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Everything posted by PhantomC3PO

  1. That makes sense, the only reason I thought it scaled with the size is that in the config (line 222-225) it has; resourceNames = Structural;Structural;Structural;Structural|LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel,Oxidizer|MonoPropellant;MonoPropellant;MonoPropellant;MonoPropellant resourceAmounts = 0;0;0;0|40,48;80,96;120,144;160,192|40,80,120,160 initialResourceAmounts = 0;0;0;0|40,48;80,96;120,144;160,192|40,80,120,160 Which makes it look like a size 4 option should have LF/OX of 160/192. This is the one I was meaning, when you select the Liquid fuel option it adds the toridial tank and Kerbal Engineer shows that it's trying to add fuel and Ox, but nothing is added. If there's anything else I can test/check to help please let me know.
  2. I'm using the latest hotfix version in 1.8.1 and just wanted to let you know that the fuel switching for the different lengths of soyuz shroud doesn't work. It doesn't increase the quantity above the amount for the single level ones. Also the 1.25m shroud with the toridial tanks doesn't add in the fuel of you switch variants (the model changes but no fuel) If this is a 1.9.1 feature only I understand. Just want to say thanks heaps for these parts, they make the game awesome
  3. Is anyone else having issues like this with the textures for some of the variants? Nevermind, I did a reinstall of the mod and now the colours are showing up correctly.
  4. Has anyone used Kramax Autopilot with JNSQ? Just wondering if there is a list of flight plans for it that I can't find?
  5. Just wondering if anyone has tried this with JNSQ? I've just started a 1.8.1 playthrough and was thinking of adding this in. If noone has tried it I'll give it a go. Is there likely to be any configs I'll have to make for it to work?
  6. I’m happy to have a crack at this, is there a specific mod that this is designed to work with, or just stock @CobaltWolf?
  7. That seems to fix it, thanks @Paul Kingtiger, I tested it on a craft that used to have the problem and no Kraken strike
  8. Yeah I had a similar experience, I found using auto-strut on all of the wedges to core part fixed the issue for me
  9. Yes there is, open up the craft you want to silence in the kerbalism window, then across the bottom select cfg(next to the wrench icon) and untick the warnings that you don't want to receive
  10. That drop down list is part of the stock game, might be worth checking that you have “other launchsites” or something similar turned on in the settings. I’m away from my computer atm so can’t remember exactly what it’s called
  11. Love the mod, I'm having an issue placing the support tower on the round base, when I try to offset it down so that it isn't floating above the launchpad, it "Jumps" inwards towards the rocket and I can't seem to move it back out. I'm probably just doing something wrong but if you have any suggestions I'd be very appreciative. I can post pictures or a video if that helps.
  12. @Marcelo Silveira, Awesome work on your manual. Very easy to read and understand what you're doing. Great Job
  13. Hello, I'm not sure if this is the correct spot to ask this, but here goes. I'm currently playing RP-1 and want to add in some of the specific parts (mainly tanks and the like) that come as part of different mods like BDB and raiderneck's russian launchers etc. so I can use their premade tanks instead of using procedural ones (they have put so much work into them it seems wrong to just use their engines). I've been looking at the github and have found the spreadsheet that you use to generate all the configs for RP, but I'm just seeking guidance around working out costing. I'm reasonably comfortable doing the .cfg's, I just want to know if someone has a method of calculating prices other than just looking at parts already in the game and trying to transpose them into other parts?
  14. Do you by chance have the recoupler mod installed? I was having a similar problem and had to tell recoupler to ignore what it thought was a connection
  15. I have a question, What are people using for radiator's on this ship? I absolutely love this ship, and I'm just getting to the stage in my career where I can use it, but I'm finding that I need to put two large deployable radiators on it to cool the reactor, which ruins the nice lines of the ship.
  16. @desepticon, Short landing is used to stop a plane quickly when it lands on a runway. You need to use SOFT landing
  17. Hi all, just wondering if anyone else has a problem with stations constantly changing from "Station" designation to "Base" every time the dock with them or add new modules onto it. I only ask because I'm using the station and bases contracts pack, so every time my KSS changes to a base it then stops issuing contracts for me to service my station, until I go and change it's type back to a station again. Not a huge problem, but very annoying. Does anyone know of a way to lock it to one vessel type so it wont keep changing?
  18. You also need to have an experiment like "Plant Growth" or similar, there's six all together, on a craft that is docked to your station. It's this part that you then have to start experiment in as well. You need it on a craft that can undock because it needs to be returned to kerbin for full reward
  19. Have you got the experiment attached to your station? When you right click on the experiment there's an option to start experiment. It's the experiment itself that stores the Eureka's Quarks and bioproducts and needs them to complete the expirement.
  20. I think it's to run the Fuel Cells, they run on LF/O
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