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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. It should only matter if there's other controllers attached currently, so having used an old pad won't be an issue if it's not attached while you are using the Thrustmaster with KSP. Have you tried increasing the deadzones? Also how old is this stick?
  2. Okay it sounds like your issues are not related, the Unity engine can misdetect your version of OpenGL though which is why using -force-glcore helps (forces re-detection), if this happens again please upload your Player and KSP logs for me.
  3. Hi @sparki, it should be working, do you have any other controllers plugged in or are there any spikes in input when testing the stick in the Windows joystick manager?
  4. You might have more luck with LC_ALL=C as that will also handle the inversion of comma and period in the settings file. You can find all the documented command line options here, the environment variables should be the same for all Linux distros.
  5. I got socks again this year, this time they are minion socks!
  6. That is likely the case, it seems that a Unity update has broken the locale settings, it's meant to ignore the OS localization, so we need to force KSP to use English or the Posix standard again. That would also explain why your settings are not saving.
  7. Hi @linuxgurugamer, try switching back to build mode before clicking "New", that should prevent the null ref from appearing.
  8. Hi Penguinator, the screen is split between key/button bindings on the left, and analogue input/axis bindings on the right, please make sure you are using the axis bindings when setting up pitch, roll, yaw, throttle or the hat switch on your controller. Hope this helps.
  9. @Veeyawn, @Corsac, is your OS set to a language other than English?
  10. Phew, 2016 is finally behind us, here's hoping 2017 will be a smoother ride. Talking about smooth rides how about a train ride? Klond impresses us once again with his amazing toy train set. This would make an awesome Christmas present Now for something a little more hi-octane, how could I not feature Triops awesome Kerbal Dakar. It's worth checking out for the cars alone! We have a late entry for December with Norcalplanners tutorial on trigonometry in KSP, now you can finally find a use for the maths you learned in school HoloYolo poses a rather serious question in the Science forum, could we leave our solar system if we had no other choice, and what form might such a calamity take? Uncover the secrets NASA doesn't want to tell you about the Moon with purpleivan, we are not alone up there... As we all recover from overindulgence and resolve to be better people lets look back at our material gains with UnionPacific's old thread, I got socks That's it for now. Oh and happy new year everybody! See December 2016's TOTM here.
  11. It depends on what you mean by slow @53miner53, the asset bundles should not add more than a few seconds to the load time unless you are running Hamachi/LogMeIn or similar, or have other unused network adapters. Loading can be slow even with one network adapter, but keeping your drivers current should prevent that (don't rely on the drivers built into Windows).
  12. We'd have reports in Support by now, none so far, though it is possible for rescue contracts to position the rescuees craft such that a moon is in the area, causing some sub terrain periapsis. But Kerbals missing out of their pods is a new one.
  13. Hi @MartinTeefy, it sounds like you have a bad install, I'd try verifying the Steam cache if using Steam, or download a fresh copy from the store or GoG. Though the □ character is one of the replacement characters, which suggests you are missing a font or your font cache is corrupted, though KSP should have the fonts built in. Assuming you are using Windows 10 you could try resetting the font cache.
  14. Hi @shuggaloaf, is this a network drive? If it is then it may be caused by the Unity www class, KSP has to use this to be able to load user files (mods etc) unfortunately this will poke everything on your network, which can cause slow loading. I don't know of any way to prevent it, and I don't know if the workaround is viable for Squads use case.
  15. Hi @Zouf, ideally we need your KSP logs, see here for details.
  16. Merry Christmas everyone! I thought I'd make a card for all you wonderful people, and invite you all to share your cards with us Wishing you all a wonderful time, have fun!
  17. I've got one of those, it's okay, bit worn though (it's a refurb) Don't forget that joystick axis will only bind to the 'axis' side of the settings screen, they won't be detected as buttons (pitch down, stage etc), basically the fire buttons only work on the left pane of the settings screen, and the axis only work on the right.
  18. Thinking about it, though I'll be away a few days, also only one t
  19. Good catch Streetwind, I think this thread has had its day, this is fixed in1.2.2
  20. Hello ladies and gentlekerbs, we've seen a lot of great content posted all over these forums by our fellow Kerbonauts, many of which I have been honoured to be able to feature in my little 'threads of the month' series. It's a special time of year, Christmas is coming, and even if you don't celebrate this particular holiday most people have some kind of winter festival, or just roll with the festivities and use them as an excuse to enjoy themselves Something to enjoy is to look back on all the good times we've had in the past year, and the works of one person in particular have really stood out on these forums, so now is the time spread a little winter cheer and remind everyone of this persons fantastic contribution to our little corner of the internet. Also, huge thanks to @OrbitalBuzzsaw for the suggestion of a Thread of the Year, and to @DarkOwl57 for his nomination. While the particular thread was started in December of last year, it has continually been expanded upon by its creator throughout 2016, and has greatly impressed and brought joy to all its readers. Ladies and gentlekerbs, it is with great honour that I present to you the Kerbal Space Program forums thread of the year, The Saga of Emiko Station, by @Just Jim. Merry Christmas, and to all a good year.
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