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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Eh I really don't know about this, you're not supposed to abuse the rep system and this is wide open for it despite the "Every forum member is allowed to participate only once here" comment. Hold on while I check.
  2. Good work there WalrusPilot, I like the detail like the window glint and tangled parachute cords
  3. To take this a step further, you'd have resource mining in KSP to get materials to build rocket parts and make fuel, but where's the need for this? It'd just be for moving more resource gathering parts around, to get materials to build rocket parts and make fuel, which is a dull "timewarp till you have enough minerals" exercise. We'd be pretty much where we were before career, but with the added hassle of waiting for mining to complete before launching the next big rocket, lather, rinse, repeat. Instead, with science, contracts and reputation you have a system that gives you goals and rewards you for playing, it's not just a game mechanic to enable you to build stuff and zerg rush, I mean fly rockets, it becomes the reason we send rockets up to begin with.
  4. Thankfully we'll never know what pauldbk99 thinks Kerbals do in their free time, oh and pauldbk99, keep it clean yeah?
  5. To technicalfool, Battlezone's great, actually it's really great and everyone should own a copy, but again the resource gathering is just so you can make combat units, your bio-metal extractor sits there doing its thing while you drive tanks. Sure mining can be on rails, then it's no different to going afk in EVE or forgetting about your Harvesters, mining in all those games is a means to an end, not the end itself, and in KSP we'll have contracts and science to provide meat to the game without a mechanism that just rewards afk gaming.
  6. Resource mining, this topic keeps coming up but have you really thought how much fun something like this would be? Let's look at resource gathering in some other games, as a game mechanic it's a long way from new. I'm going to go way back here and bring up Command & Conquer, not the first RTS certainly, Dune beat it by a few years but definitely one of the earliest and best known games to introduce resource gathering so you can build other stuff, and the mechanic was reused in nearly all RTS games since including the beloved Homeworld. Build a harvester unit, leave it to its own fate, get on with other stuff, fun stuff like building your base, tank rushes.... Sometimes you'd point the harvester at specific tiberium fields, sometimes you'd assign a few combat units to guard it, you'd never want to actually drive it. Only remember it when you're short on resources for your Mammoth. With Homeworld it's the same, send a harvester to an asteroid or let it roam free, assign the occasional guard, build a new one if it gets blown up, forget it and do fun stuff that isn't resource gathering. Warcraft is the same, as is almost every other RTS with resource gathering, it's a side to the meat of the game, like the little side salads you get at restaurants, it's not the steak you ordered but you eat it anyway. Then there's games where resource gathering is more hands on, like in EVE online. Set up your hauler of choice with your little mining laser, then go AFK or fly as your alt while the miner zaps a rock for a few hours, no one actually sits there and presses the trigger for every mining laser blast, they'd be mad with boredom. There's a very good reason why this didn't sell.... Other games too like World of Warcraft, gathering basic resources is a long slow boring grind and players only do it until they don't have to anymore. Even Minecraft, while caving and extracting the minerals you find on the way can be fun, it's the exploration that's fun, not the mining, when players stripmine they use TNT, they get friends to help, they use MCedit... Resource mining really isn't that great.
  7. Not tried texture replacer yet, what's in your KSP.log Spartan?
  8. You could hack gravity or install stuff, or you could send a probe with ladders on it to land next to the rover, allowing Jeb to climb up
  9. The pod ladder is on the right hand side by the way, the one you see on the left is just part of the texture.
  10. Good luck with the build Chiboko, this looks like a big project.
  11. Hi patfree14094, I think your challenge could benefit immensely if you provided a scenario file with a craft already in a situation that entrants needed to save it from. All you need to do is get a craft in a suitable orbit and quicksave, rename the quicksave and upload it somewhere, players can drop the file in their scenarios folder and try their best, and reset the scenario if things go wrong
  12. You'll need a license Porkjet, please add one pronto, also I had to fix your link.
  13. Bludclot, please keep within the forum rules, your post can be considered in breach of 2.2D, thank you.
  14. Moved to the Lounge as this isn't really science, also please avoid any flaming, arguments, excessive politics, advocacy, avocados and both general and major disquiet please.
  15. Guys, remember to start a new thread in future please
  16. Oh jeeze Roderik this is a blatant scam. This is so familiar, I'm sure this site was posted by Psycho529 the other day, don't give these con artists the publicity guys.
  17. Yep, well done for passing advanced linking, enjoy your new skills
  18. Well the way I do it is by first highlighting the text I want to use for the link, then clicking the link button, when you put your URL in and hit "OK" you'll get your chosen text added to the URL automatically. Then I usually hit the bold button to make the link more visible, it's possible to add colour to the link as well.
  19. Yep, that's it, and the URL can be used with the link button as well.
  20. Check for the little number to the top right of each post, click it and you'll get a new URL for that post which you can then use to link back to it
  21. Have you tried dropping the TTF in the Assets folder? Apparently that's how it's done. Edit: Forgot you're trying to force KSP to load a new font.
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