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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Joints, collisions and similar physics items are handled by the PhysX engine and Unity5 claims to be able to run every individual physics gameobject in its own "task", whatever that is, so I assume it can bunch tasks and distribute them across cores. The thermal code isn't a Unity physics object so doesn't benefit from PhysX at all, but with physics more evenly distributed there should be more cpu time free on whatever core Unity is currently using for the orbital and thermal code (i.e Squads stuff) It'd be interesting to know if Unity is capable of deferring the developers code to other cores, like it can do with the sound, input and similar, or if it all has to run in a main thread, I don't think this question has ever come up before.
  2. Not bad, moved to fanworks though.
  3. I agree, better off in mission reports, moved.
  4. Hi Curiosity7907, OpenGL is a feature of the Unity engine, this is not something Squad can fix and it is not supported by Squad on Windows. Some players have had luck by running KSP normally then going back to OpenGL mode, or by using -popupwindow and a lower resolution. But as Claw says it doesn't work well, you could try the Unity community to see if there are any workarounds or known issues with specific hardware and try updating your graphics drivers, but there really isn't anything we can do here for OpenGL issues.
  5. KSP only uses its own folder, but Unity writes the Player.log and prefs files to /home/user/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/ on Debian distributions. There shouldn't be anything written outside of these folders by KSP so you will need to provide at least your Player.log, but really you will need to check your Fedora logs to find out what is happening, please see the Fedora documentation on how to do this.
  6. Hi Chris. It's best to put them here on the KSP bug tracker, you can attach the individual files, your saves and dxdiag system report. Hope this helps!
  7. Hi Stealthie, please see this thread, it will explain what info we need from you and how to post it, in addition to your logs we will need your save files so we can see the issue ourselves.
  8. You mention you started a new career game, in early carer the nodes are not available yet. You need to upgrade the tracking station to tier2 to see encounters, and you need to upgrade mission control to tier2 as well to enable manoeuvre nodes.
  9. These dots are part of the ranking system
  10. Oh jeeze people it's a nod to Armageddon starring Bruce Willis.
  11. Sorry but I'm closing this, this is not Rocket Builders, no companies or empty threads that aren't requests for craft please.
  12. It is wobbly, worse than decouplers, but thankfully struts attach properly at both ends (have done since 1.0.0) so they help. One thing to try is putting the fairing on a decoupler on the top of the payload, then building the fairing downwards, you can use a smaller fairing to join to larger rockets that way, you avoid the fairing body lift bug and you don't have your payload on a wobbly fairing base.
  13. Sorry Dres, but I can't find any such account, have you spelled it correctly ?
  14. To clear the editor, use the mouse to click inside it to focus it, then use control+a to select all, then use the "cut" button or the del or backspace keys to remove all content. This will also remove quotes, to only clear the contents of a quote, click inside it and use the above key strokes.
  15. Should be fixed now Kartoffelkuchen
  16. They don't occlude from physics, so you still need lots of struts for excessive loads, if your payload wobbles without a fairing then it'll do it with one.
  17. Oh man, payloads, I have had some success by closing the fairing around the very top of the payload then running some struts from the cargo outwards, it's tricky but if you get it right you strut the payload to the fairing and the whole thing is a lot stronger.
  18. By the Kraken this is old, but maybe it'll not be too bad. I don't like losing a Kerbal in career, in sandbox though ...
  19. A post deserving of its own thread, elsewhere...
  20. Hi JoeSchmuckatelli, try loading the save from the KSC menu (press escape or click Menu), named saves are made with alt+F5, and can also be loaded in the flight scene with alt+F9 Also, moved to Support.
  21. tomtal, alfora, relax all your craft are fine, the red icon is only telling you that it is unsafe to deploy the parachute at that speed. Parachutes can only be destroyed in the undeployed state by crashing them into things or by going so fast the whole part overheats and explodes, if you are doing that your rocket will explode from overheating shorty afterwards. Arugela, it is incredibly hard to build high altitude high speed parachutes in real life, they do not simply work due to lower pressure, the speed is too great. The KSP parachutes are not for supersonic use, the drag chutes can cope with a little more but realistically they should be torn to shreds at high speeds. And they are.
  22. Rocket Builders is archived, so there's no posting there. If you want to post craft to the Exchange please do so, but there's no roleplaying as companies any more.
  23. Can you upload the craft? It may have too many parts for me to run smoothly but I can have a go at fixing it, so can others.
  24. Try moving that mammoth elsewhere, the thing is, heat was tweaked a lot and many bugs were fixed so not everything from before 1.0.4 is going to act the same way. It's predictable as it's continually happening to you on this craft.
  25. You may be better off asking in Support WuphonsReach, and uploading your outout_log.txt and persistent.sfs files to a file host and providing the links. All you need to do to complete that contract is to launch a crewed pod with a flea booster from the surface of Kerbain, though a parachute would be appreciated by the occupant. So if it's not completing or reappearing there's something causing it, such as a mod or a broken save.
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