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Martian Emigrant

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Everything posted by Martian Emigrant

  1. Too bad I wanted to string them. I guess I can't be a captain, a major, and a general at the same time. A copy I have made. Can't tell what is below and behind but my version is close and weight 40.000t. The solar panels on the original are fixed. If retrieved they will be broken. My version has the retractable ones. ME
  2. Hey all. Here is my stock entry. I claim to have completed the STS-1a. I also claim the Pilot and Commander badges. I have done a mission report. I will only repost a few pics here. Thank you, Onto STS-1b, ME EDIT I just now downloaded the Mullet Dyne Fuel Pod and it's incompatible with my version. I run 1.2.0 Until I get a reply I will make a 40.0t boiler plate.
  3. Hey all. I am starting on the Shuttle challenge and I am looking to get licensed on em. I just Completed the STS-1a. Imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/qKrgX My shuttle design use two tanks as I can't for the life of me understand how the DELETED-EXPLETIVE can possibly fly straight. The build wasn't too complicated as all the parts just click together. I built and tested the Ship as a aeroplane first to test it's flying by taking off and landing from the runway. Gave it a good gob of Delta-V then put boosters on it. Seem to be working as I am claiming the first two badges at once second badge for my first try. I claim I admit I was lucky. The de-orbit burn was taking me too far over the KSC and in the sea. But I decided to try a Split-S and came back from the other side. Actually landing at the KSC is still very new to me. I still find it to be rare and remarkable. Here are the pics. In retrospect the chute is more for show than actually useful as the landing speed isn't so great. Anyway, good fun was had by all Kerbals on board. On to the next badge. ME
  4. Hi. May have been suggested before. I would like to see a blue "Select an EXIT to EVA Jebediah Kerman" when selecting EVA for a Kerbal. Kinda modelled on the "Transfer Crew" option. Example the MK3 Cockpit as 3 doors. I want to choose if Jeb will come out on the probe side, sunward side or in the cargo hold. Thanks for the read, ME
  5. Hey all. This is my emtry in the "I ain't no enginer" category. http://imgur.com/a/yiAGs Pretty much the same craft. Tweaked the tail plane, drained the O-Two and Mono-Prop. Couldn’t make it take-off with less power. So I left the engine at 33% and reduced the thrust once airborne. I checked the drag component. It's inside the ship and I must say that maybe a change of pod could make a difference. Never looked at it before. Total flight 1h10m35 ME
  6. True, very true. But I went for weight first. The idea being that at lower speeds the drag is less. (Not too sure here. I think the drag might directly proportional to speed in the game. But real-life it's the square of the speed) The Weesley was also flat-rated at 33% to help keep the speed reasonable. ME EDIT I just added a picture to the album. You can see the craft doesn't drag a lot.
  7. Hey guys. Tanks thanks for the challenge. T'was fun. From engine start to survivable crash 42 minutes. Album (From the bottom up) http://imgur.com/a/LgKIu I could have done slightly better as I forgot do drain the mono-propellant and the oxidizer. Engine start Dumped the gears Ore just ran out at 25:11 I can see Florida Fuel no more at 39:11 The controlled crash was at 42:10 ME
  8. My experimentation shows that for most part that you had to the sub you need to add more ore. Makes it hard to makes something that looks good. Parts that moves seem to have two data files if I can expres it that way. The CRG-04 Cargo bay has slightly different weight and volume when opened. Float always. Float more when opened. Gear float when deployed, sink when stowed, 1.25m service bay float always and float more when opened. That's the extent of my current experimentation on the matter. Not sure cause I am not a "Real-In-dept-know-it-all" but.... The planets don't have a warm and a cold side. The temperature is dictated by the temperature the devs have given the atmosphere. ME
  9. Well shiver me timbers Kerbal-Matee. Furthering my nautical experimentations I built an experimental Transport-Support-Vessel for the newly developed DSRV (Actually for an improved version). I Some more work is needed but the sea-trials are showing well. The ship can do over 40 m/s. Another exercise was conducted at sea with the new piloted, 8 rescue seat version. That's when the flaws came out. The sub couldn't dock with the support vessel....And the design team had omitted to install cabins for the rescued.... Jeb told them to get out. And then left them bobbing. While he dove for the remainder of the crew. For those who are wondering how the ship dives and surfaces. It stems from an observation I made once. Cargo compartments float more when the doors are open. Conversely less when the doors are closed. Getting there. ME
  10. Hey all of you from the Kerbbin-fandom. Today I built a Deep Sea Rescue Vehicle. Just in time too. As soon as it was cobbled together ready certified there was a setup an accident. 12 Kerbals from the Kerbal Navy were stranded at the bottom of the sea without power for the Pong-Game-Console or the Snacks-Machine. First group of 4 going to the surface. Hey you guys. Leave some snacks for the other 8. Man-O-Man-O-man submarines are hard work. ME
  11. Hey Kerb-O-fan-O-Rama. Took me a long time (Slow learner I guess). My greatest difficulties was achieving the targeted landings. On the Mun and at the KSC. Here is my entry for the challenge. http://imgur.com/a/97gDL The pics are mostly in order if you start from the bottom. Thank you much. Covered all the objectives and got 100% recovery on an intact ship. ME
  12. I have a Bolt on my desk. It's aprox. 1cm in Dia×5cm with a largish hex head. Nice weight to it. I use it as my rover-throttle-lock. ME
  13. Hi. Once in a while I (Others I am sure) want to build outside of the box and have a ship with engines pointing in a different direction than the main ship itself. Say a lander that would fit the fairing better if it were backward. Instead of having two probe cores facing either way how about clicking the engine to tell which way this ship moves? Reduces the number of parts for one. "Control from here" on a docking-Port is forward, "Control from here" on an engine or heat shield is the back end. I have had an escape pod with an engine on the nose and a heat shield on the bottom. It can be confusing to go progade to de-orbit and then going retrograde to re-enter. Rendezvous with that pod is a bit backward thinking. ME
  14. Hey there judge, aesthete and kerb-Coleague. Launch ready with many, many DeltaVeeses: Contains science! And serves as a relay. Mun bound: ME
  15. Key Kerbanytes. Today I went to the Mun (Again) Lunex style (Again). I will probably redo it as my score is nothing to brag about. I have this 3 Kerbal rover with a small control wheel on it. It can handle very steep hills. So when I did the mandatory tourist traps rock sampling. I wondered "How high can you go?" (It's the opposite of Limbo). With just two wheels contacting I could only go a few meters. But with all 4....There was no limits it seemed. No limit where the Arch is concerned anyway. It even came down. It did slip off the surface but the rover was perhaps 2 meter of the ground. No damage. ME
  16. Hi @Mesklin Very nice lander. Hi @sdj64 Liked the rover with it's behind up toward the sun to recharge with the science. Good one. Too many people with perfect score might have to do another run ME
  17. A long, long time ago I read: The long story short: A man travel for 150 years (Ship-time) at relativistic speed and comes back to the solar system 3 millions years after his departure. His ship (AI) and him can't find the earth and recognize the system. The sun is a giant red star and there is no earth were it should be. All the planets are "Wrong". They finally find that the earth as been moved and now orbit Jupiter. The climate, inclination, seasons, life is all wrong. Civilisation as declined. The adventure begins. ME
  18. Hi. About an oxygen rich atmosphere. It can't exist on it's own. Oxygen is very reactive. A planet that would form with a lot of it would oxidise until there was none left. It would combine with other gases, rocks, soils. The reason we have so much is because our plants break the carbon-dioxyde for their own profit. They use energy to do that. From the sun. In a way they reverse entropy. They break chemical bonds and make higher energy molecules. When we burn plants by fire (Or through eating them) we release the stored energy. We get the sunlight energy back. If one-day we can take direct reading of the atmosphere of an exo-planet and see free oxygen that would be a smoking gun for life. Or a very, very strange chemistry in place. ME
  19. No. No, you are not. My video card can't keep up so I have reduced it's work load. I can't tell it's an harrow at all any more. ME
  20. Hello. IDK. I always was a fan of the Apollo project. But I am still learning. Probably a bit of both. Backups are important when you are all the way over there. I have just watched an old film (1968) about the concentric rendezvous plan. Apparently the LM was the chaser and doing the rendezvous. Still trying to find out who docked with whom over the moon. Both had the capability. ME
  21. Hey there. Correct. All stock craft and play. I can offer the craft file if you like. I do believe you are correct but the my MM had fuel and it's more fun that way (The challenge didn’t specify who has to be boss). I also like to rendez-vous going to a higher altitude. I don't like to take crafts down (Lyhtosphere) and then go up again (To return to Kerbin). I can't prove it offhand but the CM was the one doing the docking. Not sure who rendez-vooded with the other. I suspect the CM because giving more fuel (Capability) to the LEM made it heavier. I offer as proof of docker that the docking target was on the LEM. I have never seen a target on a CM. The CM did the capture while the LEM was in the S-IVB. It's the same all over again. No extra training and equipment. EDIT I have since found that the LM did the rendezvous. ME EDIT I have found that one of the Apollo 9 objective was a LM to CM docking. There is a target on the CM. It's removable and goes in a window. The LM has a "Docking window" on top with markings. https://airandspace.si.edu/collection-objects/docking-target-active-lunar-module-apollo-11 Over the moon......IDK
  22. The challenge is to get a Kerbal to the Mun and back. But not just in any way - we are doing it Apollo style! .... - Everything has to be started with a single rocket (no building ships in orbit or refueling in orbit) - You have to fly a LOR mission (you need a Command Module [CM] and a specialized Munar Module [MM]) - No automated piloting (no mechjeb, do your flying by hand) - BYOR (Bring your own rocket) - The rocket must be your own design Just for fullfilling theese criteria you will get thirty points. (+30) .... - 3-man Mission +10 ... - 2-stage Lander (leave the decent-engine on the Mun) +20 .... - Launch escape system in place? +10 - Lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20 - Lander tucked away behind some kind of fairing? +5 - Free return trajectory to the Mun +10 - Flawless landing (no parts broke off, Neil Armstrong is watching you!) +10 - Got a Munar Roving Vehicle (MRV) on board? +15 - After succesfull Mun landing dock CM and MM in munar orbit (no swapping ships without docking them first) +10 - MM disposed by crashing it into the Mun (remove Kerbal first!) +5 - Plant flag on the Mun (no cumulative, i.e. two flags don't get you 6 points) +3 - Spashing down on Kerbin (land on water) +5 .... - Deploy munar sub-satellite before returning to Kerbin +10 Points - Land within 5 km of Neil Armstong Memorial (NAM) +5 Points .... - Are we there yet? +15 points - Drive beyond 10km of the lander - Science extravaganza! +15 points - Deploy four experimental packages 1 km from the landing site (and at least 1 km from eachother) Total 198 Thank you. That was fun with a big F. ME
  23. One more. Now we get to see what there is in the SIM. Scientific Instrument Module. First the Sub satellite need to be ejected and left behind. The CM was then rotated to have the other side of the SIM face the sun. Kacie's turn to do an EVA. Not required by the challenge but the Apollo astronauts did it so ....So do my Kerbonauts. One well placed burn to go home. Goodbye SM Is that the KSC? I'd rather be luckier than good. After the splashdown Jeb ran out to take a measurement. 35.9 km from the KSC. No kerbal were armed or lost while making this challenge. Thank you for reading. ME
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