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Everything posted by _Krieger_

  1. The Voyagers had hydrazine attitude adjustment thrusters BTW. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyager_1
  2. AB Launchers has an excellent stockalike Energia, also, the Buran didn't use its own engines during ascent, it was mounted on the side of the Energia, the Eergia's core (The external tank looking section) had four Hydrolox engines assisted by four strap on Kerolox liquid boosters that helped during lift off. the Buran only has the 2 OMS thrusters and in some configurations a pair of jet engines to assist in the descent and landing. I hope that helps! By the way, if you use the Interstellar mod the cargo bays function as radiators. Cheers!
  3. I am making a replica, that's why I asked, even though I should have googled it instead of lazily asking it here, Thanks!
  4. They look great, one tip though. The Buran's nose gear is placed further back than the Shuttle's
  5. Oh, I didn't know they'd changed. I started using real plume and visual enhancement mods in 1.1 and used to see the fx in videos and screenshots, but thanks for the feedback anyway,great work on this awesome mod. Cheers!
  6. Yeah, that's strange, I modified the RSB config to be just like the FASA one with no results.
  7. I do know Hydrolox engines such as the ones on the Delta IV have a clear flame, I war referring to the F-1 engines whose FASA exhaust fx look different than those in RSB.
  8. Is it normal for some liquid fueled rockets such as RSB's F1s to not have a smoke trail, like the ones in the FASA pack?
  9. How would I make the config? Sorry, but I'm kind of a newbie as far as configs go, thanks!
  10. How can I get stock sized orbits end RSS inclination? the Moon looks to be too small to look realistic from Earth with stock sized bodies IMO. Great work on the mod! I had been looking for something like this for a while before this mod came out. Cheers! EDIT: I figured it out.
  11. Hi I'm not getting clouds, only city lights, I tried reinstalling EVE and SVE from the included folder with no luck, am I doing something wrong? It worked for me in 1.0.8, but it's not working in version 1.1 of the mod. Thanks
  12. Command Shift 3 to take a screenshot of the whole screen and Command Shift 4 to select part of the screen.
  13. Thanks for the feedback, time to launch my comsat network again.
  14. Hi, I deleted the Malfunction lines at the start, and while the parts no longer malfunction I still get notified about non existing malfunctions, did I do something wrong? Loving the mod by the way, It's awesome to have life support, signal and everything in one well designed UI, thank you!
  15. Yeah, it flickered when I looked at them in map view from LEO, thanks for the feedback. Cheers!
  16. Yeah I'm on Mac, but thanks for the response anyway. Cheers
  17. The atmosphere of Titan and that of some gas giants have flickering edges, and some planets have an atmosphere ring with a hard edge around them.
  18. What's the altitude of a geostationary orbit in SSRSS? Loving the mod, wonderful work!
  19. Will do. EDIT: I reinstalled everything, it's working perfectly now, thanks. The flares look gorgeous, excellent work!
  20. The flare doesn't work for me either, I'm using the one included in SSRSS, it may be because I'm on OpenGL (Mac).
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