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Everything posted by Jim123

  1. The problem is i keep getting a B9 part switch warning. I wasn't entirely sure how to do it so i just dragged the columbia files in the parts folder it sorta works but i get that error.
  2. I read the Readme file on the extra textures im still having b9 part errors and cat figure out how to do it?
  3. I tried 2 different versions of them thinking the older version didn't have the bug but it does. https://github.com/Tidal-Stream/ProceduralParts/releases The two versions i tried are. 1.3.18 1.2.18
  4. when i re root a part placed on a producel tank or at least a docking port in rss ro my game crashes i think someone on github had a similar problem to just curious are you planning on fixing this bug?
  5. okay messed with it some bit whenever i put the docking port on the side of a procedural tank and place another part on the docking port and re root it it crashes.
  6. My game keeps crashing whenever i root a part on top of a docking port. Anyone know how to fix this?
  7. I'm trying to figure out how to stop fuel boil off and i can't figure it out ive looked at forums i created a folder called zfinal and made a cfg file with this in it. @TANK_DEFINITION[*]:FINAL { @TANK,* { @loss_rate = 0 } } I named the file @TANK_DEFINITION.cfg.
  8. Okay well i figured out i installed it wrong so i got it working i thought it was broken in that all the parts wouldn't work. Sorry for that i got it working on my 1.1.3,1.2.2,1.3.1 installs all just fine so i thought i knew what i was doing but i just needed to keep textures unlimited dont worry sometimes i read things way to fast than my brain can fully process what i need to do. I removed it because i thought i had to have DX11 forced or opengl which i did that one time, not with the mod but it broke my save so i didn't want to do it but it works fine without it forced.
  9. I'm not trying to ask for a release date or anything like that but i haven't gotten SSTU to work i saw someone in the forums here that said it is broken so i'm curious are you guys going to fix it or work on a updata not trying to pester or a release date just curious if you are going to work on a fix for it. Thank you in Advance:)
  10. anyone know what the delta v you need to get to laythe land and back to kerbin? Also is realism Overhaul and RSS allowed?
  11. I plan on doing more of the shuttle challenges also how do i use my bage sorry if this is a dumb question.
  12. i'm working on a shuttle for this challage ill let you know when its ready and ill make a video and show the mods i use.
  13. i'm using this mod for galileo's planet pack and and it doesnt show kerbin as gael and ive seen it work and i got it to show gael instead of kerbin when i did it in 1.3 but in 1.6.1 its not working.
  14. i'm using this mod for galileo's planet pack and and it doesnt show kerbin as gael and ive seen it work and i got it to show gael instead of kerbin when i did it in 1.3 but in 1.6.1 its not working.
  15. I got my install set up and ready but the delta v for mechjeb and kerbal engineer are saying its instead of gael they say kerbin any fix i tried making a new install with a new ksp download still didn't work.
  16. how do you use it stop fuel boil off i haven't gotten it to work in RSS RO 1.3.1 at least the old heat pumps mod i saw this is a new thread. Thanks in Advance.
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