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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Okay guys, we've had some fun with the conspiracy guy but it's time to move on, don't forget we do have conspiracy theories in the rules, mainly to prevent loonies coming here but still.
  2. It's okay, plus you're off the automoderation queue now, so have fun on the forums and fly safe
  3. All the info you need, also, welcome to the community
  4. ARM is actually built into 0.23.5 so just download that and you're go for launch The buildID.txt in the zip will say it's build 464, that's how you'll know it's the latest release.
  5. Moved to the Lounge, good luck finding a laptop
  6. Please don't give weirdos like that the benefit of views, you cannot change the mind of some people, they revel in their ignorance.
  7. Actually you don't need it at all, and it currently does not support KSP anyway. Just download the addons from curseforge, as if it were any other download site, there's no ads or timers on curseforge by the way
  8. Scott is not a KSP developer, so while he can say these things it does not mean they will happen, sorry. Also, real rockets are split into separate fuel and oxidiser tanks, you can't really put fuel in the oxidiser tank or vice versa as they are not designed for it, the sizes are different, pressurisation systems and plumbing differ, some are insulated depending on the contents. If you want just fuel you need the aircraft fuselages, what you need here is plain oxidiser tanks.
  9. We were never "meant" to go to space, we're the descendants of apes, our life's goal being little more than to perpetuate the species, eat, drink, find a mate, try not to die too soon in the mean time. And yet... We have grown beyond that, we have the ability, the potential for so much more, not due to any grand design or plan, but through sheer luck we have the chance to go beyond mere survival. We can learn and understand what's going on around us if we choose to do so, and we do choose, we make machines to help us learn, we wonder, we discover, we think. Why limit this to just one world, one way of knowing? We won't, we can't, there's a whole universe of wonder and it's calling to us, our species will go to space not because it's moral, but because we are curious, because we want to learn.
  10. Craft file please? It is a great rocket WindShieIds, now if only those engines made a more suitable roar
  11. Dotty rings a bell, it's the one used for the "Start Game" menu screen and version number. I think Calibri is used for part descriptions, Arial is of course common as muck, as for Heeadingfont, no idea.
  12. If Unity knows where to look then hopefully yes, my problem was that Unity was just looking at the default system fonts folder so I had to put the TTF in there or it would not work at all. Here is a source for freely usable fonts, I think the only way to be sure on this is to test it.
  13. I'm pretty sure Unity does not ship with any fonts of its own as I know that it relies on the system version of Arial and ArialBold for most text, these are included in Windows, OSX and Ubuntu but are missing from many other Linux distro's and in Wine which is why I made them available in the Linux compatibility thread. Also if the Windows or OSX versions of Arial are corrupted or uninstalled, the text is lost on those platforms. There's no info on the Unity site that I can find on fonts, so I guess you would have to either stick to common fonts, do a check of the filesystem for the font or just include your font if licensing permits.
  14. KSP 64bit is actually pretty stable, but yes it's still "experimental" as far as Unity are concerned, it just happens to work for Linux but not Windows or Mac yet. It'll still crash for some people, but if it works for you then great
  15. jamie, I'm pretty sure the KSP.exe included with the Linux build isn't going to work as it's missing a few Windows specific files from the KSP folder, you'll need the actual Windows KSP download. Niri, not sure on that one, can you try the localisation fix instead first?
  16. Totally agree, KSP really needs Kerbal analogues for many real life probe parts, arms, mini chemistry sets, spectrometers, even radio receivers to listen to Jool. More science can't be bad
  17. I don't think it's possible to have a discussion like this without including politics, unfortunately political discussion always leads to arguments and flaming, also this is not science. Sorry guys, this thread has to come to a close.
  18. jamie92, sorry to say but the LC_ALL=C thing is a Unity bug, our only fix is to use that command to set KSP to use posix compatible mode, also KSP on Linux should work and does for many people, though it's only really officially supported on Ubuntu 12.04 and higher. The Windows version will run fine in Wine, minus joystick control and with iffy shadows, but it'll run. Your hardware is using different drivers on Linux compared to Windows, so there will be differences, as for Mono, when Wine says it needs to install Mono, let it.
  19. You just need to change the file extension, nothing difficult
  20. There's a lot of different hardware out there and Linux distributions differ, unfortunately issues occur and it's not guaranteed that KSP will work on everyone's machine. Look for the player.log, it may hold more info on this.
  21. ShadyAct, philotical, don't turn this into an argument thread please.
  22. jamie92, it's likely the re-entry heat effect, it does not work on some Intel cards and needs to be disabled in the settings screen.
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