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Everything posted by ISE

  1. I very much look forward to the further development of your DSEV
  2. CHEERS! @Angel-125 Im very pumped for the Gondola! Love the look, idea, and design! The buffalos big brother looks very nice!
  3. @Climberfx you're OMICRON is going to be a very very popular mod pack! I Cant wait for the first release! Great Work! Cheers!
  4. I tried doing that, but I gave up because I'm so reliant in TCA, without TCA I 'don't play. lol
  5. Ya I too had the black kraken show up almost every time I used the latest build.
  6. Ile second you on that one! I CANT WAIT FOR THIS! Much Love @Climberfx
  7. Im ruling over this omg <3 Suggestion: Tweakable shades of the texture, texture itself is gorgeous, but tweakable colors to the texture would make it that much more amazing
  8. Please delete this (my) single comment
  9. Current debate aside, are you suggesting that I can't vote? Cuz I did vote in the recent US presidential election. Im 18, and it was a, surprising experience to vote for the first time. I got there and someone got word of my age and they made a very big scene congratulating me for being an american and voting for the first time. LOL (it was very awkward)
  10. @tater Please don't take my words from the original post so hard. You miss understand me, I only want the US to be more involved with space, science, and us being in space. I am aware that the space race, was a fear fueled endeavor, and yes, you could say it was a political war, wit communism and capitalism being the two parties. Please keep this discussion universally related to space, exploration, and ways of better our knowledge of the subject. I meant no disrespect to any races, cultures, countries, etc. I am simply expressing my love for space, exploration, advancement in technology, and especially bettering ourselves as "Humans". Probes, and telescopes are very important, but I think there should be more of a joint effort to get humans back into space and expand on our knowledge of the universe we live in. I feel like the ultimate goal for humans is to live for ever, or to advance the way we live. We cannot simply keep our microscopes and hands on earth, we gotta look beyond and discover new things, beings, places, life, and technology. In a sense very much like starters or any other space exploration movie or story. To me, the only way we can reach the ultimate goal of knowledge, is to cooperate, and advance.
  11. Well then I guess we are going to have to prove you wrong. I understand that reasoning, but if we are to advance faster, and further than we already have, we need to find better ways to get things into space. Or to simply make them in space. Little probes and telescopes, are not going to keep is "afloat" in the space industry. People will forget why we go to space. We need to see people back to the moon, we need to at least spend more than 0.5%. Im extremely against how my country spends its taxes. And I'm well aware of how they do it. This is not a political debate. Its simply a wake up call.
  12. I must say this mod pack, is truly gorgeous. You have a very very good craftsman hand for modeling. love your mods!
  13. Well Ive tried out some of the parts for 1.2.1, and so far so good, no problems that I can see.
  14. I understand that OSX Sierra is a bit of a obstacle regarding KSP, I haven't updated to sierra ever since I herd the news that it caused/causes issues with KSP. I herd squad was attempting to create a work around for this issue as well. Any info on this situation is greatly needed and aprecieated. Just wondering where we are at.
  15. This mod is essential to my KSP needs tbh
  16. The show must go on! Thank you @Deimos Rast, I am sure that @hoojiwana would appreciate this while he is gone. Cheers
  17. Just got all my wisdom teeth pulled out, but that doesn't mean my school, classes, and work should stop. :wink: 

  18. So I understand USI tools is a dependency, but regarding LS mods, would TAC LS be future supported LS mod? Just a suggestion
  19. I learned something from our history as people. We seem to advance the most in our knowledge of new technology, the we feel it is at our advantage. The space race, Soviet Russia, & The United States, one of the greatest times of knowledge and advancement of technology. The Russians were so determined, as were the Americans. They both each changed the world. Going to space has brought us great things, such as artificial limbs, and MRIs. It happened to fast and so quickly! But now here we are, in 2016, you would think that we would have gotten much further than where we are now. Sure we "had" the space shuttle program, and we have rovers on mars. But the money that was funding all this exploration and learning is very slim right now. The United States Government currently funds NASA with barely 1% of their government currency. They "retired" they shuttles, we no longer have money to go to the moon, or send our own astronauts to the ISS by our rockets here in the US. We have our allies in Russia to thank for helping us maintain our joint operation on the ISS. Sure we have the no SLS Orion... but if you ask me, all this is just laziness to me. I hope more private companies like SPACEX help us with this, as well as Russia. Because the united states government has given up on science. If we continue our research of microgravity in space, we have a whole new playing field to understand the things and nature that we work with, and live in. I just don't know how, or where we are headed currently. Another issue is the cost for rocket fuel. Getting to space is no easy task at all! We should be using the funds we have left here in the US to find a new way to get us into space. Im talking about thinking out of the box in a massive scale. Im sure many people have talked about this and ways of doing it. But frankely money is the main issue. And I just don't want to see the only advancement in technology to be in phones and cars. I hope to put an end to this, I want to learn and find a way to get us back into space like we used to, but better. My goal in life is to change the way we think about space and we get there. Im open to any comments and suggestions, to what you guys know/think about this contraversal subject. Thank You.
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