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Everything posted by Table

  1. i downloaded the prerelease folder it winrar says the boulderco folder is damaged and it wouldn't let me install it
  2. Will this work with 1.1? JangleMan I hope ur going to actually revive this mod
  3. will this support 1.1? or the 1.1 release?
  4. those are great, but i dig the ones of the ISV Venture Star
  5. ah i forgot you work at squad
  6. I downloaded it from CKAN and still no clouds, only scatterer
  7. the fuel tanks have no fuel in them for me, even in the vab or sph there's still no fuel in the fuel tanks
  8. oh thanks and no i will not stop using that language, we're in the 21st century bro. thank you
  9. @NathanKell Are you going to update this for 1.1?
  10. did you update this on ckan? also is it compatible with 1.1?
  11. Keep it up man, I hope this comes out for 1.1 oh and update it for CKAN too
  12. Already have it, yet I still don't hear any music
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