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  1. There certainly is. Here you go https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/192855-18x-111x-stockish-project-orion-v182-update-12292020/
  2. Does anyone know what's causing this? The texture switches arent available and it looks like all types are merged into one causing flickering and glitches on multiple parts. I have textures unlimited installed, but I don't see how this would disable the texture switching. I also have the latest B9 part switch installed too. Edit: So, try to withold your derisive laughter, but as it turns out, I didn't have B9 Part Swicth installed. This is a fine example of what happens when you dont..... Thanks for such an amazing mod btw!!
  3. I've been hoping someone would release a mod like this, thanks!!!!!!
  4. Very nice, love the military style Mk3 you have there. Grabbed ur full pack too, ty!
  5. Yeah I was super trigger happy with those controls lol. Yeah thats what i did to reenter, just burned engine then pointed retrograde. Yep, deffo got that but, at this point I just restart the game instead of running through quicksaves, usually works unless the save is bugged. Deffo looking forward to that, SSTO creation is my nemesis.
  6. Is anyone else still getting the bug where you cant open the CTRL + K menu on 1.12.5? Edit: Nevermind, I'm an idiot lol. Was trying to open menu from KSC rather than in flight.
  7. This thing is awesome! I got it to orbit on the first try, it rolled over at about 10k, but I was able to fly heads down to orbit. When i reentered it fell apart at about 4k altitude and I think it was my fault for pulling up too much. Also not controllable in space and constantly spins out, but that'll be easy to fix.
  8. Hi, I hope you feel better soon, I know how much stuff like this can stop you in your tracks with anything, it was good of you to let everyone know though considering. Anyway I jus wanted to say I really love this mod, u did a good job with this. Hopefully someone can continue your work till you get back. Take care!
  9. Well i feel like an idiot now. I reverted everything including all KSRSS dependancies back to 0.6 and I still have the problem but didn't before. Sorry for clogging your thread. I think I've found the problem, looks like something is wrong with the template BDB Thor Agena craft file, so it looks like what @OrbitalManeuvers said is correct. What I wonder is how did this broken version end up in my Discoverer mission craft lol. Also thanks for such an awesome mod!!
  10. OMG YES it's not just me haha. Fyi for the time being I've been using the Thor Agena SLV-2G instead which seems to be able to fight the problem a bit better, but if you're like me and are following a historic contract pack, this just wont do for realism lol.
  11. I'm at a loss here I wonder if anyone can help. Ever since I updated to 0.7 the Thor-Agena I've been using from BDB no longer works, it has lost roll control and seems to be unable to stop itself tipping over anywhere after 5km. This craft used to work fine and I've done so many launches with it. Has anything been changed in KSRSS that would make these things happen? I haven't changed anything else since this started and I even tried the template craft and the same thing happened...
  12. I think it looks right now. It's the R-7 so it's a bit small, but still looks good. IRL it looks like the large fuel arm is connected all the time even whilst the gantry is up, is that the way it should be with MLP too? I love that transport train + rocket combo! I wish there was some way to deploy rockets in KSP like that without having to build a 500 part behemoth.
  13. Wow, now I feel stupid. For some reason I was convinced you shouldn't rotate it because I thought it launched not rotated lol. Thanks for the reply btw!
  14. Does anyone know how to use the Soyuz gantry arms properly? No matter what I do, the Soyuz fins always clip through the gantry part.
  15. Thanks for the reply! I didn't even think about the Soyuz being such a huge rocket in ksp scale, in my head I just thought it can get the Soyuz to LEO, so it should be able to get one to LKO and no more lol. I ended up just lowering the fuel values and engine thrust limits on the side booster and thrid stage which made things a bit less OP.
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