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Everything posted by ISE

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong but if anyone wishes to download the 1.1.2 of this on CKAN you can do so with CLI (command line interface) See the CKAN user guide for more info.
  2. Im not kidding when I say i screamed in exitment when I saw this was updated! Great work @Nils277
  3. Aw man I stayed on my roof and watched my insane city go crazy lol #BOISEIDAHO #ItOnlyTakesASpark! hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Oh and have you seen 2OO1 A Space Odesy, & 2O1O? cuz if your up for it we should make a sequel to the three as they did with books lol
  4. Camping Hiking Astronautics way too much KSP
  5. Very pleased to see the update @Nertea! Thank you for all the great work, blood sweat, & tears you put into these mods! Keep it up!
  6. CHEERS! Literally made my day!
  7. Im sure it will be! love you guys work! @alexustas @MOARdV you guys rock!
  8. Since everything seems normal now, as @ComatoseJedi & I have both successfully loaded the mk1-2 ASET IVA, can we get the AVC update for ckan? Thanks and no rush! I do enjoy this mod very much. Cheers
  9. Anyone tried this with [1.1.3] if so let me know how it goes.
  10. Love this mod along with the other three @hoojiwana has made!
  11. ISE

    Hey hey!

    Yes indeed! Welcome to KSP @Zwieg88, wish you good luck, and happy rocket building!
  12. well I have a total of 132 mods installed so....
  13. Hype train approaching Dev note Tuesday eve.
  14. @Voodoo8648 This is most likely the bug relating to the physics of the wheels. This is due to the upgrade to unity 5, the next ksp patch should deal with it. Until then, its the waiting game.
  15. @MrMeeb Are you running the latest version of Module Manager ? And did you extract the hraban folder into the game KSP data folder?
  16. KSP all night overnight...even the night before exams :cool:

  17. I appreciate your work and am very glad to see this mod! thank you for all the work and keep it up! Tnx again @MatterBeam Look forward to your progress
  18. I really can't get enough of this pack! I love it to death and have gotten so far with it! Cheers!
  19. All Great ideas, and yes @regex those are very good examples of common curtesy for the modders! Friday the 13th is a creative idea for such a date and we should certainly put a pin in it @Geschosskopf. @cubinator Your certainly right, everyday in my mind is modder appreciation day, but if such day were to be put on a calendar it would be a holiday I would look forward to celebrating!
  20. Let's try to make an official KSP Modders holiday, to appreciate all the work they do for this game, & for us Kerbal fans! Comment your ideas/suggestions!
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