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Martian Emigrant

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Everything posted by Martian Emigrant

  1. G'day all Kerb-Boosters. Not much for the last few days. My space program is having financial problems. A lot of launches have been cancelled. Kerbals have been let go. Jeb still has a job, for now, but he has to live under the austere rules like everybody else. No more midnight snacks either. I told him he had to be launched in a lawn-chair. Inside a fairing. No frills. The fairing is there to protect the instruments. So the program obliged him. ME
  2. Yes. They do. To be very honest. I don't like to "Kill" any. Even in sandbox. That's where most of the murdering take place. I do a new save, go in the quicksave file and change their status from "Missing" or "Dead" to "Available" then reload. ME
  3. Hi. Sorry to be obtuse but what is "Touring"? Flyby? Orbit? Landed? Is that weight a per tourist weight? Do we score better with the same weight and more tourist? Do the tourist need to be tourist? Meaning can they be say engineers and have a command chair each. Do they need to come back? ME
  4. Follow up. I rectified the ladders. easy enough. Went from a tri-booster to a quad. An landed in water. The SAS could keep it upright long enough for me to ditch the excess weight and zoom out. The atmosphere is like sirup. All the boosters are spent before 5km. That's the altitude I took off successfully from last time. The centre stage got to about 25km. So.....I still think it can be done but require so much delta-v..... ME
  5. Hey all Kerb-amighty. Yesterday I finaly finished my Eve-Land-And-Ascend vehicle. http://imgur.com/a/1g4YY Full report here: 202 tonnes of fun for 3 Kerbals. Eve is a bad mistress. She hates you coming in and she hates you leaving. Now that the testing is done.....Need to do it from Kerbin..... ME
  6. Hey all. This ship entry is done on V1.2. All stock, no mods. Eve was on my list of personal challenges. http://imgur.com/a/1g4YY Imgur has the pictures ordered earliest at the bottom, latest at the top. The 3 Kerbal-ship is Teleported to Eve via the cheat menu. The menu chose the orbit for me. The de-orbit re-entry configuration is 119 parts, 202.2t. or 39.9 parts and 67.4t per Kerbal. The ship comes with a ladder....but a better set of Kerbin trials would have demonstrated that they were inadequately built. Call it WIP. On the teleporter pad: At Eve ready for work: After the de-orbit burn, jettisoning the engine and inflation of the heat-shields. During the re-entry phase the SAS isn't required. The ship is self-aligning. After the initial deployment of the chutes the upper-shield if dismissed. When fully deployed and the ship as slowed down the lower-shield is also dismissed. The landing legs are deployed. They aren't exactly required but they do help stabilize the craft on slopes. Plus they do take an "Explosive" interest in protecting the engine bells. Landed on Eve. A few legs have sacrificed themselves that the ship may live. The landing site wasn't chosen. I was just aiming at "East of the sea". I am including a picture of Jeb on Eve. But as mentioned the time-line was altered with an F5 to get him back in the cockpit. The undressing of the ship started immediately. Parachutes: Ladders: And legs: The Initial climb is straight up. Thanks for the boost. Made space with fuel to spare. Thanks for reading. It was a challenge alright. Eve hates visitors. ME PS I intend to redo this with a reworked ladder. Also Starting from sea level is I believe possible. The hard part is to find somewhere low and not be in a lake. I tried making a floating ship but they always topple the wrong way.....
  7. They get more than they paid for. I am sure you have seen it before yourself. You are at a point in your space program that you have a ship that can do the Mun and Minmus, both. You have been accumulating tourists as you run other contracts. You pack them all in. I remember having a bus of 15 tourist once. The Kerbin only with the Mun landers and the Minmus landers. When you offload all those nice Kerbals they all have gained experiences along with your crew. I haven't checked but now (With 1.2) they should benefit from the flag planting too. ME
  8. I have had 2 and 3 stars tourist before. And always thought it was a shame that they don't come back for another one. Yes, there should be a "Pool" of tourist. You know "Professional tourists". That always come back for more trills. IMO: Tourist shouldn't drive the ship or fly on EVA. I like the idea of a tourist going out of the ship. It's just another contract. But if you hit space he is on a tether. I like the idea of tourist walking on the Mun. But have them do random tourist stuff. "Bailor is out of radio range". Kaching we have to find him for extra money. Ascent ship can't make proper orbit: "Bailor filled his suit pockets with 150kg of Mun rocks". Scene: Lander on the Mun. Crew in a line to plant a flag. In the background 5 tourist jumping up and down. Scene: Herding cats. While you walk a tourist back to the ship the other ones are all walking/jumping away from the ship in different directions. Extra money to carry Bailors rock collection. One of the jumping tourist just crashed the solar panels. Extra hardship for all. Extra cash for the program. You would have to "Manage" your tourist. For fun and profit. ME
  9. SO THAT'S WHY! I have flown right through planets before. Haw. Now I know. Thanks, ME
  10. Well Thank you for the wasted 5 then. I heard that story quite a long time ago, Ago. Ago. Along time. There was another option in that version: Bribing the janitor with the expensive barometer to tell them the height of the building. I looked at another of your vids. I laughed. Rick Kerbal on the Rick Kerbal Report. Mustachioed Chris Kerbal. What looks like a Canadian Tire Sticker on the station. The music too. So ONF/NFB. Good fun. ME
  11. I am waiting for a few mods myself.....But I can't wait forever. So I have moved on to 1.2. ME EDIT: 1.2 IS good.
  12. Hey Kerbalites. Last time I reported my Kerbals had landed on Tylo. http://martianarepeopletoo.imgur.com/all/ Well since then they have Landed on Vall. Laythe. Best view in the Kerbol system. Did a gravity assist using Vall. Made the change of plane to Bop really cheap. Made a stop on Bop. After the usual ceremony. Jeb was voted by the crew to be the Best-Unnatural-Satellite in the system. They are now orbitting Kerbin. I will send a ship up to pick them up. Easier than landing that boat. Beside it never was tested in Kerbin's atmosphere. I don't think it will work. Just shy of 11 game years. The trip involved: Minmus, Duna, Pol, Tylo, Vall, Laythe and bop. I don't think at this time that I will build enormous ships again. They are a pain to tune and to land. Maybe the next big trip will involve a mass of tanks assembled in orbit and dedicated throwaway-landers. ME
  13. They aren't cut free. They just disappear. It's as if they had some stowing function. You can make other flights before you send an engineer to pack them and they are good as new. So you don't see them but they are there to repack later if need be. ME
  14. Hi. Nice. Personally I use ladders only when I have to. When I want to get off I retract the gears. Depending on the design I have retracted all or just the nose gear. Sometime after landing you will find the ship is drifting, sliding down a hill. Retracting the gear usually stops all motion. ME
  15. Is that a droid behind the canopy? Joke aside. What I have seen done by others is to have a huge ark-type ship navigate the system and smaller made-a-purpose even expendable ships do the landings. The only constant is an MK1 capsule that attaches to the various ships. That's the "single vessel". ME
  16. All (Respectable) aircrafts have 2 exits. The main one is always on the left (Port) (Take that MK2) (Sorry. Pet peeve). And the other one on the right (Starboard) (Usually to the rear) (It's an emergency door, not to be used on a normal basis). On the smaller jets (Cessna, Lear, Piper, Hawker and what not) the emergency door is small and of a "Plug" type. One of the idea is that is there is a fire (Or any other danger) on the left or front you use the emergency exit that happens to be right and back. And Yes aircraft have places where the rescuers can cut through in a safe manner. No fuel, electrics or main structure. But those are not doors. ME
  17. Well they made it. It took me something....Like....10.....Errrr....simulations. But they made it on the surface of Tylo. The ship was landed on an incline and was drifting away (Max 0.4m/s). All the Kerbals left the ladder on ~~the same heading. But they got to refuel. And leave. Next they will be going to Vall. Get some Go-Home fuel. Vall should be a piece of cake after Tylo....That sounds like "Famous last words". ....Maybe I should go back to Pol....Pol was my first stop after entering the Joolien system. ....There are no rules against that..... ME
  18. Hey-ho everybody. And Kerbals. The last few days were spent in the Liter Sand Box. Building a ship. A big one. Guess where my Kerbals are. There are 3 places I have never landed...Yet. Tylo. Eve And Moho. Hopes are high. ME
  19. I don't know anymore. I thought I knew. After reading all this and trying to sound things out I find I am incapable of READING them without a pause and a re-read. ME
  20. We all do. Eclipse happens all the time. Kerbin as no tilt and neither does the Mun's orbit. So there is an eclipse (A total one over the equator) every day. The Mun does turn so you have to be at a slightly different place every time but it's there. ME
  21. Well, I'll be! G'day Kerby-Mates, Bruces and Sheilas. Yesterday.....I always post the next day because I am tired and want to go to bed....So there. So, yesterday, I mused with spaceplanes, SSTOs. You know. Things that leave the runway go to space for work of some kind then come back...Hopefully. Usually mine go up. Do nothing. Might survive with parts missing somewhere on the planet. http://imgur.com/a/2YdGU Made a two cockpit taxi and sent it to meet the Skylab. the idea was to see if I could build one without the Rapier. After docking I realized the VAB SPH didn't put a crew in it. I still haven't figured out why Jeb sneaks on and why he doesn't....Root part maybe? My mind wandered forgot about it and built another based on the MK2. The belly docker couldn't. Due to solar panels. Oto the SSTO gave up his place. Good thing too because Valentina ran out of the meagre supply of mono-propellant I gave her. He obligingly docked and shared.....He had to do it again and give her electrons this time. Sorry no pics. Beside it was in the dark. Later Bill took command of Oto and attempted to fly to the KSC. A first. Actually overflew the place. Yes! Then I killed him..........Sorry Bill. He ran out of fuel trying to fly back. I told him to bailout. He hit the elevator, before he got to hit the silk, on is way into the blue yonder.......He disappeared in a puff of greasy black smoke. But Valentina taking what she had learned from her colleague did better. And LANDED! Than NEVER happens. I resurrected Bill so they could go celebrate with cheesecake and Sarsaparilla. ME PS Conundrum. The MK1 version had more resources, better docker. The MK2 was the better flier.
  22. I would love to reverse engineer that. Doesn't quite say stock....Is it? ME
  23. G'day Kerbeemaniacs. Not much at this end for the last few days. Been working in the sandbox to make a BAR. Got tired of tunning the darn thing so started playing at other things and...... I landed. ON the runway. If you can imagine that. I can't. ME
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