, probably release what I have sometime today.
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