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Deimos Rast

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Everything posted by Deimos Rast

  1. @CyriousI get what you're saying, and that actually makes a lot of sense. Just so we're on the same page, this is a picture of what I meant. Note the two boosters on the far left (at the end of the plasma trails - might have to zoom in to see them). The angle of the plasma trail seems in line with the flames from the nose of the rocket - that seems all well and good. (I'm not sure if the two trails are connected to the larger one or if it's just the angle of the picture.)
  2. this sounds a lot like Kerbalism with a dash of TACLS. That's not a bad thing (both are very good mods), and I'm not saying you shouldn't pursue it, but I'm not seeing a "unique" selling point here. To borrow an idea that USI-LS has: allow the player to define "veteran" status to certain kerbals with the ability to determine different affects of supply loss on them. For example, you could have supply/food loss outright kill a white suit, but only make an orange suit into a tourist or go MIA. Again, not a unique feature, but no one has expanded upon that, or combined it with a TACLS style resource combination. I think that would lend itself well to the crew happiness/morale type thing you are looking at. Ration idea sounds interesting. Maybe have it give you a reputation hit or somehow decrease the kerbals effectiveness (less time for eva, less science boosts, reduced skill levels etc). Cheers, and good luck.
  3. My very first "internet name" was also probably my stupidest. It was in Utlima Online, it was Sir_FirtName_Of_LastName. Except I used my real first name and real last name. Yeah, not the brightest kid. The internet was a different place back then I guess. My current one is from EVE Online. Originally an Amarr zealot type. 'Deimos' because I knew it was some celestial named a Greek type deity (which actually turns out to be a rather badS aspect); 'Rast' because it fit his visage (bald, grizzled, scarred).
  4. small feature request, that might fall half and half within the bounds of this mod: toggle default stock camera mod in the editor (VAB/SPH). I hate the SPH camera, and never use the building because of it (I launch all my planes from the VAB and use VesselMover to get them to the runway). There were other mods that did this, but they have fallen behind the times, and it's not too far afield of this mod's territory... Obviously, I know you have other projects you're working on at the moment. I just figured I'd suggest it to put a bug in your ear.
  5. Well the description says it's "temporarily using the HL cockpit interior while a new one is being developed" so you're probably right there. My point was that the interior it's currently using requires the RPM computer, but it doesn't at present have the module. Thanks again for maintaining this.
  6. maybe bind it to throttle? shift/ctrl since translation is already in use.
  7. @magico13 do what you gotta do mate, that's all there is to it. I'd rather see you find something else you're passionate about than plug away at this for another x number of weeks/months if you're really not feeling it. It'll be a bummer to see you go (if you do decide to), but as long as your licenses are in order and relatively open, I'm sure someone will step up for at least KCT (and probably SR as well). Either way, it's been a pleasure.
  8. @blowfish MK5 Cockpit uses the HL Cockpit IVA (B9_Cockpit_HL_Internal) same as the HL Cockpit. However, the HL Cockpit has the RasterPropMonitorComputer Module while the MK5 Cockpit does not, nor can I find it in any of the RPM patches. Also, what's the advantage of using the module = CommandPod as opposed to module = Part? Is there one, or is that a holdover from bygone days? edit: I'd also add the size2 MK5 weighs more than the size3 HL...
  9. I think the issue might be Ven's - I know it does stuff to docking ports and frequently breaks them (I've heard). Also, what's that docking camera called? Been looking for it. That's not the old NavyFish is it?
  10. I've been having a bear of a time trying to get it to register suborbital trajectories over, say, the South Pole. I've tried sub-orbital, but with a Pe below 70km (62 in the latest), Ap above 70km. I've tried trajectories that land me inside the territority, or take me through it low. Finally had to use Hyper Edit to finangle it. Even that was finicky. I used Haystacks to monitor when I was classified as on a "suborbital trajectory" (which incidentally was a 70x70), and when it said I was, the contract picked it up just fine, so I suspect the issue might not be this contract pack at all, but something else. I seem to remember having these issues way back in 1.0.5 as well (just remember having to use HyperEdit then too). Thoughts?
  11. congrats on the re-re-(re?)release! I'd recommend putting the relevant module somewhere in the OP, so people don't have to dig for it if they want to add it to their favorite antennae. Also, if iirc, there was a bug with the map mode overlay not following along with the capsule (or the capsule appearing outside of the map entirely). Was quite distressing for my kerbals.
  12. yay for happy lists. You should take up teaching. The real question is whether this will get rid of that dead kerbal-not-a-kerbal sitting in my roster...
  13. @panarchist So I just wrote a CLS patch for this, but it looks like you beat me to it. Whoops. One thing to note on the Centrifuge, is that it has surface attach rules (attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0) - despite not even having an attach node. What I mean is, you should technically have "passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true" as well. Granted, no one is ever going to attach that thing in such a way...but they could.
  14. mod is waaaaay out of date, last updated for 0.90.
  15. Quoting for reference, but directed at KSP bro Kethane uses a plugin based approach to add resources (which won't help) whereas Karbonite...actually doesn't use anything. Community Resource Pack, which is bundled with Karbonite, does the leg work, and uses the same methods as stock. Look at CRP.
  16. so I forgot I installed this mod and just did a relatively routine reentry (albeit from high orbit) - surprise! Took me a while to figure out what the hell was following my pod. I also saw it on the way up, which really confused me. I agree things as they are are probably realistic, but the plasma trails on the way up could probably be toned down a tad, but that's been mentioned already. Overall, good stuff. EDIT: One thing I'll add is that when you decouple boosters, the particle effect seems to follow them all the way down, as long as the main rocket is generating the effect still. That seems a bug.
  17. This is really slick! Maybe a way to collapse and expand the tags (like a tree view), because I know I'll make a ton of them and a better way to organize them would be nice. Also, you can currently get an expanded view of the craft when you mouse over the title of the craft, but not when you mouse over the image. Seemed a bit odd to me (I would have thought it'd be the other way around). Very nice work. Cheers.
  18. @blowfish part = B9_Body_Mk2_Cockpit_Intake Bottom of the config, the FAR geometry thingy, references the other Mk2b cockpit (see below) @PART[B9_Body_Mk2_Cockpit]:AFTER[FerramAerospaceResearch] { @MODULE[GeometryPartModule] { %forceUseMeshes = True } }
  19. assuming I'm understanding you right...nope, everything lives in the CCC folder (I'm assuming you meant put a small dummy file in the part folder to be replacing?). I don't really understand the in's and out's of MeshSwitching (yet), but I think that's only necessary (if it even is) for...well actually I don't know when. I can think of examples (IR for instance), just not sure why they do it that way. I know it's multiple parts using the same texture, but I don't think every mod does it that way. *shrug*
  20. Question: Does this effectively allow me to "print" Kerbals now (spawn new ones at will)? As in, if they don't disappear after recovering spawned vessels, I'll be getting something for nothing. I don't have any real issue with this, but I can foresee problems if you're spawning a lot of vessels. And I know you'll probably get grief from some types for it, if that's the case. Eitherway, thanks again for picking this one up.
  21. Only understand about half of this, but I feel a thanks is in order, so: thank you!
  22. @NecroBones I *think* the 2m B9PartSwitch patch for FTP is missing the @MODEL portion and a couple patches seems to have double :NEEDS[FuelTanksPlus] unless I'm misreading things. Doubt that matters though. Cheers. //@PART[OscarB]:NEEDS[FuelTanksPlus]:NEEDS[B9PartSwitch&!Firespitter&!InterstellarFuelSwitch&FuelTanksPlus]:AFTER[ZColorCodedCans] --- @Laguna That patch is for if you don't have FTP, it disables all the tank butts that other patches add. As it says in the patches "Appearance switching turned off, when FTP is absent." I'm actually doing exactly what you're trying to do: use CCC & FTP for cloned parts. Below is what you need. Put in the part name of the cloned part, and you should be good to go with just that, unless you want to do something fancier. The textures corespond to the physical out of game texture files; the objects are the internal names of the meshes you're manipulating (at least that's my understanding). Probably best to stick to what you see in CCC already. @PART[partnamehere]:NEEDS[Firespitter|InterstellarFuelSwitch&FuelTanksPlus]:AFTER[ZColorCodedCans] { @MODEL { texture = TPtank3m-Specular, FuelTanksPlus/Size3/TPtank3m-Specular texture = orange-jumbo-0, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankJumbo-64/model000 texture = orange-jumbo-1, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankJumbo-64/model001 } MODULE { name:NEEDS[!InterstellarFuelSwitch] = FSmeshSwitch name:NEEDS[InterstellarFuelSwitch] = InterstellarMeshSwitch objects = CCtank3m-Stock;CCtank3m-White;CCtank3m-Black;CCtank3m-Silver,CCtank3m-SilverShine;CCtank3m-Orange,CCtank3m-Orange2;CCtank3m-Tan objectDisplayNames = Saturn;Falcon;Black;Titan;STS;Ariane affectColliders = false buttonName = Next Color Scheme previousButtonName = Previous Color Scheme } }
  23. @Stone Blue as a life long Microsoft/Windows user, I've made the (probably) permanent transition to Linux after the cluster fudge that is MS10 (which incidentally, I purchased). Not getting into the specifics of that story, but I recently discovered MonoDevelop (as has already been mentioned above) which is quite nice and seems to do everything necessary. Blender works for Linux as well....as for Unity, I'm not so sure. It helps that I have an old laptop running an old version of W7 too. I don't know that KSP is broken for Linux now - KSP has always run horribly for me, but depending on the number/quality of mods installed, I can usually get KSP to play at ~100 mods without crashing for a few hours.
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