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James Kerman

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Posts posted by James Kerman

  1. Hello @The Everyday Kerbonaut,

    Could you provide a list of mods you have installed?

    The method most of us use in situations like this is to first ***Back up the KSP save folder***. Next step is to cut and paste half your mods from the game data folder to a place outside of the KSP install and then see if the problem persists, if so your issue is likely in the remaining mods. Keep splitting the mods out until you can see the full tech tree, this should make the search for the culprit a lot faster.

  2. 9 minutes ago, JIMMY_the_DOG said:

    Not to steal @James Kerman's biscuit but he's a moderator so he may not always have time, you can always message me!

    If I am unavailable for a while, I'm just using time warp. :cool:

    As a new member @voronovme is unable to send PM's so you will need to initiate the conversation, but please remember that the forum rules still apply.

  3. 1 minute ago, voronovme said:

    If you have some time maybe we could talk about ksp?

    Any time you like, and you will find that the community is friendly and helpful so please don't feel shy about asking gameplay questions (we even have a specific sub forum for that here).

    To address your title, 3 good reasons to play KSP;

    • It's the only game I've ever played where I've actually learned some real stuff and it sparked my interest in science in general.
    • Constant development and a fantastic community of content creators means you can get just about any flavour of KSP you want.
    • The creativity of design and mission and that euphoria when you achieve your goals.
  4. Welcome to the forum @voronovme!  :D

    If you are interested in finding new friends that might be interested in the game there might be an amateur space/rocketry/astronomy group in your area.

    If you are talking about people you know, you might consider pointing them towards some great KSP you tubers or invite them over and do a mission, start to finish together.

  5. Just now, theCAVE said:

    thanks, how long does it usually take for the mods to update?

    Mods are created by members of the community to add free content so it depends on how much time they have to devote to this. Many mods also go though a very serious testing regime before they are released so the answer is, it depends. Please remember that while it is not against the forum rules to request an update, so long as it is polite and not repetitive, it can be a little annoying to some mod makers who get bombarded with these requests so it is best to be patient or revert to an earlier version of KSP so you can continue to enjoy the mod while you wait.

    While I'm not a Linux user it seems you will need to download and install this: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases/download/v1.29.2/ckan_1.29.2_all.deb

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