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Everything posted by Table

  1. I like this idea, you could ask other modders to give support to you, as this requires a ton of work, first off start with the stock parts, then just expand, expand, expand. Oh and don't do IVAS on decouplers, docking ports, thin parts etc. It's just unecessary
  2. It's totally fine, as it's your mod I respect your decisions. And yes I would love the crew cabin to be full of laptops and science equipment. And probably a control panel
  3. Interesting, the nuclear reactor, is it fusion, or fission? Also if you're going to change the look of the T404 then you're gonna have to change the structure of the crew cabin right?
  4. FreeThinker the umbrella radiator keeps on deploying within the SPH/VAB And I cannot close it.
  5. So we could stack more solar panels on top of it, thus making the solar panel longer.
  6. Yes, yes. She has learned a new expertise called "using HyperEdit"
  7. Could you support the Kerbodyne Plus solar panels? You could ask the dev for that mod for his permission, I feel like making solar panels that are 2 miles long xD
  8. I kind of like the t404 system the way it is, but it's your mod. Could I see some pics of what you're planning to make it look like? Also, I would really like for you to make Icarus 2 heat shield. (Search it up) Let's see if you;re up to the task Hint : It's ENORMOUS.
  9. THE PERSON HE taught used HyperEdit That's what I think...
  10. Very, very interesting, but I would suggest you not make the same exact thing as the ISV Venture Star, I would love for you to make just your thing, but similar to Interstellar designs, or so we could make ENORMOUS Interstellar vehicles, btw I suggest you make a liquid droplet radiator, it's very interesting, and you should look it up I honestly don't like the look of the radiators on the ISVVS, it just looks so unamusing, and plain. But that's my opinion. Oh and yes I totally agree with what you said about the T404 & T202
  11. It's true that a 7.5m command pod seems unrealistic, how about bringing back that t404 to 3.7m something (idk) adapter, and then adding a command pod to that. And about that RPM & Aset thing, maybe you could ask people to make a Kerbodyne+ add on for you? I honestly don't really know, just keep on doing your thing, keep on making this mod great Bonus! I can't really help you much with this mod, b/c I have like 0 experience with coding and blender. I can only give suggestions and find bugs for you. P.S. You were talking about a heat shield that shields heat from a reactor... I've never heard of that, could you give me some examples?
  12. Bonus, have you ever thought of, a command pod? Like not the crew cabin, but an actual command pod, with a cokcpit internal, (RPM & ASET Avionics)
  13. Hmm, JPLRepo, I know you have integrated RPM in this, but can you perhaps integrate ASET Avionics into this? It's totally your choice.
  14. This basically brings Microsoft FSX into KSP. Great job with this mod man!
  15. I've had the same problem too, but it doesn't show up when I'm launching the vehicle, it only shows up inside the VAB/SPH. BTW, FreeThinker, the umbrella radiator keeps on deploying inside the VAB/SPH. How do I fix this? OR can you fix it?
  16. It's either Version 7 or 8, keep up the great work Bonus! I'm very excited to see where this mod will go!
  17. What are the requirements for the nuclear turbojets to function?
  18. Hey Stavell, the screenshots aren't working, could you post some more? I wanna see what it looks like
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