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Everything posted by Jim123

  1. Looks great Constellation still one of my all time favorite programs!
  2. Update was able to fix docking ports via Save file editing thanks to this tool, Still no idea why menu options don't work
  3. Hello, I have been experiencing some problems undocking and using the menu buttons. When I click on undock or set it to a action group it does nothing and KSP still registers it as one craft. Secondly though I have not been experiencing this as much when I press esc to the menu and try going to Space center, Tracking Station or Main Menu , it allows me to click but it does nothing. I have tried clearing input locks on the menu problem but to no avail, unsure If I did it or not with the docking port issue. Here I have a log of a incident when I was unable to undock from anything except for one docking port, I also have here a list of my mods and a picture of my Gamedata as well. Hopefully we can figure out what the problem is, Thanks in advance! Dropbox Player log File Mods Image of Gamedata Folder http://
  4. Sounds good! Glad your feeling better! That teaser looks really good! Do you ever find it weird in KSRSS that the scale of earth is smaller especially during launch?
  5. Feel better soon! Looking forward to seeing your next post on the Shuttle!
  6. Made Space Station Freedom using HabTech2 along with a few other mods, Hope you don't mind any pictures or the video I made of it. Had to make a comprise on the S0 Connection to HAB A and LAB A so it would not look messy.
  7. Having a problem with the wings as stated with a Issue on GitHub, that aft pressing Crt+z I am unable to edit the wings. I can only see my wings edits after I make copy's of them and place them back on my craft, or pick them up and put them back on. I have a player log here hope this helps! Thank you! https://www.dropbox.com/s/rxyo1xalbt82ykh/Player.zip?dl=0
  8. Those tiles and NASA and USA/Flag logo look really nice. Ever considered publishing it or sending it to SOCK recolored or something? Nice missions and Content by the way!
  9. Looks really nice, Did you have to do any tweaking or anything special to get Edwards to work for KSRSS?
  10. Using the Space OYD version, Parts are all loading in however I am unable to change the subtype or texture, Using KSP version 1.12.3. Any help would be apricated here is a player log hope this helps. Also @SpaceODY A friend of mine known as Kingzlo, found that RO engines is why some parts don't show up like the RS-25 or AJ190. Going into RO engines-Patch Manager-ActveMMPatches and then delete the RS-25 and AJ190 configs allows the Shuttle mods to show up. This works for any other engine also I found and any other part mod that adds them in and has configs for them already. Also found that using Tufx with the shuttle mod also makes some things see through depending on the angle. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rxyo1xalbt82ykh/Player.zip?dl=0
  11. Having a ksp.io.hierarchy 1 error not sure what is causing it, Here is a log. https://www.dropbox.com/s/e9942p9l3ei4r6n/Player.log?dl=0
  12. Okay do you know what the coordinates of it are?
  13. @papasidCan you repost the link please, so people can Fork it on GitHub and improve upon it. I know you said you don't know much about maintaining or coding it, etc. It would be very much appreciated thank you!
  14. Nothing is showing up for me in KK or at the coordinates. I am using EVO so that may have something to do with it. Here is a link to my player log https://www.dropbox.com/s/3r0n1gpu146vzol/Player-prev.log?dl=0
  15. Anything you guys are doing to get the shuttle robotic arm from wobbling around and able to carry habtech modules to build stations?
  16. Thank you for updating and fixing Kronometer the mod works again in comba with JNSQ.
  17. Hello I have been using your know patch for 1.12 in ksp version 1.12.2. Anyway i have made a test install for troubleshooting problems in my main install. I have found that using it in combination with Texture replacer having a skybox disables the skybox. Here is a log thank you in advance! https://www.dropbox.com/s/e9942p9l3ei4r6n/Player.log?dl=0
  18. Looks Amazing i don't think I've ever science such a good looking Z1 or ISS solar Panels!! Looking forward to sometime in the future when we get Station Freedom Parts.
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