Welcome to November, the days are getting shorter and colder (unless you're south of the equator), but nothing warms you up quite like rocket thrust, so let's see what we have this month -------------------- Starting in General Discussion, Sivert3 encourages us to consider optimising the costs associated with our craft, there's a lot to be said for a low cost launcher that minimises fuel expenditure, or for a fully reusable design for maximum recovery bonuses at the cost of greater fuel use. -------------------- Taking a look in the Spacecraft Exchange we see a very unusual craft indeed, an airship by Tsevion! Taking advantage of KSP's glitches and quirks, this all-stock craft flies like a, well, I'll let you try it and find out for yourself -------------------- A familiar name on the forums and in the TOTM thanks to his frequent posting (spamming?), GregroxMun does it again and this time it's in the Challenge section. The stock KSP craft are all kinda flawed by design, they are "almost good" except for something here or there that the player is welcome to fix, such as adding bigger boosters to the KerbalX. Greg invites us to design some "stock" craft of our own... -------------------- Two threads from Fanworks this month, because I couldn't choose between them and because I can First is Alizerin's mug, no not his face, his Kerbal mug he made when he was dragged to pottery class by his wife, it even has room for a snack in the bottom Second Fanworks thread this month is an excellent mission report from maccollo of his flight to Venus in Real Solar System, if you like giant rockets you'll like this! -------------------- In Gameplay Questions, Northstar1989 tells us about off-world refuelling and what it's all about, as now we know Squad are looking at it again it's useful to have an idea of when and why you'd use it -------------------- We're taking a look in Development this month, as something popped up yesterday which I really think more people should see, and that is ZodiaK's suggestion that KSP use a Scratch style system for the action groups, seriously, how cool would this be? -------------------- The last thread this month comes from the Science Labs, Frank_G links us to news that the movie Interstellar doesn't just feature an "artists impression" of a black hole, but a vision of these monsters based on real astronomical data, rendered by computer and as accurate as we're ever going to get without seeing one up close for real. We're always learning more about the universe around us, and even things as utterly destructive and implacable as a black hole can be beautiful...