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Ultimate Steve

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Everything posted by Ultimate Steve

  1. 8/10 What craft is that? Ooh, support craft! And red lights!
  2. Or maybe the missile is going so fast that it phases through the target.
  3. Well, they didn't taunt it on purpose, at least! Monolith: Yep. Not on this one. But we'll be seeing him soon enough! Part 37 is long. Really long. But epic. Let's see, one huge story development, two big ones, and one medium sized one. Enjoy! Part 37: Through Fire And Flames
  4. Turn complete! @wrench-in-the-works It is your turn, the file should be turn 17 Ultimate Steve. I added a docking hub with an interesting green light. I had to use the RCS tug. The station now has 2 free ports. Video coming soon. Right after I finish writing part 37 of Project Intrepid. But that will take an hour or two... and then I have to go to bed to get up at 6:30 for a speech competition... and that lasts all day... and the video takes overnight to upload... Yeah, it will be a while...
  5. I am beginning my turn. EDIT: Can I do a Mun module and a Kerbin module in the same turn? EDIT2: Not going to Eve. I hate Eve with a burning passion, just wasted 1.5 hours of time. Just doing a simple thing now. Also, you should add to the rules that each module must have at least 2 Sr ports. The station currently doesn't have any open ports. I have to dock with KLAW.
  6. I'm about 99% sure it's a modded contract with a modded experiment. Would any of your mods add an "ice cream" experiment? If so, I'd get that mod just for an experiment called "Ice cream!" *casually changes background song to "Ice Cream"* *Names interplanetary spaceship Ice Cream*
  7. @Pine uses a computer program, as well as most of the other artists. I draw them out. Speaking of which, I'm still open if anyone wants there's done by me.
  8. Do you have a spare couple million dollars lying around? Yeah, just designing. But the design is far from done. Although, I have plans to build two scale models (one 1:10 just for looks, one 1:25-ish as a model rocket) of the rocket and have already built the scale model capsule+orbital power module and am currently working on the LES. I was also planning on building a mockup of the pressure vessel as sort of a simulator, but I doubt I'll get that far before the school year ends. Great minds think alike - I was planning on modding it into KSP eventually (With RO installed, of course). Maybe even hooking it up to the simulator. But, of course, that requires me actually having a design first... Actually, I'm considering switching from Kerolox to Methalox for better Isp.
  9. Okay, I'm back. Sorry. I'm just going to do the first one for now to get back into a groove. But, a short new part is better than no new part! Part 36: What Doesn't Kill You Blooper: *DRAMATIC*
  10. Guess what I added to the first Community Space Station oh so long ago?
  11. It will make the station non-loadable for anyone using that mod. Probably. And without the RCS port.
  12. I am a nerd. I scored 5080 points at state Academic Decathlon.
  13. Well, if you have time, you could just follow the green lines.
  14. X-men: The Last Sand Remember when they said there was as many stars in the sky as there were grains of sand? Well, now only the sun is left, along with one final grain of sand controlled by magneto. Will the X-men prevail, or will the sun be extinguished and humanity perish? Coming soon. In geological time. As in a few billion years. When there's only one star left.
  15. Да здравствует шумиха поезд! ¡Viva el tren del bombo! تحيا القطار الضجيج! Long live the hype train!
  16. When you launch and your ship collapses into a star. Then Kerbol begins orbiting your star. (Hey, many people want a binary system!) When you are playing on a NASA supercomputer and it crashes (even with the part welding mod)! When you have so may seats that the name generator runs out of names and you have 87 Elon Kerman's aboard your ship. When you play "THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!" as you launch!
  17. About 80 minutes, same as the others. (By far the best class of the day!) (My school has A days and B days, with 4 classes in each, 8 total) Short summary of spaceship SHERPA: 2m diameter capsule, 2m tall, tapering to 0.75m. Smaller pressure vessel inside where I would sit. Orbital Power Module which contains retrorockets, antennas, radiators, etc. above main capsule (jettisoned before re-entry). Above that is the LES. The heat shield is made of AVCOAT with a beryllium heat sink behind just in case. The rocket would be two stage kerolox with two or four solid rocket boosters. Long summary of spaceship SHERPA: You know you're a nerd when you can write all that from memory!
  18. When you use STEM class (Which at my school is an awesome class where you can work on any project you desire so long as you show productivity) to design a spaceship.
  19. I'm not sure, but I think you can't give rep to the same person twice in a row. Testing now... Nope. I have no clue.
  20. 2017: Nothing. 2017-2030: Make everything new de-orbitable and/or reusable. 2345: We build a GEO ringstation/space elevator and clean up everuthing so we won't hit it. ~2700: We rebuild the now obsolete ringstation, along with one at Mars. ~3573: Ringbase II is destroyed by aliens and/or space pirates creating a ring system around Earth. Earth is abandoned in favor of Mars. ~4000: We all move to the Trappist system because all of the solar system's planets have been ringed with debris from the ringstations.
  21. For stations, though, I go 250km. somewhere below there the surface is unloaded and there is a lot less lag.
  22. Wait, I can do that? Never used it anyway. KSP is now getting TURBO BOOSTED!
  23. Does it stay stuck forever? Or just a minute or two? If it is the former, I can't help you, but if it's the latter, that's normal*. KSP has tons of asset bundles and that one space on the bar is reserved for all of them. If I were in charge, they would each have their own spot. You can open the debug menu to see if it is indeed loading bundle definitions or has frozen.
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