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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. Okay, I don't know if I heard it right, but the livestream just said launch was in 15 minutes... Edit: Nevermind. He said "seventy minutes" not 17 minutes. My bad!
  2. Thanks! I'll update the OP with this.
  3. Livestream -SpaceFlightNow China's Shenzou 11 spacecraft will launch 2 takinauts to the Tiangong 2 space station later this evening. (At least it is evening in Iowa) It should launch in about two hours, or 2330 GMT, 7:30 EST, and 6:30 where I live. EDIT: The livestream just said seventeen minutes, which is about an hour earlier than I thought it would launch. About 5:35 my time, 2230 GMT, or 6:35 EST. It should launch at around 2330 GMT, 7:30 EST, and 6:30 where I live.
  4. Yeah, I just found this a few minutes ago!
  5. Okay, so I have a bit of a request. @Pine, by any chance could you replace my current request with this one?
  6. Hello. I'm about 99.9% sure 1.3 hasn't been released yet. 1.2 just got released a few weeks back. Most likely when you upgraded your computer your KSP version might have needed a little "checking" by steam. I wish 1.3 was out already. EDIT: Wow, that's a lot of tabs you've got open there.
  7. ...And don't forget, the first ever mention of a countdown! And the fact that the filmmakers hired rocket scientists - including Wernher Von Braun - to help make the film more realistic. If only Hollywood did this today.
  8. 1) Because. 2) Read part 32! 3) Should arrive in-game in less than one year. Just before the Jool ship. Also, special thanks to @pandoras kitten and @Cupcake... for their house and dropship craft, respectively! Part 32: The Update!
  9. Hey, @Cupcake..., would you mind if I used one of your ships in my mission report? Credit will be given.
  10. I once built a functional 4 bit binary addition machine. (However, you have to know binary in order to read the answer.) Unrelatedly, that world is also the only world I have ever seen a charged creeper in.
  11. Or just install a second copy, just make sure to put it in a different folder so nothing overwrites.
  12. In my past experience, the patcher just doesn't work. It might be just a problem with your particular case, but normally I just get a fresh download from the store and copy everything that I need over.
  13. Trend: New updates always release on Tuesdays so SQUAD can get out of doing the devnotes. Tuesday is my new favorite day of the week.
  14. Thanks! Now that you mention it, 480 parts is quite a lot... I have a few more ideas to optimize the craft. Theoretically, I could get it down to five parts. Although, the ship that has the TYLO ARMY Mk1 is already 350-ish parts, so I guess it's doable... The hard part will be spending eight hours landing them all!
  15. Okay, I gave this challenge a quick try. There is definitely room for improvement, but I managed it at 2.13 tons. The Lander: Tiny Tylo 3 (Yes I know it says 2. I forgot to rename it.) Started from a 6 kilometer orbit. Draining fuel slowly... Jettisoning the fuel tank... Approaching the surface... And landed! Flag planting... Lifting off. Kerzie Kerman is a bit afraid of the tight fuel budget... Burning the last drops of fuel... And Jetpacking to orbit! Again, like I said, room for improvement. I had 70% of the EVA fuel left afterward, and I went to a very high orbit. I'm feeling a sudden urge to build a "TYLO ARMY" Mk2 and send forty-eight of them to Tylo. (TYLO ARMY Mk1 is a fleet of six Tylo Landers. I now realize they are about ten times as big as they need to be!)
  16. I was docking something to a mothership. I had 4m/s of DV left.
  17. Hey, I have an hour of free time! And A lot of screenshots already uploaded and ready to go! (Wow. The screenshots I uploaded for part 28 ended up being enough for 4 parts!) Part 31: Defining History!
  18. The package was mislabeled. You get a spas 11. (Yay! Our band got 1st place for 2a!) I wish for it to rain tacos.
  19. Not granted because Granting it would mean it was granted and paradoxes and etcetera. I wish for my trombone not to freeze while I'm playing in contest tonight.
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