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Everything posted by BeeGeenie

  1. "Rock and Load!" "Lock and Roll!" TFW you and your little murdery bro failed to discuss your catchphrase beforehand. Comedy gold
  2. Huh... that's a weird bug. Kerbals must have a strong magnetic field that only affects the rare element Wheelium.
  3. "And no more fourth wall breaches! I mean it!" "Anybody on the forum want a peanut?" - Fezzik Kerman.
  4. Maybe you could make a mod that changed some of the scatter into critters. Kows or sheepals in the grassland, giant skerpions in the desert... Of course, I imagine they'd be non-interactive, just like regular terrain scatter.
  5. I have experienced the same problem. I am unable to use Mechjeb in version 1.2.9, even though it is listed as compatible in CKAN. I prefer KER, but that's not working either. They both cause CTD during the loading screen for me. Easy fix: I'm just using version 1.2 until the pre-release gets... released, and the mods get updated.
  6. I don't know, I think I had originally intended to respond to you in a previous thread, changed my mind, and couldn't get rid of the quotation thing... I don't know how to format these things!
  7. I'm a random guy on the internet, and I approve this message. Well done, @Just Jim Keep up the good work!
  8. People complain because the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and they want their particular concerns addressed. Nevertheless, I, for one, welcome our Kerbal 1.2.2 overlords.
  9. This seems legit to me. The use of gut or gute depends on the word it's modifying, (in this case, "use" which, in Kerblish doesn't seem to have a specific gender) so it's up to Wernher to decide what he meant. I think it also makes sense from a phonological perspective, that one might insert a vowel sound to separate the hard "t" sound in gut from the "u" sound in use.
  10. Just had to re-watch your trailer for this one again. I think it may be my new favorite. The music, the visuals. It gives me chills. Keep up the good work
  11. "We choose to build a tiny pyramid on Laythe, and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because we are bored." - Johneff Kerman.
  12. Popcorn. It explodes when you cook it. What's a more Kerbal snack than that?
  13. Yeah, I was surprised by this change too. In some ways, it does act as a nerf to the SciLab, since you have to either: 1. Choose between the extra science gained in the lab and completing the R&D checklist. or 2. Plan ahead, and get 2 copies of all experiments you intend to research.
  14. It would go a long way to showing Roverdude that you respect him, if you would stop badgering him and drop the subject. He has given several responses. At the very least, he's trying to respect his co-workers' right to privacy. You arbitrarily decided that you want to know more than he is at liberty to discuss. That's your problem, not his. You're not helping.
  15. My first thought was to wonder if the animation could be done such that the Kerbal's vomiting would be slightly out of frame. Like, the Kerbal's face changes color, they get a queasy expression, then they double over, and you only see the top of their head. (implied puking). However, this would create problems for the whole cut-away mode on crew compartments, and during IVA view. This definitely belongs in the "mod that you could maybe download if you're really into it" category. Tourists grabbing a barf-bag during High-G maneuvers sounds like a very reasonable compromise.
  16. You are doing Kraken's work with this post, OP. That would be a wonderful option
  17. Kif and Kerbals could be like Chimpanzees and Bonobos. Even if Kif is atypical for his species, their general temperament and behavior could still be completely different to Kerbals despite their similar features. Either way, they're both squishy green folks who enjoy space travel.
  18. I believe that Kerbals are a squishy species like Kif Kroker, they have a series of fluid filled sacs instead of bones. Clearly, they are descended from a common ancestor. Kerbals evolved hair, Kif evolved external ear.... things, and longer legs.
  19. Those form-fitted booster stage designs are incredible! Very stylish.
  20. Pretty sure Kerbnet is a series of tubes invented by Algore Kerman. I, for one, welcome our new stock ScanSat.
  21. It taught the primitive cave Kerbals to reach for the heavens. It's full of stars and chimpanzee faces. What else is there to say about the magnificent KSC Monolith?
  22. Obvious answers: Also Sprach Zarathustra, or just the entire 2001:A Space Odyssey soundtrack Various Star Trek soundtracks Kerbal Space Program soundtrack
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