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Everything posted by Calvin_Maclure

  1. Is there anything different with the Scatterer version included in the lastest SVE download? The water on Kerbin does not look the same at all. With the 0.7.1 SVE download, I removed the Scatterer version I had installed in used the one included in this download. Is it not the latest version of Scatterer or am I missing?? CM
  2. I dont know what all this blue text stuff is, and at this point I'm to afraid to ask... CM
  3. Wow, that is trippin me up! Brain is struggling to focus. CM
  4. lol. Any change you'd be kind enough to share that magic? Or has that happened in the latest update? CM
  5. Thanks so much for your work on this mod. Its seriously epic! In fact, it makes me sad to think that I could have played all of my previous playtime with it, but didnt caues I didnt know about it... Sad and happy at the same time. But mostly happy. CM
  6. So... is there a ''how to'' or a wiki for this customization? CM How... how did you do this!? CM
  7. Ah, ok. So really more of an extractor, not a convertor. CM
  8. Convert air from Mars to CO2?? Dont you mean O2? Mars' atmosphere already is like 95% CO2. Typo perhaps...? CM
  9. I had some issues with it as well but, to my surprise, when I uninstalled and reinstalled it, its been working great! Havent had any issues with it since. Its great! Finally get to play again. I've no idea what you've done to try and remedy it but, if you havent tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, I would try that. You've nothing to lose save a bit of time and bandwith... CM
  10. Just wanted to give a shout out to the modders for this one, as they've done a terrific job! KSP looks absolutely amazing now with this! http://imgur.com/LHegSpR http://imgur.com/bELjQib http://imgur.com/t6J6BOb http://imgur.com/Wi1mVth Cheers! CM
  11. So, any luck? Have you been able to get it to work? CM
  12. You can also pick your quality of graphics for SVE here, depending on if your system can handle it: https://github.com/Nhawks1717/StockVisualEnhancements/releases CM
  13. At this point, remove the ones you have (delete them) from your GameData folder and re-download and reinstall: http://spacedock.info/mod/58/Stock%20Visual%20Enhancements Who knows, maybe something got corrupted somehow. When you extract the folder, you should see and install this: http://imgur.com/vnR0ILW Grab those two folders, copy paste them into the GameData folder of KSP. CM
  14. You should be able to see something at the tracking station yes. The loading menu no, that one is on and off and the devs dont really understand why. Where did you get your files from? From the SVE mod site? If so, there are two folders inside of that, SVE and EVE. Install both in the GameData of KSP. CM
  15. Do you have a ship already in orbit? If so, go to it. If the mod is running right, that's where you'll really see the difference. CM
  16. I used to have a bug with the 1.1.0 upgrade of KSP (which persisted up to 1.1.2) that caused my game to crash (Pure Virtual Function call) whenever I tried to launch anything. I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and now, all is well! Dont know if you've tried this or not, but if so, I would recommend that you start there. Im sure you've probably already tried that but, thought Id suggest it just in case. Also, make sure your mods are all up to date... the usual. CM
  17. Ah, that's cool! Mind if I ask what you've done to it since? I'm mostly just curious, not skeptical! Cheers, CM
  18. Cool, much appreciate it. How or where do you want me to send it to you? Message me if you dont want the info public. CM
  19. I had a station up in 1.0.5 that used many of your CxAerospace parts (which are great, btw). Since the update, I cant get that ship to load. I followed through your instructions on renaming the part names in the config files, after I had downloaded the latest version of this mod, but I still cannot get any of those assemblies to load. Its like changing the names from one version to the other didnt change anything at all. Still cant load my station back in... Any thoughts? Thanks, CM
  20. @danfarnsy, this may or may not have been addressed by you already, I did try to find if it had, so my apologies if Im making you repeat yourself. First and foremost, thanks for your contribution to this mod! I dont know if you know or not but, somebody (I forget who, atm) did create a "hacked" version of TAC LS that was compatible for 1.1.X. I have been using it, and from what I can see, all is well and working correctly with it. Im baiscally trying to figure out what I should do at this point, if I should continue to use the hacked one or the one you've worked on. I dont know what the scope of your work has been on this mod since you've picked it up. Dont know if there's any easy way you can advise? Cheers, CM
  21. So... is this thing dead? Is it up and running for 1.1.2?? CM
  22. Are there any know issues with the latest build of SVE and Scatterer? It was working beautifully up until I downloaded the latest version of SVE (UR). Now Scatterer does not appear to be working at all. At least, when Im at the KSC, the ocean is clearly not the Scatterer one. Prior to using the UR version of SVE, I was using the HR one. So im not sure if the issue is with the latest version of SVE or just the UR version of it. CM
  23. Now that KSP is in 64 bit, how well does the UR of SVE run on Windows OS? CM
  24. Hmm... The issue Im having is when I try to launch, the game doesnt crash, but freezes up and completely fails to load the rocket on the launch pad. If I try to revert back to the VAB, I get a virtual function call error and CTD. CM
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