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Everything posted by Bizobinator

  1. Excellent. Thank you! Do you know if the rotating space station parts (gravity rings) count as "on the side", or do they get modeled as just their centerline footprint?
  2. Hello! I'm playing with connected living space; is it possible to set up my ships in such a way that I only need one "storm cellar" (referencing the part ;D) part with max shielding? I.e., all other habitable parts don't have shielding (covered by active shields), one part has max shielding that I shuffle everyone into during storms?
  3. This one (it was earlier in the thread). The one's I'm referring to are the bars with the green lines & blue diamonds.
  4. Thank you! Oddly though....I'm an aero engineer by trade...I just don't fly myself xD. Are the gauges/indicator bars right above & on the right of the nav ball from this mod? Or are those from a different one?
  5. Hello! Sorry to be a bother... How do I read the instrument? The video on the original thread has been marked private
  6. Well, with regards to the sunflare, it sorta looks like the stock sun is being placed in the middle of the sunflare? Is that how it's normally supposed to be with the Kabrams sunflare installed? I do have a bazillion different mods installed, so it could very well be that I've goofed something up along the way...
  7. Wait, it's not something I did? I do have a bazillion & a half mods installed... And wait, Parallax is getting a re-write??
  8. Hello! I've been getting a sort of...I don't know whether it's a model or texture bug or something else entirely, on Eve. Everything looks fine when I initially start playing but, after some amount of scene switching, I eventually start getting these bland looking objects (see imgur link). https://imgur.com/a/diX1RwX Here's my player log. I tried looking through it, but I couldn't make too much sense of it :(. Has anyone else encountered something like this before? https://www.dropbox.com/s/gzjm512pfp3649l/Player.log?dl=0
  9. Woah! What visual mods are you using, if you don't mind me asking?
  10. Hello! I think I've encountered a bug, where this mod ends up setting the volume of the base-game EVA jetpack to 77L instead of 17L? What would you need from me to continue further? Since this didn't have a crash, does the log file help at all?
  11. I've got system heat installed, and the sub-mod that adds configurations for the resource harvesters. While the harvesters & refiners have system heat volume, they're not producing any heat. This is almost certainly me doing something stupid (or not doing). Is there a config I need to enable? Would the log file help, since it's not really a crash?
  12. I've been having that problem too: the deploy angle(s) don't seem to change at all
  13. Hi all, I've been having an error pop up in game "[Scatterer][Error] Destroying duplicate instance, check your install for duplicate scatterer folders, or nested GameData folders". I also just noticed that my Kabram's blue sunflare seems...off? I can't tell: in the pictures in the imgur link below, is that what it's supposed to look like? I did a bit of digging & found that, earlier in this thread, someone had something extremely, if not exactly, similar (page 370, +/- a few for context). But, I don't think it was ever resolved? I looked through my GameData folder & couldn't find any duplicate scatterer folders or nested gamedata folders either. I'm confused how it got borked in the first place, since I install everything through CKAN... Does anyone know what's going on, and how to fix it? https://imgur.com/a/VqZyrbW edit: derp, forgot to include the log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/khb92ktmid07ggar5djkc/Player.log?rlkey=u651xevcj9nvz5kgk51m0hu6s&dl=0
  14. Hello! My game is spamming exception errors in the console whenever I use Hydrolox. I haven't been able to determine if it's b/c of the tanks, fuel, engine, or from another mod like B9PartSwitch. Any idea what I've done wrong? Here are my logs: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/u6snpn8mchgt04d1glapq/another-edu-spamming-exections-in-console-in-game.log?rlkey=kz03n842l1w8j9g5f86ycs08w&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4qfztw5vjvifgzbgzkyca/Player-spamming-console-errors.log?rlkey=ra71841dkp5d3lue57zswq1nl&dl=0
  15. Hello! I've been getting a lot of exceptions thrown by B9PartSwitch after Rational Resources was updated (I think)? I wasn't sure which place to post, so I apologize if this isn't the thread for it. I've got my logs & stuff attached. Do you need anything else from me? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gsxrma8p5sf111rtndgc4/edu.log?rlkey=ynxmdi378b9ciibnrel6h1qgo&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7rl5vxv4eb7pv4w3sxn57/Player.log?rlkey=6s69vqdbr9a75n3sswqgjp1m5&dl=0
  16. Had a random thought the other day... Could this system be expanded to remake the re-entry graphics?
  17. As the title says, I get semi-regular crashes when I've been playing my recent game. I've got the log, but I cannot quite make heads or tails of it xD. The game only seems (so far) to crash when it's switching venue (i.e., entering or leaving the VAB). I did some googling, and it seems RAM related, but none of the possible fixes have seemed to work. What can I do to stop this from happening, but still get to play with my mods? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/j2ic1zk2vshfr4qh43af8/Bizob_KSP_crash_2024.zip?rlkey=3li02zbs6r79h1jmohucxfbkg&dl=0
  18. Is this available via CKAN? I'm dense & couldn't seem to find it.
  19. I'm playing with the "Corelian" mod (it adds another gas giant in between Duna & Jool, and makes Dres one of its moons), & the scansat big gui lists visual & anomaly as scannable. Do the scanner altitudes get any leeway or bonus? E.g., they still work at 4x listed height?
  20. Well....I've actually only been having this with the Kerbal foundry tracks & wheels... Is this a case where I should post a log or something?
  21. Has anyone had problems with vehicles just Kraken-bouncing when sitting still on the ground?
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