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Everything posted by doggonemess

  1. Photoshop CS6. I just make lots of layers with simple shapes on each layer to build up to a cool looking finished project.
  2. That's what I thought at first, but then they made it clear in a reply that it's 5 seconds after leaving the ground. We can still report statistics for bragging rights, though, right?
  3. I'm happy to report a silly amount of success. After doing the Juno challenge, I noticed that stacking lifting surfaces still maintains the lift of the part, even if the part is touching the surface above or below it. On top of that, I know that more mass = more inertia, and more mass (for this challenge) = bigger rockets at the start. So combining these along with much trial and error has yielded my result. Splash down at 70 KM! WOOHOO! Behold the Kerglider BLT 2A! (The 21 km object in the image above is my plane from the Juno challenge, landed at the island airfield.) Final craft weight was 42 tons. Prelaunch, it weighed in at 65,313 kg. The boosters were two Vectors and provided about 1200 kn of thrust (when their power output was reduced appropriately). Almost all of the weight was lifting surfaces. The wings are five layers stacked up. To get this result, I used every inch of the runway, then pulled up to 45 degrees. After 5 seconds, I decoupled the boosters and landing gear and let the plane follow a ballistic arc up to about 2500 meters. At the apex, I leveled off and maintained a drop rate of about 1.5 m/s and kept the airspeed above 30 m/s. I did most of it at x4 speed. Right before landing, I flared the craft to lose the rest of the speed and splashed down with nothing breaking off. I'm going to upload my plane to KerbalX tomorrow sometime. Check out my various screenshots from planning and execution below.
  4. Rather than exploit it from the get-go, I wanted to point out that xenon gas is much lighter than other fuels. Therefore, if you put the same amount of xenon on board as liquid fuel, you'd end up with 100 times the points (or something, I didn't do the math) for the same weight. Jamie
  5. Cool, I have an idea that I'll send to you once I put it together.
  6. Advanced Pilot Precision Award? Woah! Do I get a shiny medal to go with the title?
  7. Build a Dyson's Sphere! I can't even imagine the CPU power needed to simulate the physics involved. Maybe build a Dyson's ring?
  8. Awesome! Is there a badge for this one? If not, I had an idea for one I could make. I was thinking a Juno engine stuck to an anvil.
  9. I figured the precoolers and intakes would bog the thing down, I'm going to try that.
  10. I did it! I took a whole bunch of tries, but finally worked. My entry is Floaty McFloatface. He's a happy triplane with double-thick wings. It was slow and hard to land, but I landed with 15,177 kg of mass. I think I could pull off more, but I'm very happy with this result and want to submit it for review.
  11. That's perfect - right in the spirit of the challenge. There should be a category for 'most overpowered solution' and 'smallest solution'. J.
  12. Yeah, I tried them. They are the ones that always flamed out at Mach 5.8. The forum post I linked above somewhere mentions the limitation. I really think they changed something and it's preventing the jets from reaching those speeds at high altitude.
  13. Ahhhh, wait a sec. I've been trying this with jets only. I think that I could make this happen with a hybrid design. But I'm not sure that the jet is possible anymore. I've tried over and over. I can't make it above 1800 m/s with jets without something overheating or the engines flaming out. There's just no margin between the two at any altitude it seems.
  14. I wouldn't want to do it if it required BD Armory. I'm thinking of just military context, like spy satellites and such. I agree that space shouldn't involve the military, but having a variety of missions is fun.
  15. I'm determined to do this if I can. It's become an obsession at this point. What altitude? J.
  16. Or, you can post this as a new challenge. Start a whole line of military themed space missions. I wouldn't mind doing this one. Jamie
  17. I built a bunch of SSTOs a couple years ago and discovered that it's REALLY hard to actually get them to orbit and back. I figured I'd give it a shot again. And it worked! I used a modification of my ship, the Mk2 SSTO Quad. I've uploaded it to KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/LevAerospace/Mk2-SSTO-Quad-A I made it to orbit with a little fuel left, which was great because I would've landed in the mountains otherwise. The great thing about this plane is that it's very stable. I glides very well, too, which is very helpful when landing. Not great for high speed, though. It was a chore getting it out of the atmosphere. My Kerbals looked very proud afterwards. Good thing they don't know about their alternate universe selves who died horribly over and over again. I'm going to keep going with it - maybe earn one of the more advanced distinctions! Jamie
  18. So, has anyone accomplished this in KSP 1.4.3? I have tried everything to build a craft that can go fast enough without burning up, and I'm really starting to think it's not possible without ignoring thermal effects. I've tried every trick I can think of to get more speed out of the engines, and only flying at low altitude has worked - which creates too much heat. Jamie
  19. I played around with this for a couple hours last night, and I found that I was hitting a wall around Mach 5.8 (without the heat shield, of course). The RAPIER engine flames out at that speed for me. I tried adjusting the design, spamming it with intakes, etc, but it keeps doing it. I think the best I got was 5.83. I found a related post to the engine and flameout: It describes what I'm seeing. Can 2000 m/s be done in the latest version of KSP? EDIT: So it can be done. I turned off heating and set infinite fuel. Then I built a flying needle with three RAPIERs. I let an autopilot mod handle the flying while I tweaked everything. After some trial and error, I managed 2008 m/s. https://imgur.com/a/OBFk5AJ BUT - only at low altitude. At high altitude, where you could possibly survive the heating effects, the engines flame out around Mach 5.8 like before. On another note, can you imagine going 2 km/s at 3 meters off the water? If your finger twitches involuntarily, you'd hit the water and disintegrate without even realizing you messed up.
  20. Thanks! I can't think of how it would be possible without mods. The more engines I add, the more unstable it gets. It's hard enough to get to 2 km/s with everything perfectly optimized (I still haven't managed it stock), let alone with a giant balloon attached to your nose.
  21. I'd like to submit my Kerbal spy car. It features ejection seats, electric and rocket propulsion, hidden missiles, and a cool backstory (read it on KerbalX). I had lots of fun making it. Tweaking the thing to get the missiles to fire straight was a chore, but worth it! https://kerbalx.com/LevAerospace/M8-SpyRover-II-ORV I'm really proud of this one. It not only looks really sweet, it actually works, too. Something went wrong with the control surfaces and action groups, though (maybe a version change?). I'm going to try to fix it.
  22. Challenge accepted! I found it takes quite a few engines (40?) to push the heat shield when it's deployed. After a lot of spinning and exploding, this was the best I got: Mach 3.62 - one second after this screenshot the plane ran out of fuel and then left the planet. It came down later, a lot more gently than I thought it would. It still exploded, but the heat shield really slowed it down nicely. I know the autopilot mod is there, but I wasn't using it (just using the normal SAS). The thing had no freaking clue what to do with the plane, so using it was worse than no SAS at all.
  23. I've been playing this game for years now and I NEVER knew that. Thanks so much for this! L.
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