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Everything posted by Table

  1. there's nothing wrong with orange, i was just stating my personal preference
  2. Interesting, that could be a feasible design Are they gonna be silver or orange? I don't think orange will fit it. But this is just my preference.
  3. I know that, but the utility parts etc. They're missing.
  4. This mod is abandoned and derelict. Such a shame
  5. You can also use it to make rings. The KSPRC will probably come out when the actual 1.1 is released, b/c the Kopernicus dev stated that he will not release anything for the 1.1 prerelease.
  6. Amazing, I love the look of the sunflares! Great job on this man!
  7. I think the Solar Wing should have a charge of about 275ec/sec, as the solar wing is very large it has more surface area, and it's longer and larger than KOCMOS Solar Wing which only has a charge of about 200ec/sec, while the solar wing is only 195ec/sec.
  8. Yeah I just tried the current version and it works fine, except that textures, are a little bit "outdated"
  9. Thanks man! But unfortunately, zzz's part's download links don't work. I was thinking, maybe you could incorporate the other life support modules from the pack into KSPI? Because you already incorporated some of his parts! Here's the link to the thread : The life support parts are called tapered boxes, scroll down and you'll find it, but unfortunately the download link doesn't work/
  10. Hmm, Bonus have you ever thought about huge spherical tanks? They could contain Liquid Fuel or Liquid Hydrogen, and other fuels. Also the flags on the Fuel tanks, I think it's be better oriented North-West not sideways, but this is just me and my opinion so it's your choice, and also this is minor so I'm sure you have more important things to focus on
  11. Here's the curse link : http://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/222813-flag-decals-v2-3 The mod was last updated on May 2015, almost a year ago. But it still works! It's just that StarVision didn't update this thread. Your Welcome!
  12. @FreeThinker There are Water Storage tanks in the mod pack, is there anything to go along with it? Like oxygen, food tanks, because I swear I saw some similar looking tanks about the same size as the Water Tank, and also some clamps to hold the tanks on. from a video, here's the link to the vid i'm talking about, if you watch the whole vid you'll see. Please Reply FreeThinker!
  13. So, Blowfish do you know when the next update for this mod is?
  14. What are the requirements for the Bear Turboprop, their power seems to decrease the faster I go.... P.S. I don't have alot of knowledge on plane engines so please don't call me an idiot.
  15. I fixed it already, turns out I was using an outdated version of Community Resource Pack, don't know how that could interfere but I'm alright now, thanks for the help anyways!
  16. Yeah I'm playing at 1080p, but that graphics card is all I can afford. I'm pretty busy with school, so I guess I'll afford a new one when I have the money Thanks for the help blackrack!
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