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Everything posted by Cratzz

  1. Waay of i just noticed, i'll correct that and im probably fine. Wing loading? The control surface on the front acts as a canard and gets me of the ground.
  2. Hey, can someone tell me why this is stuck to the runway? Been doing this awhile, and it's happend before with some tweakscaled parts but this has none of that. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5191989/Untitled2.png
  3. Right, well im not a modder so i don't know the intricate workings of everything involved. Yes, i posted a comment there as well just to get the word out.
  4. Having some issues with the dev-build, certain configs cause the craft to be glued to the ground. This often happens when adding the tailsection of the craft. By removing the surface areas of the tail, the craft launches (by obviously don't fly very well) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5191989/Untitled.png
  5. Hey @Raptor831 i have some issues with some tanks that cause negative mass with Real Fuels and Tweakscale. The C7 Brand Adapters, and the MK3 Parts are the ones that don't work. With a fresh install + Tweakscale all is good. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5191989/KSP.log Any input would be much appreciated! EDIT: Made a video too from VAB and launch. - https://youtu.be/R_3zAvel9-M
  6. Hey @NathanKell i have some issues with some tanks that cause negative mass with Tweakscale. The C7 Brand Adapters, and the MK3 Parts https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5191989/KSP.log Any input would be much appreciated! EDIT: Made a video too from VAB and launch. - https://youtu.be/R_3zAvel9-M EDIT: And btw, almost ALL tanks seem to have a much too low dry weight. For example, a T800 tank in stock weighs half a ton dry, with RealFuels 0.075 tons. EDIT: I disabled "useRealisticMass" and now the dry weight seems right, still get negative mass on all tanks tho.
  7. Hey @pellinor i tried to have you look at my log a while back and see as to why some parts cause negative mass (tanks) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5191989/KSP.log Any input would be much appreciated! EDIT: Made a video too from VAB and launch. - https://youtu.be/R_3zAvel9-M EDIT 2: The problem lies with Real Fuels, ill post this in that thread as well.
  8. Yes, im using @Raptor831 Stockalike Real Fuel Config. Here is the log: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5191989/KSP.rar It was 30+ meg so i compressed it for you. Thanks
  9. Hey, i just wanna report on my testing that i haven't encountered any bugs atleast to my knowledge. Thanks for the satisfaction of getting my SSTO in orbit! (Even if that design is impossible in real life)
  10. Craft is glued to the ground when tweakscaling C7 Brand Adapter Slanted tank. Anyone else getting this? And no, iv'e checked and it's not Tweakscale.
  11. Is there a config for RF to use Kerosene for Firespitter engines?
  12. Im trying to find the reason why some parts -when tweakscaled- causes the craft to be glued to the ground. And one of those is the C7 Brand Adapter Slanted, when looking in Squad_Tanks.cfg in Tweakscale/patches/Squad i can't find it which maybe can explain as to why it don't work? @pellinor What would you need in terms of finding the cause? A log or something? Thanks!
  13. @Raptor831 I was having the same issues as @rgr and i had two sets of configs, messing things up. Removing the Real Fuels stock configs and keeping yours all is good. Thanks for keeping this great mod alive
  14. Hi, are there any plans on fixing the Plume-effect -always being on- with Ven's Revamped engines?
  15. Im getting "Insufficent resources to ignite" on every rocket with this even if the correct fuels are added. EDIT: There was a conflict somewhere, works now with Real Plume. But not with all rockets stock, there is always something! Oh well, can't be botherd.
  16. Alright, thanks. Yea, it seems dual-engine configurations don't work. Im only getting thrust from one no matter the engines or setup. EDIT: There seemed to be a issue with Enginelight mod, removing it seems to have fixed it.
  17. Hello, i have tried the devbuild of FAR with the correct version of MFI, and it works with the AJE v2.7.3 and SolverEngines v3.0 but is there a devbuild for those latter that's newer, that better works with FAR? Thank you.
  18. Great mod, still strange that Squad hasn't implemeted this as standard. Anyhow, scaling slanted parts and nosecones messes up the physics. Plans to fix? It has been like that forever
  19. Hi! Loving Tweakscale, just wanna say that it's great wings finally works at my end without the hover-bug The bug still happens with the slanted adapter though (and causes negative mass) Using 1.1.2 with Realism Overhaul and RSS.
  20. Can the developer please upload the latest version? The Github-one shows as 2.0.0. Thx...
  21. @ThePixeledFox Hey, it didn't for me either, make sure you have the latest version (v2.2.7.2) - http://spacedock.info/mod/127/TweakScale
  22. Awesome! I salute you aswell @NathanKell after these lovely news, can't wait to play 1.1 as it should.
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