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Everything posted by TheKurgan

  1. Also, if there is a way to prevent it from doing it's thing, when there are launch clamps attached... or better yet, when the active vessel's mission time is still zero, that would be great.
  2. ok, so after some testing, it seems to work very well. I really like it, BUT the only thing I don't like about it is the fact that upon loading a vessel, the stabilization effect (lowering it to the ground) takes quite a long time. Comparing it to vessel mover, when you place a vessel, it takes about 3 times as long as that process. Is there any way you can speed that up a little?
  3. This looks VERY interesting!! With physics range extender, I often lose a vessel from the dreaded "jump" or it falls through the not fully rendered terrain. Do you think this mod will help with the extended physics range?
  4. Much thanks to you Gomker for allowing me to help test these changes to BDA. Testing some of these changes has made available to me some of thee COOLEST stuff I have ever seen in this game. Cheers!! OH and feel free to spamm the discord channel with new test builds... I honestly do LOVE it!!! I download them the second I see them
  5. MM patch to change the default settings of any part that has the BD Armory AI Module:
  6. Maybe everyone already knows how to do this, but I just figured it out for myself, and wanted to share. MM patch to change the default settings of any part that has BDAI:
  7. Weird hey? Well I'm happy you found it!!
  8. Tried 3.0.0, then tried 2.8.1, then tried the newest 3.0.1
  9. Ok retested - completely fresh install - brand new save - newest version of SXT, (with included Fire Spitter and retractable lifting surface) - newest version of AoA - Module Manager (3.0.0) - Nothing else installed (no ASET). Same results. All your elevons exhibit the same issues with that TestFin in AoA. Stock elevons unaffected. Remove the Fin... problem gone.... baffling!! Also tried the newest FireSpitter complete from https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases and the newest MM from https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/ Same results
  10. Yes, true, but me and another player I know have found no issues with it, it's only parts and no .dll files. yeah I removed all mods beginning with A, B, and C on the first round. Anyway, I get home in about 2 hours, I'll do more testing, and post the links to the logs.
  11. Manual I have well over 100 mods in my main install... figuring out why my SXT elevons didn't work was a daunting task... I started removing mods in alphabetic order... like I have done in the past, and BAM!! the mod related to the issue started with "A" Usually it's a mod beginning with "T" or "S" lol I use those elevons ALOT... but have not used them in a couple of weeks... and couldn't figure out what mod I had added recently that could be causing the issue.
  12. it isn't NEEDED, but it is required for the IVA's for AoA. I can test or get fresh logs without it. After Work. I could remove EVERYTHING except SXT, Squad and AoA and test more if you like?
  13. @linuxgurugamer @Wolfair corp. After more trial and error testing, I found if i remove the TestFin from AoA, then the SXT elevons work again... I can't figure out why, or where the conflict is, but that's as far as I can narrow it down. Hopefully you intelligent guys can figure it out... I really enjoy both mods.... but I'm ok with that TestFin removed.
  14. @Wolfair corp. @linuxgurugamer Hi, I am having an issue or a conflict between AoA and SXT. With AoA installed, the Elevons in SXT do not work. The pics below are done with a clean install, a very new sandbox save, with the modulemanager files and the part database deleted each time before the game was ran. The one and ONLY difference between them is one was ran with AoA and the other was without. Logs Without AoA Logs With AoA
  15. Well I didn't think I was doing anything wrong, and I didn't think I was putting anyone down... my apologies to @Triston777 Please remove this from the bottom of old threads: This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.
  16. Getting the same issues as above, any time I launch a missile, or decouple a spent fuel tank, destruction effects kicks in.
  17. Exception detector picks it up
  18. Just wondering why there is a file called ModuleManager.2.6.8.dll in GameData\PrakasaAeroworks\parts\Mk2Thruster? It's causing NREs
  19. I can't comment on #1 or #2, but as for the rest: I believe you are looking for more realistic flight performance and engine performance... 3. I like the reaction wheels, I even add more to get the desired "high" maneuverability I personally want (and find more fun) yes yes, I know... highly non-realistic, but I am not looking for realism at all. If you are looking for realism, you are doing the right thing and turning them off. 4. Pretty much the same answer as #3, I love the power!! Yes, I know, highly non-realistic. If you are looking for realism, try the BAD-T props, or something in between like Airplane Plus engines, they are lower power, and maybe a little more realistic... performance-wise. 5. I think the bombardier sight is part of the bomb bays... not 100% sure on that, but try it out. OH, and are you using FAR? if the answer is yes, I'm pretty sure these were designed with stock aero in mind.
  20. @Triston777The last post in this thread, before yours, was almost 2 years ago..... WHY would you dig this up from the bowels of the forum? lol
  21. Yup Reason for so many, is I launch 18 - 40 planes at once with BDArmory, and have either massive air battles, or just have them all attack a very well defended battleship. FUN STUFF!!
  22. Testing ALL of SM_Stryker parts at once.... on one plane.... and it flies! LMAO!! It flies TERRIBLY lol.... but it flies
  23. SO, lets recount here..... you have Galileo and Thomas P. both telling you it isn't feasible.... you have not been here long, so I'll let you know that if there was a feasible way of doing what you want, these guys would know... Believe what you want... dream about it... fantasize about it... you can "keep waiting until someone can" until KSP is fossil... it will make no difference. You have been given the currently available solutions / work-arounds. If whatever deity you believe in came down (or up) to where you are at this very moment and told you it is next to impossible, and will not be done in the manner you suggest, you would still keep going wouldn't you?
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